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WARNING : SOME LANGUAGE -ELLIE got out of bed and put her shoes on and started to change

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ELLIE got out of bed and put her shoes on and started to change. She quickly put on her robes and headed downstairs to the common room.
She looked at the clock and saw the time. 6:30. She couldn't fall asleep again so she just decided to read. Moby Dick. Her mum had sent it to her to read if she ever got bored. However she couldn't get past the first page. She had a bit of a headache.
After a few minutes she heard a noise near the portrait. She walked toward it and opened it.
She looked around and didn't see anything.
Ellie quickly sat back down on the couch and laid down.
She quickly went back to reading her chapter. After she finished it she closed the book and looked back at the time. It was almost seven.
Ellie looked around and heard someone coming down the stairs.
"Ellie why are you up so early?" Jane asked, then she walked near her. "And why are you already dressed?" She questioned.
She looked at Ellie and saw a tiny bruise on her wrist.
"Where did you get that?" Jane asked.
She quickly looked down at her wrist.
"Oh, I don't know, I guess I must have hit it somewhere." Ellie replied.
Jane nodded.
Ellie sat there for another thirty minutes reading and headed to the great hall.
She quickly walked in and went through her bag to look at her notes for D.A.D.A.
She saw someone sit down next to her and noticed a redhead. However it wasn't a boy named Fred.
"What do you want George?" Ellie asked.
"It still shocks me that you can tell me and my brother apart." He advised with a smile. Ellie quickly glared at him. "Anyways are you still okay with helping Lee?" George questioned.
"I never agreed to that." Ellie spoke, going back to reading her notes.
"Yes you did." George exclaimed.
"You're trying to manipulate me aren't you?" She queried.
"No." George lied.
"You suck." Ellie muttered and George glared at her.
"So you'll do it?" He questioned with a grin.
"It's supposed to rain that day." She spoke.
"So?" George questioned.
"I was thinking of skipping the match." Ellie told him, George quickly gasped.
"What!" He shot.
"You heard me." Ellie exclaimed, and quickly shoved her notes back in her bag.
"What about your friends Cedric and Chase aren't they on the Hufflepuff team?" George asked.
"Yeah, but they said I didn't have to go." Ellie replied.
George thought for a moment.
"What about for Fred?" He queried.
Ellie looked up at him.
"What do you mean, what about Fred?" Ellie asked.
"What if you go for him? I'm sure he'd love to see you support him." George suggested.
"I'll go when I hear it from him." She said.
"You are very stubborn." George sighed.
"So I've been told." Ellie replied. She looked at him and noticed that he was still there. "Leave." She shot.
"Hey, are you kicking me out!" George shot.
"This isn't even the Gryffindor table." Ellie spoke.
"Oh yeah. See you Ellie." George exclaimed, then quickly walked over to Gryffindor table.
"Ellie!" A voice yelled out. It was Daphne.
"Hey." Ellie greeted.
"Look at what I found." Daphne shot, plopping the Daily Prophet on the table with Sirius Black on it.
"The Daily Prophet from the first day of term?" Ellie queried.
"Yes, but I have a question." Daphne told her.
"Shoot." Ellie shot.
"Are you going to the quidditch game?" She asked.
"No!" Ellie shot.
"No you're not going why not—." Ellie quickly cut her off.
"No more talking about quidditch." Ellie shot.
Daphne nodded.
Ellie looked at her bagel and quickly pushed it towards Daphne.
"Not hungry?" Daphne asked.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
Daphne gave her a look but quickly shrugged and ate the bagel.
Chase ran in the great hall and sat next to Ellie.
"Ellie!" Chase shot.
"Chase." Ellie spoke.
Daphne quickly glared at him.
"Daphne, it's always a pleasure." Chase spoke sarcastically.
"Same here." She replied with a fake smile.
"What do you need, Chase?" Ellie queried.
"Well later can you two come with me to the library?" He asked.
"No." Daphne spoke.
"Please the only way Draco Malfoy will leave me alone is if he sees a Slytherin near me." Chase exclaimed.
Ellie looked at Daphne with a pleading look.
Daphne quickly sighed in defeat. "Fine." She said, Chase smiled but then she looked at him. "This doesn't make us friends." Daphne shot.
"Good, I don't want to be friends with you." Chase replied.
Ellie rolled her eyes at the two and just got back to reading.
() () ()
ELLIE and Daphne sat in the library waiting for Chase while Daphne kept on complaining.
"When is he going to be here?" Daphne groaned.
"He'll be here in a minute." Ellie advised and read her book.
Chase walked in and sat down at the table and put his head down.
"Awe is the little Chase sad?" Daphne queried, Ellie shot her a glare and Daphne just rolled her eyes.
"Yes I am Daphne for your information." Chase sassed.
"Well what happened?" Ellie asked.
"I got a P on my potions assignment." Chase groaned.
