(twenty seven.)

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"ELLIE!" Chase yelled running towards his friend

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"ELLIE!" Chase yelled running towards his friend.
"Chase! Hey, how are you?" Ellie questioned. She looked at Chase quickly and realized he had gotten  a bit taller.
"I'm great! I read the letters, it must have been some year huh?" Chase exclaimed.
"You have no idea." Ellie replied.
"Ellie!" Brandon yelled out. Then he saw Chase. "Hey Chase." Brandon spoke.
"Hi!" Chase replied.
"I have to get on the train early because I'm a Prefect now, so I'll see you soon." Brandon exclaimed.
Ellie just rolled her eyes and saw Brandon walk away.
"He must be pretty happy about being a Prefect." Chase exclaimed.
"He is, he won't shut up about it." Ellie replied.
Chase just chuckled.
"Hey is that the Weasley twins?" Chase pointed.
Ellie looked over and saw the twins. They had also gotten tall. Very tall. Their hair had gotten longer over the summer. Ellie observed them for a second.
"Yeah I guess so." Ellie replied, then looked back at Chase. "Come on, let's get on the train." Ellie added.
"Aren't we going to wait for Jane?" Chase asked.
"She's right there." Ellie pointed, Jane was with Micheal Corner.
"Oh, are they dating?" Chase asked.
"I don't think so." Ellie replied.
Chase just shrugged and quickly walked towards Jane.
"Chase!" Ellie shot. He quickly stopped and waited for her. "Thank you." Ellie spoke.
The two walked towards the other girl.
"Hey!" Jane greeted them.
"Hey, ready to go?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a second. Save me a spot." Jane exclaimed and Ellie nodded.
Ellie and Chase walked on the train. It was cold, an odd cold.
Ellie quickly got chills down her spine.
"Is it just me or is it cold in here?" Chase asked.
"It's cold." Ellie answered.
The two opened a compartment door and quickly sat down.
"Are Brandon and Rosie going to sit here?" Chase asked.
"No, they wanted to sit with the kids in their year." Ellie replied.
Chase just smiled at her.
Jane quickly stumbled into the compartment.
"Ellie!" Jane shot.
"Yes." Ellie replied.
"Did you hear?" Jane asked.
"Hear what?" Ellie questioned.
"About Sirius Black." Jane spoke.
"Yeah I did." Ellie replied.
"Who's Sirius Black?" Chase asked.
"Well apparently people are saying that he is the one who told You know who about where the Potters were." Ellie started. "It was also said that he murdered a man named Peter Pettigrew and the only thing that was left was one of his fingers." Ellie explained.
"How did you know about the finger part?" Jane asked.
"My dad told me." Ellie replied.
"So Sirius Black is a murderer?" Chase asked.
"Yeah apparently." Ellie spoke.
"What do you mean by apparently?" Jane asked.
"Well my dad told me he was a couple years older than him and it seems a bit out of character for him." Ellie told Jane.
"That's stupid." Jane shot.
Ellie just gave her a sly smile.
"I heard we're having another D.A.D.A professor." Jane spoke.
"I would hope. I mean Lockhart was a fraud and forgot everything." Chase exclaimed.
Jane just glared at him.
Ellie looked out the compartment for a moment. She saw Fred Weasley. And he looked at her, they both made eye contact. Fred gave her a quick wave and she gave him a smile back.
Then he left.
Ellie just went back to Jane and Chase's conversation.
After a few minutes the train stopped.
"What's happening out there?" Chase asked.
Ellie and Chase quickly opened the compartment door. They both stepped out for a moment.
Ellie looked around for a moment and she saw Fred again, he gave her a smile and she smiled back.
Ellie quickly looked at Chase again. The train started again which caused people to fall back, Ellie didn't. She was grabbing onto the compartment door when she saw Chase on the ground.
"Ow." Chase groaned.
Jane quickly picked him up.
"How does that hurt you but falling off a broomstick doesn't?" Jane asked.
Chase just shrugged.
Ellie quickly closed the door and sat back down next to Chase. Then all of the windows froze and everything got cold.
"Ellie! What's happening?" Chase asked, terrified.
Ellie quickly looked over at the compartment door. Then she saw it and her body went numb for a moment. A dementor.
It quickly passed and started heading towards another direction.
"What was that?" Chase asked.
"A dementor. They guard Azkaban, they must think Sirius Black is near Hogwarts." Ellie explained.
"But Hogwarts is the safest place in the world." Jane protested.
"Not really, our first year Harry Potter found the philosopher stone and practically killed Professor Qurriell. In second year there was the whole Chamber of Secrets incident. It wouldn't be so shocking if Sirius Black got here too." Ellie explained.
Jane just gave her a look.
"I hate that you're right sometimes." Jane muttered.
"Me too." Ellie spoke.
