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ELLIE walked into the great hall and saw a familiar face at the Ravenclaw table

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ELLIE walked into the great hall and saw a familiar face at the Ravenclaw table. However, the face was asleep. Fred Weasley. Ellie chuckled for a moment and slammed her book on the table.
"Georgie, five more minutes." Fred groaned.
"It's Ellie." Ellie shot.
Fred opened his eyes and looked around confused. He saw Ellie looking at him and smiled.
"Hi." He mumbled in a very raspy voice.
"Is there a reason you're sleeping on the Ravenclaw table?" Ellie queried, as she sat down next to him.
"I'm going to be honest with you. Wood made me wake up so early for quidditch that I just went to a random table to fall asleep." Fred explained.
"Your tie." Ellie spoke.
"What?" Fred queried.
"You're wearing your tie with your quidditch uniform." Ellie said, pointing towards Fred's tie.
"Oh." Fred shot. Then he put his tie in his pocket.
"What day is it?" Fred queried.
"Saturday." Ellie reminded him. Fred just nodded.
"Since I'm here can I have toast?" Fred asked.
"Yeah sure I don't care." Ellie spoke. Fred grinned and grabbed a piece.
"Why are you up so early anyway?" Fred queried.
"Fred it's 8:30." Ellie said.
"Well then why are there practically no people here?" Fred asked.
"Quidditch tryouts." Ellie exclaimed.
"Wow I'm shocked you didn't try out." Fred replied sarcastically with a smirk.
"Oh shut it." Ellie shot while Fred smiled.
Just then there was someone made a fake cough.
Daphne Greengrass , who was with Blaise Zabini.
"Hey." Ellie said. Fred looked up at them and his eyes widened.
"What's he doing here?" Daphne queried. This made Fred very intimidated. Ellie however didn't notice that.
"I found him asleep here." Ellie spoke with a laugh. She saw Blaise smirk and Daphne giggled.
"I'm going to go see you later Elle." Fred exclaimed. Then he quickly walked away and glared at Blaise.
Blaise just chuckled and sat next to Ellie. Daphne going on the other side of her.
"Someone seems jealous" Blaise advised. Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"Oh please. Stop being stupid Blaise." Ellie shot. Blaise just chuckled again.
"He was definitely intimidated by us though." Daphne spoke.
"Yeah he was. I mean he's a Gryffindor. Lions can be cowards." Ellie said. Which led the two Slytherins to chuckle.
"What did you do with the note?" Blaise whispered.
"Nothing." Ellie whispered back. Blaise just rolled his eyes while Daphne just eyed them.
"What are you guys talking about?" Daphne queried.
"A note her secret admirer gave to her." Blaise advised. Daphne grinned.
"Do you still have it?" Daphne questioned.
"Um I think it's crumpled up in my bag somewhere." Ellie spoke. But that was enough for Daphne. She quickly grabbed Ellie's bag and looked for the note.
She found it and it was all crumpled up.
Then she quickly opened it.
"Oh my god." Daphne muttered under her breath.
"What?" Ellie queried.
"That is so sweet Ellie!" She shot.
"I don't know it just seems like a decent note." Ellie admitted. Blaise just scoffed and took the note.
"This was written stupidly. If I liked someone I would just straight up tell them." Blaise advised.
Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"Yeah sure." She spoke. Blaise just glared at her while Daphne smiled.
"Oh Blaise one day you'll find someone." Daphne spoke patting his back, and he glared at her.
"Where are all the Ravenclaws?" Blaise asked.
"Oh um I think that there's quidditch tryouts today." Ellie explained.
"Why didn't you try out?" Blaise queried.
"You're hilarious." Ellie shot. Blaise just smirked.
"If you excuse me I'm going to sit with Pansy. I have to do a stupid project with her." Blaise exclaimed and walked away.
"Wow you aren't going with Blaise. Shocker." Ellie spoke sarcastically.
"Oh shut it. I'm shocked you weren't flirting with Weasley longer." Daphne admitted. Ellie just looked at her.
"We weren't flirting." Ellie shot.
"Then why was there a lot of smirking and smiles?" Daphne queried, teasingly.
"Well friends can smirk and smile Daphne." Ellie spoke. Daphne just rolled her eyes.
"Still, I wouldn't be shocked if you secretly fancy him." Daphne admitted taking one of Ellie's muffins. Ellie just rolled her eyes.
Chase quickly sat down next to Ellie. Looking more excited than usual.
"What's up with you?" Ellie asked. Daphne looking at him.
"Well you know how Hufflepuff had quidditch tryouts?" Chase queried.
"Yeah." Ellie spoke.
