(thirty five.)

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Tw- Eating Disorder -"FRED!" George yelled, as he woke Fred up

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Tw- Eating Disorder
"FRED!" George yelled, as he woke Fred up.
"Hi." Fred greeted.
"It's our birthday!" George shot.
"It is?" Fred queried.
"Yes!" George shot.
Then opened Fred's curtains so the sun was in his eyes.
"No, I want to sleep." Fred groaned.
George rolled his eyes at Fred.
"Yeah but mum is probably going to pack us a birthday package!" George shot.
Fred quickly got up.
"Okay let me change." Fred spoke, and then quickly changed into his robes and grabbed his bag.
The twins walked down to the great hall and Lee Jordan ran up to them.
"Happy birthday to my best friends in the entire world!" yelled Lee, trying to embarrass the twins.
"You do this every year." Fred spoke.
"Yeah, it's sort of getting old." George admitted.
Lee rolled his eyes. He was about to say something but he was pushed by Percy.
"Fred, George." He spoke.
"Percy." They said in unison.
"Happy birthday I suppose. Your packages came." He advised, and handed the twins both packages. One that said Fred and the other said George.
The twins smiled and both placed the packages in their bags.
The three boys sat down at the table and Lee looked at them.
"So, tonight we're throwing a party in the common room." Lee exclaimed.
"Really! Thanks Lee." George thanked quickly and Fred just smiled at Lee.
"Do we really have to do anything?" Fred queried.
"Fred you guys are sixteen now! Apparently in the muggle world it's a big deal." Lee exclaimed.
"Yeah for a girl." Angelina spoke, as she sat down.
Lee glared at her and faced Fred.
"Still, come on. It'll be fun." Lee told him.
"Fine. Whatever you do, don't let Theodore Nott or Draco Malfoy there. They suck." Fred muttered.
Lee nodded and quickly got up.
"Angelina you're helping me plan! You owe me, and you two can invite whoever." Lee explained.
Angelina rolled her eyes and grabbed a muffin.
"It amazes me how you still aren't done with him yet." Angelina admitted, then followed Lee.
Fred and George looked at each other and shrugged.
"So who should we invite?" George queried.
"I don't know." Fred muttered, then glanced at the Ravenclaw table and looked at Ellie. Who was playing with her food. Then he looked at George. "Who do you want to invite?" Fred asked.
"How about Cedric Diggory?" George suggested.
"Why him?" Fred asked, and grabbed a piece of toast.
"Well because if Cedric goes then a lot of people go." George explained.
Fred rolled his eyes at George.
"Does it matter how many people go?" Fred queried.
"Who are you and what have you done to Fred?" George asked.
Fred rolled his eyes again.
"I just don't really care much this year I suppose." Fred admitted.
"Well okay. I'm going to go to class." George told him. Fred smiled at him and then looked over at the Ravenclaw table again. He smiled as he saw Ellie talking to Daphne Greengrass. Fred then sighed for a moment.
"I'll go with you." Fred spoke.
Then the two left.
() () ()
ELLIE was sitting with Chase and Cedric in the corridors, while Chase wouldn't stop complaining about many things.
"Want to know what I think is stupid?" Chase asked.
"What?" Cedric queried.
"Divination! I hate it so much, I mean what's the point of it!" Chase exclaimed.
"Chase you chose Divination." said Ellie, while Cedric was busy laughing in the background.
"Yeah but still I don't like it anymore. Trelawney won't stop talking about how apparently something terrible is going to happen next year." Chase explained.
"I doubt that." Cedric spoke.
Chase gave Cedric a look.
"It said someone was going to die!" Chase exclaimed.
Ellie looked at Chase for a moment.
"Are you sure she didn't read it wrong?" Ellie queried.
Chase shook his head.
Cedric looked at Chase and patted his back.
"I'm sure it'll be fine." Cedric assured.
Chase gave a soft smile.
Just then George Weasley walked over.
"Smith, I need to talk to you." He shot.
Cedric glared at him.
"Okay." Ellie responded.
"In private." George muttered.
Ellie rolled her eyes and then walked with George a bit far away from the other two boys.
"Today's my birthday. Which also means it's Fred's birthday." George exclaimed.
Ellie nodded.
"I know Fred told me yesterday." Ellie spoke.
George looked around for a moment.
"Lee is throwing us a party and I think it would mean a lot to both me and Fred if you came." George explained.
"Why would it mean a lot to you?" Ellie queried.
"Well because aren't we friends?" He questioned.
Ellie nodded remembering that one night in detention.
"Fine I'll go, only if I get to bring a few people." said Ellie sternly.
"Great! Also if Fred asks you don't mention I talked to you." George told her, then quickly ran away.
She walked over towards Cedric and Chase and smiled at them.
"It looks like we are going to a party." Ellie spoke.
