~twenty four.~

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ELLIE and Luna were in the library and Luna was busy doodling while Ellie was working on an assignment

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ELLIE and Luna were in the library and Luna was busy doodling while Ellie was working on an assignment.
"What is that for?" Luna asked politely.
"Oh it's for charms, it's not due until next week but I wanted to get a head start." Ellie explained. Luna looked at her carefully.
"You're very hardworking Ellie and I admire that." Luna admitted. Ellie smiled at the younger witch and just got back to her assignment.
Ellie looked over at another table over, there was Daphne and Blaise with the Tracey girl, Pansy Parkinson, and the annoying Draco Malfoy. Daphne saw her and smiled. She whispered something to Blaise, he gave her a glare and then she got up and walked up to Ellie's table.
"Can I sit?" Daphne asked.
Ellie nodded, Daphne sat in front of Ellie. Luna looked at Daphne.
"Hello Daphne." Luna greeted with a smile.
"Hi Luna." Daphne replied, giving her a smile.
Daphne looked over at Ellie.
"Guess what." Daphne spoke.
"What?" Ellie asked.
"You have to guess." Daphne shot.
"I'm not going to waste my time on some stupid guess." Ellie exclaimed.
"This is why you're my good friend." Daphne spoke. Ellie just chuckled. "What was I saying? Oh yeah apparently Draco Malfoy was here for holidays we just didn't notice." Daphne told her.
"Really? That's nice." Ellie replied sarcastically.
Luna looked around and saw something.
"Daphne who is that?" Luna asked.
Daphne looked over and saw who Luna was talking about. It was Theo. Ellie didn't notice because she was busy working on her assignment.
"Oh that's Theo." Daphne answered. "Theo!" Daphne called out. The boy looked over and walked over.
"Hey Daph." Theo said.
Daphne quickly kicked Ellie under the table.
"What." Ellie shot. Daphne rolled her eyes and motioned over to Theo.
"Oh hi Theo." Ellie greeted.
"Hey Ellie." Theo replied.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Daphne asked.
"Yeah he was the guy I met at the party." Ellie answered. Daphne just looked at the two.
Luna was observing Theo for a few seconds.
"Hello." Luna spoke. Theo looked over at her.
"Hi." Theo spoke.
"Theo don't just stand there sit down." Daphne said.
"Oh um no it's fine you guys seem to be busy." Theo exclaimed.
"No it's fine. You can sit next to me." Ellie spoke, then she moved the bag from the seat next to her.
Theo just smiled and sat next to her. He was on her left sitting across from Luna.
Daphne looked at Ellie's work.
"You are such an early bird." Daphne smirked.
Ellie just smiled at her.
Theo looked over at her work.
"Your handwriting is so neat." Theo said, sounding impressed.
Ellie just looked at him.
"Oh thank you. My sister Rosie taught me." Ellie replied, then she got back to her work, then she heard muffled voices.
"OW!" Lee shot as George accidentally dropped a book on his foot.
"Sorry mate." George apologized. Fred just chuckled at the two.
"You two are bozos." Fred exclaimed, putting a book back. Fred looked around and saw Ellie at a table and at another table was Draco Malfoy.
Fred started to leave but then George pushed him to make him fall.
"Ow." Fred muttered.
"I found a galleon." George shot.
"George!" Fred shot.
George quickly looked at Fred and his eyes went wide.
"Oh sorry Freddie." George apologized. Then he let out a hand for Fred to take. Fred quickly took it.
"I hate you." Fred muttered.
"Thank you." George spoke sarcastically.
Fred looked over and saw Draco Malfoy laughing.
"Something funny Malfoy?" Fred queried.
"Yeah, how happy that your brother was to find a galleon." Draco sneered.
Fred just glared at him, because Malfoy was right George was excited.
"Piss off." Fred shot.
He saw Ellie turn around. She gave him a smile. He gave her a smile back. He motioned over at Malfoy and then he looked at her again, he made a fake gag. Ellie chuckled and then got back to what she was working on.
Then Fred and George started to head towards Lee.
"Do you guys know what day it is?" Lee asked.
"Oh I think it's February 13th." George replied.
"Already?" Fred questioned.
"Yeah, time is just flying by." George exclaimed.
"Tomorrow's Valentine's day right?" Lee questioned.
"I guess so." Fred replied.
"Do you guys have anyone in mind?" Lee queried with a grin.
"No." The twins spoke in unison.
Lee just rolled his eyes.
"I'm pretty sure even some first years are having valentines. But Fred and George can't even get them. That's just sad." Lee exclaimed.
