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Word count~ 2938


Sumi and Taka stared at the three make shift dolls with an odd look, and backed away when Alucard called them. "Don't look at those." He watches as the duo back off, and walk towards him. With a slight smile on his face he raises the wine bottle, and the three wine glasses that he's holding. "Sumi. Taka." The two nodded. With a smile Alucard places the items on the table, and poured some wine onto the wine glass.

"Hmm. I'm just getting used to saying names again." He said as he sat onto a chair watching as the two take the wine glass. "How long have you been on your own?" Taka question as he sit next to sumi. With a solemn look Alucard picks up the glass of wine, "Oh, years. Or possibly a couple of months." He took a sip from his wine, and set it down onto the table. "So, you've seen the parlous condition of my home." Alucard said as gestured to the room. "It wasn't what we expected." Sumi said as she glanced towards Taka who glanced back at her. Alucard picked up his glass of wine, and stared into the drink. "Well... There was a small battle." Alucard said with a blank look. Taka leaned in, and placed his arm on his table, "It must have been a legendary battle." He said watching Alucard's reaction who was still staring into the glass of wine. "Mostly just desperate and sad." He dejectedly said as the two stared at him in question. "What exactly happened to the mechanism that moves the castle?" The female pried, Alucard looked up from his drink, and gestured towards the two female dolls. "She melted it, and she helped on doing so." The two looked at the three dolls in confusion. Alucard pauses before leaning back in his chair before inhaling and exhaling. "Never mind." He mutters as he glanced to the side. "So you were part of the court of this vampire you call Cho?" He questioned the two wanting to avoid on what happened a few seconds ago.

The female agreed, and explained on what happened in their capture. And, on what she had done. "If she's truly dead, then other vampires will eventually take her court over. And our freedom will mean nothing." Taka finished looking down on the table solemnly while holding hands with Sumi. With a moment of silence Sumi looked up from the table, and looked at Alucard, "We need a friend, Alucard."

He narrowed his eyes before picking up his wine glass, and downing half of it. "You need instruction. Perhaps one or two weapons." He leaned a bit mischievous glinting in his eyes with a slight smirk showing of his fangs, "Maybe learn a little of magic?" The two looked at him in disbelief, "magic?" Taka muttered. Before a smile appeared on his face, "Really?"

"Magic. What do we think?" He said with a smile.


Falael hummed a small tune as she watches saint Germain from her leaning position against one of the lamps walk up the steps towards the church. 'What is he up too.' Falael thought as she narrowed her eyes. Suddenly she heard a pair of footsteps coming in. She turned her head to see Sypha and Trevor approaching. Noticing that they haven't seen her she let out a faint smirk as they passed her, arguing about something. Pushing herself off the pole she walked behind them, and placed her hand on both of their arms startling them. They spun around and Falael leaned back as they got defensive. "Woah now. Easy there, don't want you to poke someone eye out with that now do we." Falael said with amusement as Trevor had his morning star out, and ready if needed to be used. Trevor grumbled, and glared at Falael before putting it away. "So, what do you think your doing. You both know that your not exactly welcomed in the church... Or rather what's left of it." Falael muttered the last few words. "Well, Trevor here wants to see if he could find any kind of information from the church." Sypha said in giving Trevor a look as he grumbled about it being a solid plan. "Oh? And how are you supposed to do that, hmm? They won't offer information to anyone that isn't apart of the church." Falael said giving Trevor a narrowed look as she crosses her arms. "He wants to play as a spy, and eavesdropped to their plans." The female said making Falael snort a bit, and watch as Trevor goes pink on the cheeks making Sypha grin, "Look when you say it like that it sounds as if it was a terrible plan." Trevor said making Falael smirk, "That's because it is a terrible plan." Falael teased making Trevor groan.

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