() () ()
ELLIE was sitting in the great hall while Luna walked in.
"Hello Ellie." Luna greeted her and quickly sat down. She looked at Ellie for a moment. "Are you going to eat? I noticed you didn't eat breakfast today." Luna asked Ellie politely.
Ellie stared at Luna for a moment and gave her a smile.
"Oh yeah I think I'm just going to have some fruit." She replied, and grabbed a plate of fruit that was right in front of her.
Luna smiled at her for a moment.
"I know your problem Ellie." Luna spoke softly.
Ellie gave her a shocked look.
"What?" Ellie queried.
"You read too much." Luna exclaimed.
Ellie let out a sigh of relief for a moment.
"Well I enjoy reading Luna." Ellie spoke.
Luna gave her a smile and quickly got up.
"Well I have to go see Blaise Zabini. I'll see you later tonight." Luna said, then started skipping out of the great hall.
Ellie smiled and then took out her book. She started reading then felt eyes on her. She looked next to her and almost jumped when she saw Brandon next to her.
"What's up with you?" Brandon queried.
Ellie rolled her eyes at him.
"What a nice greeting." Ellie shot.
Brandon rolled his eyes and quickly ate grapes.
"Well, I heard the Weasley's are having an invite only party. Did Fred ask you to go?" Brandon asked.
"George did actually. Not that it's any of your business." Ellie spoke. Brandon rolled his eyes at her and smiled.
"We'll have fun but don't stay there late." Brandon exclaimed.
Ellie nodded and then quickly put her book in her bag.
"Where are you going?" Brandon asked.
"I want to get to charms early. Professor Flitwick says that if I try hard enough I can cast the spell I've been working on!" She spoke.
Then she left the great hall.
() () ()
"SHUT up George." Fred muttered, and quickly grabbed his bag.
"It's true! You should ask Ellie to go. I'm pretty sure she'll say yes." George explained.
"I already know you asked her." Fred shot.
George just stared at Fred blankly.
"What?" George queried.
"It's obvious you already did." Fred exclaimed.
"At least she said yes!" George stated, then quickly ran off.
Fred rolled his eyes.
At least she said yes.
He walked towards his common room and saw Lee as soon as he entered.
Lee looked at Fred and sighed.
"Sorry buddy but you have to go." Lee apologized, and quickly shoved Fred out of the common room.
Before Fred could say anything the portrait swung shut in his face.
Fred sighed and walked to the library. Mostly because he knew at least one person would be there.
He walked in and saw Ellie sitting with Chase and Daphne Greengrass. The two were both currently arguing.
Ellie caught sight of him and he smiled at her.
He walked over to the table and the two third years stopped arguing. Fred raised an eyebrow but then looked at Ellie.
He motioned over to a bookshelf and Ellie walked with him over there.
"Hey." He spoke.
"Hi, oh um happy birthday." She replied.
"Oh thanks." He said with a smile and then looked at her. Then he cleared his throat and Ellie furrowed her eyebrows. "So George told me he invited you to our birthday party. and you don't have to go if you don't want to." Fred explained.
"It's fine, and I'm going." Ellie told him.
He looked at her for a second.
"Really?" He queried.
"Yeah, I mean I'm sure since it's your birthday it'll be hectic." She replied, and Fred smiled.
"Oh, I guess I'll see you there then." He said.
"I'll see you there. Also from now on if I go to any of your parties Cedric, Daphne, Chase, and Blaise come with me." She exclaimed.
Fred looked at her for a moment.
"You're planning to go to more?" He asked.
"Some of them." Ellie replied with a small smile, which caused him to grin.
"Okay deal." He said, then let out a hand for her to shake.
"I'm not doing that." She shot.
"Come on, it's the only way to settle a deal." He said,
Ellie sighed in defeat and shook his hand.
Fred felt something when he held her hand for a moment and then he quickly let go.
"I'll see you later then?" He questioned.
"I'll see you later." Ellie replied.
He gave her a smile and left.
() () ()
ELLIE was walking with Chase and Cedric towards the Ravenclaw common room. Where she had told Blaise and Daphne to meet up.
"So why are we going exactly? It's not me and Cedric are exactly friends with the Weasley's." Chase exclaimed.
"Well I just think you guys should suffer with me."  Ellie exclaimed.
Chase rolled his eyes and Cedric laughed.
"Hey at least there's something to do." Cedric spoke.
Ellie looked over at Chase.
"Did you bring my book?" Ellie queried.
Chase held up a finger and took a book out of his pocket.
Little Women.
He handed it to her and Ellie smiled. She didn't care if she read the book before, she could read it over and over again.
And never get sick of it.
"That book is very heavy!" Chase shot.
Ellie chuckled and Cedric's eyes widened at the book.
Daphne and Blaise walked over towards them.