Fred rolled his eyes.
"We don't need dates." George exclaimed.
"Yeah, besides when I like someone I would tell them as soon as I do." Fred exclaimed.
"Why do I feel like that's going to come back to you." Lee spoke.
Fred just shrugged and the three started to head somewhere else.
"ELLIE!" Jane shot, throwing a pillow at Ellie.
Ellie sighed and took off her blind fold.
"What?" Ellie asked.
Jane rolled her eyes and groaned.
"Wake up!" Jane shot.
"Jane it's Sunday." Ellie groaned, then she went back under her covers.
Jane quickly grabbed her wand and smirked.
"Aguamenti." Jane cast, then water shot from Jane's wand and landed on Ellie.
"Jane!" Ellie shot.
Then she quickly got up and grabbed a sweater and pulled it over her shirt.
"You owe me!" Ellie shot.
Jane just chuckled.
Ellie then grabbed her wand and started to head to the common room.
"Are you seriously going to breakfast like that?" Jane queried, pointing towards Ellie's long pajama pants and her sweater.
"Shut up." Ellie shot.
Jane just chuckled and the two girls started left and walked.
When they got in the great hall Brandon laughed at Ellie.
"Why are you soaking wet?" Brandon asked.
"Ask Jane." Ellie shot glaring at her, while Jane chuckled.
Jane and Ellie sat down and Ellie saw Luna walk in.
"Hello Ellie." Luna greeted, then she looked at Ellie. "Aren't you cold?" Luna questioned.
"A bit." Ellie admitted. Ellie looked at Luna. "Did you walk through a ghost?" Ellie asked.
Luna looked down.
"It appears to be." Luna replied, with a smile.
Just then Clara came by and dropped off a howler in front of Ellie.
Brandon noticed.
"Now you'll know how it feels." Brandon smirked.
Ellie just glared at him.
"Open it." Jane spoke.
Ellie rolled her eyes. Then she opened up the envelope.
"Ellie Smith!" The howler yelled out. It sounded a voice a lot like Draco Malfoy's. "I overheard some Slytherins last night and found out that-." The howler started but then someone grabbed it and ripped it off.
Ellie turned around and saw Blaise and Daphne.
"You're lucky we came here in time." Daphne spoke.
Just then Draco walked up.
"Fine I guess I'll tell her myself." Draco started. Ellie grabbed her wand and started aiming towards Draco.
"Rictusempra." Ellie cast. Then Draco started laughing.
"Stop — Who's doing that!" Draco shot. Then laughter erupted in the great hall. Ellie quickly put her wand down.
Draco looked around and scoffed.
"Wait until my father hears about this!" Draco shot.
Then he quickly ran away.
Daphne looked at Ellie.
"Was that you?" Daphne asked.
Ellie nodded.
Daphne's eyes widened.
"That was brilliant Ellie." Daphne exclaimed. Blaise just smirked and sat down next to Luna.
Daphne quickly sat down in between Ellie and Luna.
"By the way, why are you wearing that?" Daphne asked.
"DID you see Malfoy's face! It was hilarious." Ron shot.
"Could you not talk with your mouth full?" George queried. Ron just glared at him.
Fred and Lee were too busy laughing.
"That was hilarious!" Lee exclaimed.
"I wonder who cast it?" Fred questioned.
"It had to be either Ellie Smith or Jane Hankel. I doubt a first year could cast it." George advised.
"Whoever it was I'd give them five galleons." Fred smirked, then started playing with his eggs.
Angelina Johnson quickly walked up to them.
"I found out what was supposed to say in the howler to Ellie." Angelina announced.
Fred looked up slowly.
"What was it?" George asked, then paused for a second. "And how do you know?" He questioned.
"She probably overheard someone." Fred chuckled, then took a sip of his water.
Angelina just glared at him.
"A boy is going to ask her out." Angelina spoke.
Fred ended up choking on his water.
"What?" Fred questioned.
"You didn't hear her?" Lee asked. Then he went close to Fred's ear. "She said a boy is going to ask her out!" Lee yelled, causing a few stares from the other table.
"Yeah I heard that! You didn't have to yell in my ear." Fred scoffed.
"Jealous much." George smirked.
"Am not!" Fred shot.
George just chuckled.
ELLIE was in the abandoned girls bathroom with Cedric Diggory.
"I can't believe Jane squirted you with water. That's Hilarious." Cedric exclaimed.
Ellie quickly glared at him.
"Or not!" Cedric stated as he put his hands up in defense.
Ellie just glared at him.