"Well I got keeper! Of course Hannah Abbot was being snobby and said I only got it because Cedric's  captain. But Cedric said it was because I'm pure talent!" Chase exclaimed.
"Well that's great Chase." Ellie exclaimed. Chase smiled and noticed Daphne and his face fell a bit.
"Hi um. Daphne is it?" Chase questioned, and he held out a hand.
"Yes." Daphne responded, going to shake his hand. Then there was a shock when their hands both touched. Chase's eyes widened and Daphne glared at him.
"Ow." Daphne shot.
"Oh um sorry." Chase apologized quickly. Daphne just stared at him blankly.
"It's ok I suppose." Daphne replied. Chase just gave her a small smile.
He leaned into Ellie's ear.
"She scares me." He whispered.
"Oh shut it." Ellie shot.
Chase just raised his eyebrows while Ellie rolled her eyes.
ELLIE was currently with Cedric in the library.
"You really should have tried out for Ravenclaws team." Cedric spoke.
"No." Ellie shot.
Cedric just put his hands up in defense.
"Okay! Calm down Ms.Feisty." Cedric shot. Ellie just glared at him.
All of a sudden the Gryffindor quidditch team walked up to the table.
"Smith!" Wood shot.
"Hi." Ellie spoke.
"Where is your brother?" Oliver queried.
"I don't know why?" Ellie asked.
"I told you she'd be useless." Angelina muttered.
"That's a bit rude." Cedric whispered.
Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"He's probably with his friends in the corridors or with Rosie." Ellie spoke.
"Thank you." Oliver spoke then looked at Cedric. "We are not loosing to you again!" Oliver shot. Cedric just smiled.
"Okay Wood whatever you say." Cedric spoke with a laugh.
"Why do you need my brother anyway?" Ellie queried.
"Um- well you see." Wood stuttered.
"He said something about how he-." Harry Potter started but then Wood covered his mouth.
"What did I tell you about speaking to the enemy Harry." Wood spoke with a laugh. Ellie and Cedric just looked at each other confused.
"You act like I'm on the quidditch team." Ellie shot.
"You didn't try out?" Oliver questioned. Cedric and Ellie laughed. "What?" Oliver shot.
"Ellie and quidditch. Oliver I knew that you were stupid but I didn't think you were that stupid." Cedric said.
"Oh shut it." Oliver shot and walked away.
The Weasley twins were about to leave with them but George stayed back and Fred looked confused.
"Hi George." Ellie spoke.
Fred stared at his brother.
"You can tell the difference?" Cedric queried. "Impressive." Cedric spoke.
"I found out which Slytherin likes you." George spoke.
"Really?" Ellie and Fred said at the same time. Ellie glared at Fred while he looked away.
"Yes in fact he was in here a few minutes ago when we came in." George admitted.
"Wait hold up. Someone likes you and you didn't tell me!" Cedric shot.
"Cedric I did. You were just too busy moping over-." Ellie started.
"Ok got it Ellie." Cedric spoke.
"Anyways just thought I'd let you know who it was." George smirked and started to walk away. Fred just stood there for a moment.
"Did you know about this?" Cedric asked.
Fred quickly shook his head and walked to George.
"That was weird." Ellie spoke.
"You are not wrong. Anyway I found somewhere we could hang out." Cedric stated.
"What do you mean?" Ellie asked.
"Well Chase, Jane, you, and me could go to this one spot." Cedric whispered so no one could hear him.
"Ok where?" Ellie asked.
"I don't think you're going to like it though." Cedric spoke.
"Why?" Ellie asked.
"Moaning Myrtle." Cedric mumbled.
"I'm sorry what?" Ellie asked.
"Moaning Myrtle." Cedric sighed.
"The girls bathroom?" Ellie asked with a smirk.
"Hey would you rather be here?" Cedric shot. Ellie sighed in agreement and Cedric smiled.
"Let's go!" Cedric shot in excitement.
"Wait are they already there?" Ellie queried.
"Maybe." Cedric replied with a smirk.
Ellie rolled her eyes and they both started walking towards the girls bathroom.
The two walked in and Ellie spotted Chase and Jane.
"Ellie, thank god you're here. Jane won't shut up." Chase spoke. Jane glared at him while Ellie and Cedric laughed.
"Um Chase why don't you talk with me for a bit." Cedric spoke and took Chase to the corner of the bathroom.
"Hey I haven't seen you around much." Ellie told Jane.
"Well you have been spending a lot of time with snakes." Jane spoke. Ellie just stared at her.
"Are you jealous?" Ellie asked.
"No! I'm just saying that I think you've been spending too much time with our enemies." Jane shot.
