She was surprised to see them, a smile made its way automatically onto her face hearing Hobi's cheerful greeting. Although just next to her, the boy that was once avidly flirting with her was groaning in annoyance by their presence.

"Morning Hana." Each one of them greeted happily until the maknae's entered snickering to themselves.

"Why are you lot here." Yoongi spoke, back to his deadpan expression and voice.

"Aren't you happy to see us hyung!" Jimin teased while Taehyung and Jungkook tried to stop laughing from behind him.

"Aish! Whatever. You can do what you want." Yoongi flopped down onto the bed, a pillow covered his face. He had given up.

"You're not the only one who got a free day off Yoongi hyung." Hobi chuckled and made his way over to Hana.

"Here Hana! Flowers for the prettiest flower." He winked and handed her a bouquet of white and pink tulips.

"Hobi, this is beautiful! Thank you." She smiled from ear to ear as she examined the bouquet.

"But aren't you guys busy?" She asked.

"We are starting from tomorrow, we have a tour coming up so I'm sorry Hana, we'll be pretty busy from now on." Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck nervously. She recalled what he had said to her last night, and what the others felt about her too.

During this time she scanned each member, once they met her eyes they broke out in big grins, looking exceptionally happier. She flushed once she realized Namjoon was right all along.


"Y-yeah?" She looked up to see Kookie, sit beside her on the bed. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, surprising her.

"Thanks for all the gifts." He smiled widely, his adorable bunny teeth showing.

"N-no problem Kookie." She stuttered.

Yoongi peered at them before he got up and wrapped his arm around Hana. As if exerting his dominance on the maknae. Jungkook shot him a look while Yoongi nonchalantly looked away with a smirk. Jungkook was about to say something before Jin cut in.

"Okay okay, let's do something fun today!" Jin spoke up before it got too tense, he shot Yoongi a look. Yoongi just sighed and leaned his head back.

"Is there something you'd like to do Hana?" Namjoon asked, smiling at her sweetly.

She pondered for a moment before shrugging. She couldn't think of anything to do until she looked out her window, the familiar Ferris wheel. She quickly picked her phone up to check the date, the others waiting for her answer, curious.

"Today's the last day of the Summer Faire ! They'll have fireworks tonight and people would be dressed in Hanboks !" She gleamed. She's always wanted to attend the final day of the faire, it always seemed so beautiful when she watched on television. Until it dawned upon her.

"Oh but it would be dangerous for all of you to be seen in such a big crowd." She whispered. "I'm sorry I didn't think of that." She but her lip apologetically.

"No, that actually sounds like fun, I'm sure we can work something out." Namjoon smiled.

"I haven't been to the summer faire since I was a kid." Jin spoke being nostalgic about it.

"I think it's a good idea. Something big to commemorate the start of our world tour as well." Yoongi pondered for a moment.

"Alright let me talk to Sejin hyung to see what we can do." Namjoon said before heading out of the room.

"So what shall we do during the day though? Since that's only at night." Hobi asked.

Everyone was quiet, unsure what to do. Each of them wracked their brain but since this day off was rather sudden, none of them had particularly good ideas.

"Alright, Sejin hyung said we're able to attend the Faire but on one condition." Namjoon appeared back into the room again sighing.

"What is it hyung." Taehyung asked, holding one of her Tata plushies in his arms.

"In order for us to be seen there, we'll need to showcase a mini performance. That way we can have a private area for the fireworks viewing. So for the rest of the day we need to prep." He crosses his arms and leans back against the wall.

The others groaned in disappointment, they always had to work on any occasion. It was frustrating that they couldn't enjoy public spaces anymore, especially as a group. They were worried about Hana, she really wanted to go.

"I think that would be amazing" she voiced as her eyes sparkled, she had never seen any of them perform live before, it was an opportunity she couldn't miss. "But of course, if all of you aren't keen on doing it—"

"We'll do it." Yoongi cut in.

"I'm in as well hyung. Specially if Hana wants to go." Jungkook also piped up, shooting a glare at Yoongi, Yoongi scoffed and shook his head.

"Yeah I want to see the fireworks!" Taehyung beamed, Jimin agreed too.

"Hobi? Jin hyung?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, I'm in." Hobi smiled widely.

"Anything for our dearest Hana." Jin sweetly smiled at her.

"Alright, that's settled. I'll let Sejin hyung know, then we need to be on our way to the fitting and practice." Namjoon nodded smiling and then turned to Hana, "Want to come Hana?"

She nodded the most enthusiastic nod anyone could muster. She was extremely excited for today, something she would never be able to experience ever again.

Taehyung and Jimin chuckled at her adorableness, the others couldn't help but have huge grins plastered on their faces.

"Alright let me ask your doctor and Sena before we head off okay?"

"Okay!!" She shouted enthusiastically, the biggest smile on her face.

A/N: Summers sadly coming to an end! 😭 my poor Hana.

Thank you to everyone for supporting my book! I hope all of you continue to shower it with the love that all of you have been 🥰 —

It's been really nice to have small conversations with everyone who has spoken, it's so pleasant to be able to share this journey with you all.

I have another surprise drawing coming up! Please look forward to it ^^

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