"You'll be okay." Ellie advised.
Chase just gave her a small smile and put his head back down on the table.
Ellie gave him a look and patted him on the back.
"I'm going to get a book, Daphne you have to stay here with Chase." Ellie instructed.
Daphne groaned and looked at Chase and poked him.
Ellie rolled her eyes and went to get a book. She quickly grabbed one off the shelf. Then she saw Fred Weasley walk up to her.
"Elle." Fred greeted.
"Weasley." Ellie said.
Fred smiled for a second.
"So I heard that my brother came to visit you today." Fred spoke.
"Oh yeah, he was being kind of weird." Ellie advised, and Fred chuckled.
"So what did he want to talk to you about?" Fred asked, he looked down at her.
"Oh he wants me to help that commentary thing with Lee at the quidditch game. But Chase and Cedric said that they don't mind if I don't go so I really don't know." Ellie explained, then she looked up at him.
When she did that she realized that they were both now keeping eye contact.
"So is there anything else my brother said?" He asked.
"Not that I remember." Ellie replied, then the two kept on keeping eye contact.
"So do you think that you'll go?" He questioned, Ellie just shrugged.
"I don't know. I have some work I have to do." Ellie advised and gave him a small smile.
"Okay well if you do would you let me know, because I kind of want you to see me play." Fred exclaimed and Ellie gave him a look. "I mean just because I don't think you've ever actually seen it? I- I think." He stuttered.
"Will do." Ellie said, and she smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Oh would you look who it is the blood traitor and the gross half-blood." Draco Malfoy spat, and Fred jumped for a second.
"Piss off Malfoy." Fred shot.
"We're not even dating." Ellie added.
"What. Blaise Zabini lied to me!" Draco shot.
"I think he wanted to let you make a fool out of yourself." Ellie advised.
His face turned red and quickly stormed off.
Fred laughed for a moment.
"I'll admit some Slytherins don't suck." Fred exclaimed.
"They don't." Ellie said, then she looked at him and smiled, and he did the same.
Daphne quickly walked towards them.
"Come on! I got Chase back to normal!" Daphne said, looking proud of herself.
"Oh okay, we'll bye Weasley." Ellie said.
"Bye Elle." Fred muttered, then Ellie walked away.
She quickly sat back to where Chase was sitting and he gave Daphne a glare.
"What did you do to him?" Ellie queried.
"I poked him, he didn't get up but then I started talking so much to get him up which made him annoyed. Which led to us debating about the ministry. I won." Daphne explained.
"Wow that seems fun." Ellie replied sarcastically.
"She's annoying!" Chase shot.
Ellie chuckled and then sat down next to Chase.
Ellie turned her head to the side and saw Fred. She smiled at him and he smiled back.
Daphne cleared her throat.
"What?" Ellie shot as she turned to face Daphne.
"What's up with you guys?" She queried, motioning to Fred.
"Nothing." Ellie said.
"Really? I mean even I saw something." Chase admitted and Ellie glared at him.
"Honestly I agree with him for once, I mean the way you two were looking at each other. It was like you guys were the only two people in the world." Daphne  exclaimed.
"You're being ridiculous." Ellie spoke.
"Okay fine." Daphne spoke.
"Fine!" Ellie shot. Then she tried to read her book.
"So what time do you want to meet me and Cedric for the quidditch game?" Chase asked.
"Normal time." Ellie muttered.
() () ()
ELLIE groaned as Jane pulled her out of bed.
"Jane the game doesn't start for another three hours." Ellie complained.
"One thing that shocks me is that when it's a school day you're up early as can be. But when it's a quidditch game you complain." Jane stated.
"Yes well quidditch is boring." Ellie groaned, her voice raspy.
She quickly got up and grabbed a sweater from her drawers and put it over her pajama shirt.
"Really?" Jane queried.
"It's going to rain and I don't want to be cold." She stated.
Jane rolled her eyes and quickly closed Ellie's privacy curtains and left.
Ellie went to go grab her brooch Luna had got her the previous year. She opened her drawer and she couldn't find it. She quickly scrambled through the drawer and she couldn't find it. She frowned and just changed her pants. She looked in the mirror and sighed for a moment.
Ellie brushed her hair and then hesitated to grab a book. She couldn't read through this game. And it was only because she didn't want to get her book wet. Only because of that. No other reason.
She quickly walked down and Jane quickly started to drag her to the great hall.
"This is stupid you don't have to drag me." Ellie complained.
"Yes I do!" Jane shot, and dragged her to the Ravenclaw table where Cedric and Chase were sitting.
"Wow Ellie without a book that's weird." Cedric stated.
"I didn't want it to get wet." Ellie muttered.
Chase gave Cedric a look.
Cedric sighed for a moment and handed Ellie a book.
"Here." Cedric shot.