() () ()
"WAS that a dementor?" George asked, as he helped Fred up.
"I think so." Fred replied. Then the twins quickly closed the door.
"Do you think it has anything to do with Sirius Black?" George queried.
"Probably." Fred replied.
"Are you scared?" George asked.
"No. But I'm sure you are." Fred exclaimed.
"Oh shut it." George shot.
Just then Angelina Johnson walked in.
"There you two are." She exclaimed.
"Why what happened?" George asked.
"Harry Potter fainted and some new professor helped him." Angelina exclaimed, and she sat down.
Then Fred noticed a badge on her robes.
"You're a Prefect!" Fred shot.
Angelina just looked at him.
"Yes." Angelina spoke.
"Woah, Angelina the rule follower." George teased.
"Shut up!" Angelina shot.
George just chuckled.
Angelina quickly looked around.
"Where's Lee?" She asked.
"He said he had to meet someone." Fred exclaimed.
"Who? The only other person I've ever seen him talk to is McGonagall. And that's when she yells at him to stop saying nonsense." Angelina exclaimed.
"He didn't say." Fred exclaimed.
"Well whatever it is he's been acting a bit weird." Angelina exclaimed.
"Yeah he is." Fred spoke, then he looked out the window.
() () ()
ELLIE had just gotten off of the train and started covering her head from the rain that was pouring.
"Ellie!" Daphne shot, running up to her.
"Hey!" Ellie spoke.
"How was your summer?" Daphne questioned.
"It was decent. How was yours? You went to Paris!" Ellie exclaimed.
Daphne smiled.
"It was great. Me and Astoria ended up stealing macaroons from kids." Daphne exclaimed.
"Did the kids cry?" Ellie asked.
"Possibly." Daphne replied with a chuckle.
Chase quickly ran up to the two girls.
"Come on, the carriages are over there." Chase exclaimed. "I think this is the last one." Chase added.
As they walked in Daphne groaned.
"You have got to be kidding me." Daphne shot.
Ellie looked up and saw who it was.
Fred and George Weasley with Angelina Johnson.
"Wow Greengrass you sound so excited to see us." Fred spoke.
"Yeah, it seems like you love us." George shot.
"I would rather poke my eyes out than love either of you." Daphne spoke.
"Okay never mind." George spoke.
Ellie and Chase quickly sat down next to each other while Daphne sat on Chase's right.
Fred was sitting right in front of her and he gave her a smile and she gave him one back.
"Ellie." Angelina said.
Ellie quickly looked up at her, and Fred did the same.
"I heard your brothers a Prefect now." Angelina exclaimed.
"Brandon's a Prefect?" Chase asked.
"Yes, I told you that this morning." Ellie spoke.
"Oh yeah, to be fair it's kind of hard to remember anything." Chase exclaimed.
"Are you pulling the petrified card?" Daphne asked.
"Yes." Chase muttered.
"That is so low." Daphne spoke.
Ellie just rolled her eyes at the two.
Just then Fred looked over at her for a moment. She glanced at him and smiled and he did the same. He was about to say something but Chase quickly poked her.
"Ellie isn't it ridiculous that Daphne is taking Ancient Runes instead of Care for Magical Creatures?" Chase asked.
"I'm doing that." Ellie spoke.
"Oh, well at least you aren't doing Arithmancy over Divination." Chase exclaimed.
"Again I'm doing that." Ellie replied.
"Oh! Um sorry. I think that they both are wonderful classes but I also just don't like Daphne much. And I am pretty sure she knows many ways to hurt me." Chase rambled.
"Got it." Ellie replied.
Her and Fred made eye contact for a moment and they both looked away when they noticed.
"So Smith." George said abruptly. "How do you have such neat handwriting?" George asked.
"How do you know what my handwriting looks like?" Ellie questioned.
"I see pretty handwriting, I look at it." George explained.
"Is that why you don't do your work? Because your handwriting sucks." Angelina shot.
"Shut up. Anyway how do you do it?" George asked.
"My mom is a teacher in the muggle world and she has these things called pens and pencils. So she taught Rosie and Rosie taught me." Ellie explained.
"A pen?" George questioned.
"It's like a quill but the ink is inside of it." Chase spoke.
"That's barbaric." Fred shot.
Ellie and Chase looked at each other and chuckled.
"Just wait until they find out what a notebook is." Ellie whispered.
() () ()
THE carriages stopped and Fred saw Ellie walked out with Chase and Daphne. He was about to walk up to Ellie but George grabbed onto him.
"Can you believe what a pen is?" George queried.
"Yeah it's stupid." Fred muttered, looking for Ellie but realizing she was gone. When he noticed his attention went back to George.
"What's up with you?" George asked.
"Nothing just tired." Fred lied. Mostly because Fred didn't even know what was wrong with him.