"Enemy? Jane, what are we five." Ellie exclaimed with a laugh.
"No. I still think they aren't trustworthy. I mean whenever I'm there at breakfast you guys are always whispering." Jane protested. Cedric and Chase had started to watch the girls.
"And you think we're talking about you?" Ellie queried.
"Frankly yes." Jane shot.
"But we're not!" Ellie shot back.
"Really? Then why do you guys whisper?" Jane yelled.
"Well maybe because they don't want to share their secrets with some people." Ellie suggested softly. She hated fighting. And she didn't want to fight with her best friend.
"Oh so what secrets can you not tell me. You know that dude who probably has a crush on you is probably forcing them!" Jane admitted. Ellie's face fell.
"What are you saying?" Ellie asked.
"Well maybe Ellie, people sometimes pretend to like other people for a favor." Jane shot.
"So you think that Daphne and Blaise are pretending to be my friends?" Ellie asked.
"Yes." Jane shot and she grabbed her bag and stormed off.
Chase was about to go after her but Cedric stopped him.
"I'll go." Cedric exclaimed. Chase nodded and went next to Ellie.
"You okay?" Chase asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine, I just don't know why she's like this." Ellie exclaimed.
Chase just smiled at her softly.
"She kind of has a point. Not that I agree with her but you are hanging out with them more than you are with her." Chase explained.
"I know. Which is why I wanted to talk to her more but I can never find her. It's like she's hiding something." Ellie spoke.
"Hiding something?" Chase queried.
"I don't know." Ellie admitted and she slid down the wall. Chase doing the same.
"It'll be ok." Chase assured and he smiled at her and she did the same.
"Are you not going to cry?" Chase asked.
"Why would I cry?" Ellie queried.
Chase just chuckled and Ellie put her head on his shoulder.
The special thing about Ellie and Chase's bond is that they have a sibling relationship.
Just then Ellie heard a giggle.
"Wow I thought I saw people. Where is that other dashing young boy?" Moaning Myrtle queried.
"Hi Myrtle." Chase spoke.
"Are you two dating?" She queried with a giggle.
"No." Ellie spoke.
"Oh so that means he's available?" She giggled.
"Yeah sure." Ellie spoke with a laugh. Then she started to grab her things.
"Hey Ellie!" Chase shot.
"Sorry." Ellie apologized with a laugh. Then she quickly left the bathroom.
FRED was currently sitting in the corridors by himself bored out of his mind. He didn't know what to do because George was currently tutoring some stupid first year Gryffindor.
He was sitting down when he saw Ellie walking by herself looking a bit stressed.
"You look happy." Fred called out.
Ellie looked down at him and glared.
"Extremely." Ellie replied sarcastically.
Fred smiled at her.
"Want to talk about it?" Fred asked.
"No it's fine. I can handle this by myself." Ellie spoke.
"Are you sure Fred asked.
"Yes Fred." Ellie shot.
"Easy there Elle!" Fred shot.
"Fine I'll go!" Ellie shot back about to leave.
"Hey." Fred shot and stood up. "What's wrong?" Fred asked, looking at her.
"I got in a fight with Jane. But I'm sure i'll be ok." Ellie exclaimed with a smile.
"Let me guess she's jealous?" Fred queried.
"How'd you know that?" Ellie asked.
"Lucky guess. Me and Lee went through something similar. He was jealous of how close me and Oliver Wood were. Then I assured him that people can have multiple friends." Fred explained to her.
"She thinks that I'm not telling her secrets." Ellie spoke.
Fred paused for a moment then he leaned against the wall.
"I would say I don't blame her. Be honest with me. Are you?" Fred asked.
"No! Only the ones Blaise and Daphne tell me to swear not to. And it's theirs." Ellie explained. Fred just stared at her for a moment.
"I get it. I mean I know why she's mad but you shouldn't tell other people's secrets." Fred replied.
"Thanks for helping. Sort of." Ellie smiled. Fred just chuckled.
"No problem Elle." Fred responded.
"I should get going. I need to meet up with Rosie. Apparently next week it's her and Jake's anniversary So she wants me to help pick out a present." Ellie exclaimed.
"How?" Fred asked.
"If I'm being honest I don't know." Ellie spoke with a laugh.
Fred chuckled.
"Well I won't keep you. Have fun picking out someone's gift considering you can't go to stores." Fred teased.
"Whatever." Ellie replied sarcastically.
"Well Elle maybe you should tell your sister you don't want to go." Fred exclaimed.
"Okay so when I do it tell Jane she's not invited to my funeral." Ellie exclaimed.
