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Word count~ 682



"Oi Trevor wake up" Falael kicks Trevor on the leg enough for him to wake up. Trevor groans, and slowly sat up. He grabbed his head in pain holding onto the tree as a support as he got up. "Tch, c'mon you oaf" Falael rolled her eyes walking towards the clearing. Trevor sluggishly followed, holding his temple with two of his finger in pain.

"Oh" Trevor groans trying to ignore the migraine. "Bloody Gresit" he mumbled mostly to himself at the scene in front of him. "Tch" Falael grunted in disgust on how filthy the landscape had become. Death could be smelled everywhere, and honestly it's irritating Falael too no end. Her nostrils are burning by the smell, and her having a sensitive nose is not helping in the slightest. "Last stop between me and starvation, the next town's stop is 40 bloody miles away" Trevor groans in dismay, and look towards Falael. "C'mon let's make the trip quick, I'm not very fond of this City" Falael glared at the city having a bad feeling about what's within.

As in queue screeching can be heard threw out the land. Both Trevor and Falael grunts at the pack of goblins, Falael notices that one of them has a dead baby in it's mouth blood dripping from where the teeth is lodged in. The goblin bites harder on to the corpse, and runs off with it's pack following along.

Suddenly Falael hears a woman screaming in pure terror. "Damn that woman knows how to scream" she mumbled to herself. Falael hears Trevor snort and turned her head facing him he just shrugged, and started walking towards the city.


"No one's getting in, nor getting out. Pretty sure they won't just do that to deny me breakfast" Trevor mused staring at the blocked up gates, he started walking towards the side of the city walls. Falael huffs knowing they have to find another way, and dear mother does she hope is not going to be threw the shit pipes.


Falael groans in disgust seeing that the shit pipes is the only way in. "You got to be fucking kidding me" Falael grumbles holding up the ends of her cape, and jumping from log to log until she landed on the edge of the wall. Trevor chuckled at her, looking in he grunts and quickly got out of the way just in time.

"God forbid you should warn anyone before emptying your fucking shit pots." He grunts in disgust climbing into the pipes with Falael following. Falael hold her breath knowing that if she breathe in threw her sensitive nose she'd throw up all over Trevor. Not that he don't already smell like it. "Tch disgusting" she mumbled wishing to stab something right about now.

"Never thought I'd be so hungry to climb threw a shit pipe in pursuit for breakfast with a lovely friend of mine" Trevor grunted in disgust groaning in pain when Falael kicked him in the ass hearing her hiss at him as a warning to keep his mouth shut. Falael sighs in relief climbing out of the shit pipe and quietly landed on the ground, seeing a guard guarding the entrance.

Trevor saw the guard and got his weapon ready holding the knife downwards, Falael slowly reached over to her knife that is strapped on her leg. Her hands hovered over the weapon just in case if things get a bit ugly. Trevor slowly sneak up to the guard about to strike him down before he realized that the guard was asleep. He smirked a bit and waved his hand over the guards sleeping face. Falael rolled her eyes, and started walking past Trevor. "Well that makes this more easier" Trevor flipped his knife and put it on it's sheath walking along with Falael.

Falael and Trevor stopped and looked over the city. A cold breeze had swept by making Trevor pull his coat closer around him. 'Tch' Falael nose scrunched up at the putrid smell of the city, and started walking down the stairs along with Trevor.

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