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"we're here"

  A huge open are, with bookshelves filled to the brim

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A huge open are, with bookshelves filled to the brim. In the middle of the walkway is a green orb. Emitting a low gleam, the three looked around the area in aw'. Sypha speed walked towards the orb, she held a huge smile and her eyes gleaming with fascination. Still focused on the green orb, she didn't sense Falael walking towards her, until she's standing next to her. "What is this" Sypha question not sure if she should touch the orb. "A portal. Choose a location you would want to go, and it'll take you to your destination." Falael answered, having a distant look. "We should look for information" Falael abruptly stated, turning away from the orb, and heading towards the closest bookshelf.  The three looked at each other in question, but decided not to pry.


They've been in the sanctuary for hours, searching for information about the castle. The only thing they could find was a slight briefing on when it has been created and by whom, but that's pretty much it. It was until dark when they decided to rest from searching, and sleep. The sanctuary was fairly quiet, besides the silent snores from Sypha, but other than that it has been quiet. Falael was currently walking around the sanctuary, not able to sleep she decided to juts roam around the area. She walked towards the flight of stairs, leading towards rows, and rows of bookshelves. She grabbed a book that seems to be written in foreign language, well for others, but to her she understands it perfectly. She leaned against the balcony that's overlooking the orb, with the book opened.

She didn't bother to stop her reading when she hears footsteps coming her way. She would assume that it could be Trevor or Alucard, consider Sypha is worn out from all the excitement she had expressed today. Her assumptions where correct when Alucard approaches her to stand next to her. He looks at the book that she's reading, and furrow his brows. Not understanding a single thing on the book. The only thing he sees is some lines that seems together, or have a bit of space between them, or it having a dot next to the lines. He tilted his head a bit, starting to get a little frustrated for not being able to understand. Falael glance at Alucard from the corner of her eye, finding his frustration amusing. "Don't bother. You won't be able to decipher it, no matter how much you try." Falael mused, looking back to her book. "If you mind me asking, what is this language? I've never seen this before, nor do I have the slightest clue on what it is about." Alucard stares at Falael, giving her a curious look. Falael stares at Alucard for a while before shaking her head a bit, and leaning over a bit towards him. "It's the language of the dragon's. Of course it's odd to have a book of said language, when dragon's never read a book or make one. In fact, the reason why you never recognize this language is because the very first Alavara created the language. Decided to write everything about dragon's in it's language. This been going on for centuries, until the massacre of my ancestors Homeland." Falael abruptly stops and blush a bit from realization. Alucard only stares at her in aw' from the odd view. Not that he doesn't like it or anything. "Apologies, I realized that I have been rambling." Alucard can only stare at her in slight shock, not expecting for that to be the reason on why she's blushing. "It's quiet alright, in fact I'm even more curious about your family history." Alucard explains slowly learning closer, until both of their shoulders are touching. Falael tenses from the contact, not use to having someone so close (besides Trevor).

When Falael turns her head to face him, she realize on how exactly close they're. Their face only centimeters away. Falael eyes widen a bit from shock, not expecting to be so close. She notices Alucard glancing at her eyes then to her lips, the gesture makes her heart skip a beat a bit. The action of her heart startles her a bit, not use to the odd feeling. Hell, she never experience this around Trevor. It makes her even more curious on what would happen if she leans in a bit, pressing her lips against his.

Alucard suddenly leans away, noticing her glances towards his lips. He smirks a bit deciding to tease her, with a wink he walks away from her. His smirk widens when he hears a 'huff' satisfied form her actions. Falael glared at the back of his head, and letting out a loud 'huff'. Suddenly she starts smirking and leans back against the railing with the book closed. 'Ooh, that's how your going to play huh. Fine two can play that game.' Falael hums and tilts her head back, staring at the ceiling.


"We've been here for hours, and we still haven't gotten a slightest clue about the castle." Sypha sighs starting to get a bit frustrated. Falael only grunted, starting to get annoyed by her whining. She went up to a case that's hidden from plain sight, and insert a key that she always carries around.
A clicking noise could be heard, signaling that the case have been opened. Falael pushed the top off, and stared at the equipment inside. She took out two 9mm pistol, checking and making sure that the magazine is in. She also made sure that their was enough magazine in case if she runs out.

She senses the three approaching. Not wanting to explain about the weapon in her hand, she quickly puts them in there holster that is wrapped around her waist. And puts the extra magazine in a pouch. She stands up from her kneeling position, and stretches. Pops and cracks could be heard coming from her back, making her hiss a bit. She turns around to see the trio looking around in fascination. The case was surrounded by other cases, except these were made out of glass. Trinkets, jewels, weapons, and books could be seen from the case. Sypha being interested in the books, Trevor with the weapons, and surprisingly Alucard with the jewels. 

Falael walks up to the trio, and clears her throat. The three tearing their gazes off the items that intrigued them, to Falael. "We will be leaving in a few hours. If you're interested in anything that seems to catch your eye. Then feel free to get them, although they're some items that would be too dangerous for you to take. Especially the ones in the cases." Falael look at all three of them before smirking. "Run along now, we only have a few hours to research, and get some items that would interest you, and that would be beneficial." Falael walks away heading towards the very back of the room, that is as well, filled with books. Except these seems to be even more old out of all the books in the sanctuary.

Having a specific book in mind, she skimmed threw the books. It took her a while before finding it, and of course just like the others. The book is as well old, and being covered by layers and layers of dust. With a swipe all the dust on the front of the book went flying making a little cloud of dust making Falael cringe a bit. She looks at the title of the book she is holding and smile, grateful that she managed to find the correct one.

"Dovah Summoning"


Word count~ 1277

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