Fred laughed and stared at Ellie.
"Well I hope you don't die." Fred smirked.
Ellie then smiled at him.
"Like I said. Have to go." Ellie spoke.
"Bye Elle." Fred spoke. Then he watched her walk away.
He just stood in the middle of the corridor thinking.
How did George know who liked her? And how did he find out?
Just then a random boy bumped into Fred.
"Hey!" Fred yelled. He turned around and saw the boy walk off.
He couldn't catch a proper glimpse. He thought he saw a Slytherin tie but he just shrugged the thought off.
"Freddie?" George questioned.
"Hi." Fred spoke and he turned to face his brother.
"Do you know who just walked by me?" Fred asked.
"I didn't see anyone." George advised. Fred looked back for a second.
"No, I swear I saw someone. He was shorter and then he bumped into me." Fred admitted.
"I think you're going crazy mate." George replied. Fred just shook his head.
"Come on let's go." George exclaimed.
He put his hand on Fred's back. Fred quickly shoved it off.
"When are you going to tell me who likes her?" Fred asked sternly.
"Freddie, look I just can't tell you." George spoke.
"Why? Is it because it's the Malfoy prat?" Fred asked.
"Ew no not him." George said.
"Well then who is it?" Fred questioned.
"A boy. Who happens to be in Slytherin. Who also happens to be in Ellie's year. And also likes her. A lot." George explained, looking at Fred with a meaningful look.
"What part of who likes her do you understand?" Fred shot.
George just rolled his eyes.
"Ok drama queen let's go." George exclaimed. Fred just rolled his eyes and walked with his brother. Then the both of them walked to the Gryffindor common room.
"You know i'll tell you eventually right?" George queried.
"Yeah. I just think it would be better if you just told me now." Fred spoke.
"Oh just shut up." George replied. Fred just glared at him.
Then the two walked in and saw Lee.
"Hey. Guess what?" Lee asked.
"What?" Fred queried and he sat next to Lee.
"I asked Angelina out again." Lee spoke.
"Let me guess she said no?" George asked.
"Yeah." Lee frowned.
"Lee maybe you're just looking at the wrong crowd." Fred suggested.
"What do you mean?" Lee asked. George just shook his head at Fred.
"Maybe you're into boys." Fred suggested.
"What are you trying to say?" Lee asked.
"I'm not saying only boys. You could like girls and boys." Fred explained.
"What's that called?" Lee asked.
"Bisexual." George spoke.
"My mum would hate me." Lee spoke.
"No she wouldn't." Fred assured him.
"And hey if anything happens my mom will let you move in. I think." George exclaimed.
Lee smiled at them.
"Look I'll think about it. And as soon as I find out I'll let you know." Lee explained, then he walked away to the dorms.
"Wow. I was just joking around." Fred spoke.
"You really have no filter." George scoffed.
"Hey maybe i'll help him." Fred spoke.
The twins just ended up talking for the rest of the night. Ellie crossed Fred's mind for a few moments which made him smile.
"Do you really want to know who it is?" George asked. After they just finished their conversation about the joke shop they want to open when they're both older.
"It depends, are you going to tell me this time?" Fred asked.
"Yeah. I am." George replied.
"Well who is it?" Fred asked.
George sighed for a few seconds.
"Well it's..." George told him. Fred blinked for a moment.
He didn't know who he was at first. He just sat there trying to think of what he looked like. Then he realized who it was and that he wasn't seeing things. And the person was.
The boy who he had bumped into earlier.
"Okay. What about you?" Fred asked.
"What do you mean?" George questioned.
"You're life George. I mean you always talk about how I supposedly like Ellie. Which I don't." Fred stated.
"Okay, Oliver and Angelina I heard them talking apparently Angelina doesn't like you anymore." George spoke.
"Good to hear. But that's not you." Fred protested.
"Fine. I thought I liked this one girl but I think she fancies someone else." George admitted.
"Who?" Fred asked.
"Don't say anything." George spoke.
"Who will I tell?" Fred queried.
"Fine it was Katie Bell. But apparently she had a crush on Jake Baker. And when she found out Jake was dating Rosie she was bummed." George explained.
"You don't like her anymore?" Fred asked.
"Nope because now I'm focusing more on work and saving up for the joke shop." George exclaimed.
"You do know you still deserve love George." Fred spoke.
"So do you." George spoke.
"No, I know you think that everyone likes me more but you're wrong. Because I know for a fact that you're the smarter one. The few things I'm better at are looks and charm." Fred exclaimed.
George smiled with the sweet moment he was having with his brother.
And he knew that the both of them loved the moment they were just having. A normal pair of siblings.

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