"Thank you!" Ellie thanked him and quickly opened it up.
She didn't care that it was Cedric's divination textbook she just wanted something to read. Ellie didn't realize this but Cedric and Chase did, Fred was staring at her with a smile as he watched her read.
Ellie quickly scoffed at the book.
"This subject is odd!" Ellie shot.
Cedric chuckled.
"Really? I never noticed." Cedric spoke, sarcastically. Ellie quickly glared at him and just handed him the book back.
"Eat your eggs." Cedric spoke.
"Not hungry." Ellie exclaimed.
"Well in that case can I have them?" He asked.
"Can't Brandon's going to come in a few minutes and I'm pretty sure he wants them."
Cedric nodded and got back to eating.
() () ()
THE rain was pouring and Ellie couldn't wait for the game to be over. Ellie was next to Lee Jordan who wouldn't shut up and Luna Lovegood, who was observing the stands.
"So Smith you just speak into this okay." Lee spoke.
"I'm not doing that." Ellie shot.
"Why?" Lee questioned.
"Because you're lucky I'm even here." Ellie exclaimed.
Lee scoffed and looked at the field.
"Do you think it's safe to play?" Lee asked.
Luna Lovegood quickly cut in.
"No, I've seen a couple of nargles up in the sky." Luna informed .
Lee gave her a weird look.
"What's a nargle?" He asked Ellie.
Ellie shrugged.
She looked up at the sky and saw a few black figures. She shivered as she looked up. The rain started to pour even harder and Lee started complaining.
"Why does rain exist!" Lee complained.
Ellie quickly glared at him.
"Shut up." Ellie shot.
Lee rolled his eyes and looked at the field and saw the players get out on the field.
Then the wind started to get heavier.
"Isn't this weather lovely?" Luna queried.
Ellie fake nodded and smiled.
Then Lee started to announce everyone's movements. He almost mentioned Ellie but she glared at him so he stopped.
Fred looked over at the stands near Lee for a second and couldn't see much but then he could have sworn he saw Ellie and he smiled then got back to the game. She watched Fred for a minute but shook her head.
Ellie continued watching the game bored out of her mind and noticed a bludger almost hit Harry Potter twice.
The bludger started to come near the stands and Ellie moved over. Lee wasn't paying attention so Ellie pushed him.
The bludger hit the stands and Lee's eyes widened.
"May day! May day! I almost got hit by a bludger! I almost got hit!" Lee shouted, repeatedly and Ellie glared at him.
"Lee Jordan!" McGonagall yelled.
Lee sighed and got back to commenting.
"Gryffindor is in the lead with fifty points!" Lee shouted.
Oliver Wood quickly asked for a time out due to the weather.
Luna looked over.
"Do you think Harry Potter's vision is okay? His glasses are probably fogging up." Luna exclaimed.
Ellie looked over at the Gryffindor team and saw Harry struggling.
"He looks dreadful." Lee spoke, which he accidentally said in the comment. "Shit!" He muttered.
"Lee Jordan!" McGonagall yelled.
"Idiot." Ellie muttered and Lee glared at her.
The game started again and then it ended quickly with Hufflepuff winning. However Harry Potter had fallen and his broom flew to the whomping willow.
"Oh my." Lee muttered.
Fred looked up at the stands and saw Ellie and he smiled again. He did see her after all.
() () ()
IN the library Fred saw Ellie sitting at a table alone and quickly sat next to her.
"Hey." He greeted her, then sat down.
"Hey." She spoke softly.
"You came to the game." He said, motioning to her wet hair.
"Yeah, Lee was being an idiot like usual." She exclaimed and Fred chuckled.
"Yeah Lee's a bloody coward." Fred spoke with a smile.
Ellie smiled for a moment and looked at him.
"So are you happy that you lost?" Ellie teased.
"No. It's Cedric's fault." He muttered.
"To be fair Cedric didn't know Harry fell." Ellie said and Fred rolled his eyes.
"I suppose your right." Fred sighed.
Ellie looked at him for a moment and saw a piece of hair hanging on his forehead.
"You have hair right there." Ellie motioned.
Fred tried to push it back and he tried but he ended up pushing the wrong side.
Ellie quickly put her quill down and sighed.
"It's right here." She exclaimed, and she quickly brushed the hair on his head.
He looked at her for a moment and almost forgot to speak.
"Thanks." He muttered, and she nodded.
"So I'm going to go but I'll see you later." Fred advised.
Ellie nodded for a moment.
Fred looked at her and noticed that the brooch she would wear wasn't there.
"Where's your brooch?" He asked.
"Oh I don't know I think I lost it." Ellie explained and Fred nodded.
"Oh well I hope you find it. Bye Elle." Fred said, then got up.
"Bye Fred." Ellie said, then got back to reading.
Fred left and he smiled for a moment. He was happy Ellie was there, because his friend came to see him.

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