"Come on we have to go find Lee." George exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Fred replied.
He looked over and saw Lee with Brandon Smith.
"Come on I found him." Fred exclaimed.
The twins quickly walked up to Lee.
"Lee! There you are." George spoke.
"Hey guys. Can you believe this cowards a Prefect!" Lee shot.
"You're a Prefect too." Brandon spoke.
"What!" The twins shot in unison.
"Dang it Smith why'd you have to tell them." Lee exclaimed.
"I thought you already did." Brandon advised.
"Wow, I can't believe our own friend is Prefect now."  George spoke.
"You don't care that I didn't tell you?" Lee asked.
"No." Fred advised.
Lee just gave them a smile.
"Well thank you. Now I think I have to get going to do some Prefect stuff." Lee exclaimed.
"All we're doing is going to help the first years." Brandon exclaimed.
"When you say it, it sounds so boring!" Lee complained, and the two left.
"Come on we should get going." George exclaimed.
"Okay." Fred replied, then he turned around again just to see if Ellie was near. Even though he knew she probably wasn't.
() () ()
"ELLIE!" Jane shot as she ran up to them.
"Hey." Ellie spoke.
"Sorry I got trapped in a carriage with Cedric and his friends it was so weird." Jane exclaimed.
Ellie just chuckled as her and Jane headed towards their seats.
"Ellie!" Luna Lovegood shot.
"Luna hi." Ellie greeted the blonde.
"Did you get my letters about how I saw a few nargles?" Luna asked.
"I did. They were very interesting." Ellie exclaimed. Even though Ellie didn't know what nargles were or what they looked like. She didn't think Luna was odd for seeing them, considering Chase had seen creatures. Thestreals.
As the sorting ceremony went on Ellie got bored. She stared at the new D.A.D.A teacher.
Remus Lupin.
She had heard of him from her dad. He never really told her many stories however.
Ellie started playing with the chicken on her plate.
"Ellie!" Brandon shot.
"Yes." Ellie replied.
"Can I have your chicken?" Brandon asked.
Ellie quickly slid her plate towards Brandon. She looked and saw Micheal Corner looking at Jane.
"Jane." Ellie spoke.
"I think your boyfriend is waiting." Ellie teased.
"He's not my boyfriend!" Jane shot.
"Then why is he looking at you like he is?" Ellie asked.
Jane just shook her head.
"Shut up!" Jane shot, while Ellie chuckled at her.
() () ()
"HOW long until Lee gets back?" Fred groaned. Then he saw George asleep on the couch. He rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at George.
"Five more minutes." George complained.
"Georgie how long have you been out?" Fred questioned.
"When did you start talking about pens?" George asked.
"Like about thirty minutes ago." Fred replied.
"Then that's how long I was sleeping." George exclaimed, Fred just shot him a glare.
Oliver Wood quickly walked down the stairs.
"Come on you two have to unpack." Oliver instructed.
"Why?" Fred asked.
"Me and your brother made a bet and I have to win it." Oliver exclaimed.
Fred and George just gave him a glare and walked up towards their dorms.
As they got there Fred plopped on the bed and grabbed his stuff.
"Georgie." Fred spoke.
George looked at him and read Fred's mind.
"Fine I'll unpack for you but just this once." George exclaimed.
"Thank you!" Fred shot. Then he quickly laid down on his bed.
"Fred." George spoke.
"Yeah?" Fred asked.
"Do you think mum is kind of disappointed that we aren't Prefects?" George asked.
"I would hope not. I mean it's crazy if she expected us to be Prefects." Fred exclaimed.
"Yeah you're right we're Fred and George. George and Fred. We can do anything we put our mind up too!" George exclaimed.
"Except you can't do one thing." Fred exclaimed.
"What?" George queried.
"Talk to girls." Fred replied.
"Hey!" George shot.
"What! The only girls I've seen you talk to are Daphne Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, and Ginny." Fred exclaimed.
"Whatever." George spoke. Then he thought for a moment. "Wait. You only talk to one girl too!" George shot.
"Oh really? And who is that?" Fred asked.
"Ellie." George spoke.
"Well Elle's different. We're just friends. Well kind of, and we can actually have some conversations where they aren't awkward." Fred exclaimed.
"Okay whatever you say Fred." George exclaimed, and started grabbing one of Fred's papers that was in an envelope. "What's this?" George asked.
Fred quickly grabbed the envelope from his twin.
"It's nothing." Fred spoke.
"It seems like it's something." George replied.
"Trust me, it's nothing. Look." Fred exclaimed, then he ripped it up.
But in reality it killed him to do that.
"Wow I guess it was nothing." George muttered, then got back to unpacking.
Fred couldn't get what George meant from Ellie. Him and Ellie were only friends. That's how things have been. That's how they always will be.

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