"Hey on the bright side at least you changed into normal clothes." Cedric spoke.
Ellie gave him another glare.
"I'll just keep my mouth shut." Cedric spoke.
"I think that's a good idea." Ellie replied.
Ellie looked at herself in the mirror and started brushing out her hair.
"Did you visit Chase today?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah I went this morning before I went into the great hall. Great prank you pulled on Malfoy by the way." Cedric stated.
Ellie chuckled.
"Thanks." Ellie replied.
The two walked out and Cedric bumped into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." Cedric apologized.
"It's fine." A voice said.
Ellie looked and saw Theo.
He looked at her and smiled.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Hi how are you?" Ellie questioned.
"I'm good." Theo replied.
Cedric smirked.
"I think I'm going to go." Cedric exclaimed then started to head towards the corridors.
Ellie looked at Theo and gave him a smile.
"Can I talk to you?" Theo questioned.
Ellie looked at him.
"Yeah sure." Ellie exclaimed.
"I wanted to apologize for Malfoy's howler." Theo exclaimed.
"You don't need to apologize for that." Ellie exclaimed.
Theo smiled for a second.
"Can I tell you something?" Theo questioned.
"Yeah sure." Ellie replied.
Theo hesitated for a moment.
"Um I've actually wanted to tell you this for a while." Theo explained.
"What is it?" Ellie asked.
He sighed.
"I like you." He admitted. When those three words came out of his mouth Ellie froze for a second.
She didn't expect it. Especially because they've only communicated a few times.
"Oh." Was all Ellie managed to say.
"I don't expect you to say it back. In fact I know you won't but I just wanted to tell you." Theo explained.
Ellie nodded then he walked away.
She walked near the corridors for a second and just stayed there looking outside.
Out of nowhere she felt a tap on her shoulder. She didn't know why but an instinct came in and she tried to slap them. But whoever it was caught her hand.
"Easy there Elle." Fred said, letting go of her wrist.
Ellie turned around to look at him.
"Hi." She responded.
"What are you doing here alone? I think It's going to rain soon." Fred spoke.
"Oh um I was just thinking." Ellie replied.
Fred scoffed.
"I've heard that before." Fred exclaimed.
He looked at her.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I just found out someone likes me." Ellie replied.
Fred smirked for a second.
"You were the one teasing me for this once." Fred spoke.
"Yeah but I wasn't stressed out." Ellie exclaimed.
Fred just rolled his eyes at her.
"Whatever. Who's the guy?" Fred asked.
"Oh um Theodore Nott." Ellie replied.
Fred thought for a moment.
"That's who he is!" Fred shot.
Ellie just glared at him.
"No wonder you aren't top of your class." Ellie spoke.
"Hey, I happen to be good at casting spells." Fred spoke, defending himself.
"Wow, such a hero." Ellie spoke.
Fred just nudged her elbow.
"I'm sure you'll be okay." Fred advised.
"Thanks." Ellie spoke.
Fred felt a drop of rain at the top of his head.
"We should probably get going now. I just felt a raindrop. I doubt you felt it since you're so small." Fred teased.
"I will actually slap you this time." Ellie advised.
"I'd like to see you try." Fred spoke.
Ellie just glared at him and they both started heading inside.
Peeves looked at the two.
"Wow students." Peeves shot.
"It's not even seven Peeves!" Fred argued.
Ellie just rolled her eyes.
Ellie found the entrance to Ravenclaw tower.
"Elle." Fred shot.
"Yeah?" Ellie questioned.
"Don't overthink anything." Fred spoke.
Ellie nodded and smiled.
"Okay bye Freddie." Ellie teased.
"Don't call me that." He shot, with a small smirk.
Ellie just rolled her eyes and walked in.
And then she ended up staying in the common room until Brandon walked in.
"Ellie." Brandon shot.
"Hey." Ellie replied.
"I need to tell you something." Brandon admitted.
"Okay, what is it?" Ellie asked.
Brandon quickly sat down.
"I'm bisexual." Brandon told her.
"Okay?" Ellie questioned.
"You don't care?" Brandon asked.
"Did you murder someone?" Ellie questioned.
"No." Brandon spoke.
"Then I don't see a problem." Ellie exclaimed.
Brandon smiled and hugged her.
"I'm only letting you hug me for this occasion." Ellie advised.
"I figured." Brandon told her.
He let go and looked at her.
"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah, let's go to dinner." He spoke.
And just like that they left.

a/n if you are homophobic, transphobic, or racist please don't read this i don't want an ignorant person reading this

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