"Hey." Cedric greeted them and let out a hand.
Blaise and Daphne both gave him a look and Cedric just awkwardly ran his hand through his hair.
"So, are you guys ready to go?" Ellie asked.
They nodded and headed towards the Gryffindor common room.
Ellie saw Neville Longbottom standing beside the portrait.
"Hey Ellie. Are you guys here for Fred and George?" Neville asked.
"Yeah. What are you doing over here?" Ellie queried.
"It's really loud there." Neville explained.
Ellie just nodded as the portrait door swung open after Neville said the password. Which left him shocked that he had remembered it.
Ellie walked in and then saw George.
He walked over to them.
"Hey Smith. And others. There's some food over there and if you want to leave don't bother telling me because I don't care." George explained.
Cedric just gave him a confused look.
"Do you not understand me pretty boy?" George asked.
"Oh no I understand you." Cedric spoke.
Then George left and Cedric turned to Ellie.
"That's a very weird way to greet people." Cedric advised.
Ellie rolled her eyes and Daphne just gave him a glare.
Ellie saw Blaise looking around and he was definitely judging many people.
"Chase, do you want to come with me for snacks?" Cedric asked.
"You bet I do!" Chase exclaimed, then the two boys walked to the table.
Daphne scoffed.
"Do they ever have anything on their minds other than food." She shot.
"No." Ellie replied.
Ellie looked over and saw Fred talking to Harry Potter. She stared for a second but then quickly looked at Daphne.
"Wait. Was that your way of telling me you want food?" Ellie queried.
Daphne gave her a small smile and Ellie rolled her eyes.
"Okay fine. Let's go." Ellie exclaimed.
"Wait don't go yet I think the birthday boy is coming." Blaise spoke.
Ellie gave him a look but then saw Fred walk up to her.
"Hey." He greeted her with a smile.
"Hey." She replied.
"How long have you been here?" Fred asked.
"I just got in." She exclaimed.
He smiled at her and then saw the book in her hands.
"Wow." He muttered.
"Would you like to read it sometime?" She asked sarcastically.
"Sure I would love to read a book about." He paused for a second and looked at the title. "Little Women?" said Fred, in a questioning tone.
"It's actually a really good book. It's one of my favorites." She advised.
Then he looked at the book again.
"How many times have you read this?" He asked.
"Three I'm reading it again." She explained.
"You read too much." He teased.
"I didn't notice." She replied sarcastically.
Fred gave her a smile but then quickly cleared his throat and looked at Daphne and Blaise.
"So is there anything you two want?" He asked.
Blaise shrugged and Daphne looked at him.
"No." She replied coldly.
Fred's eyes widened and just gave Ellie a smile and walked away.
"It's official he's scared of you two." Ellie advised.
Blaise smirked and Daphne shrugged.
"Why do you care?" Blaise asked.
"I don't care. I just think it's hilarious." Ellie spoke.
Daphne rolled her eyes for a moment.
"Okay sure." Daphne replied.
Blaise chuckled for a moment.
"Oh give her a break Daphne." Blaise shot.
"Huh?" Ellie queried.
Daphne just smiled at her.
"Oh sweet little Ellie. You are so clueless." Daphne exclaimed, and patted Ellie's shoulder.
Ellie just furrowed her eyebrows at her.
"Huh." Ellie spoke.
"Well now we know one thing for sure. You are very oblivious when it comes to common sense sometimes." Daphne advised.
() () ()
FRED was looking around for Ellie. He didn't think she had left yet since Blaise and Daphne were talking in the corner. And Cedric Diggory and Chase were talking to George. For some reason.
Fred just walked over to the and grabbed a pumpkin pasty and headed out of the common room.
Then he saw Ellie in a corner reading. He walked over to her and smiled.
"I can't believe you're reading." He advised.
She looked up at him and glared at him.
"Yeah and if you really were my friend you'd let me read." She spoke sarcastically.
Fred rolled his eyes and sat next to her.
"Here." He exclaimed, then handed her a pumpkin pasty.
Ellie looked at the food for a moment and put her book aside.
"Thanks." She replied. "So, how does it feel to be sixteen?" Ellie asked.
"So far the same as being fifteen." He replied, and gave her a smile.
Then he looked at her.
"Why aren't you with your friends in there?" He asked her.
"I just wanted to read." She explained.
Then Fred gave her a smile.
They sat there in silence for a moment but then Ellie was the first to break it.
"Would you like to borrow it?" Ellie queried.
"What?" Fred asked.
"The book. Would you like to borrow it?" She asked.
He gave her a look.
"We both know I don't normally read." Fred exclaimed.
"I mean you do owe me." Ellie smirked.
Fred rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Fine. I'll read it." Fred told her.
Ellie smiled then handed him the book.
"Aren't you going to finish it?" He asked.
"No. I was just reading my favorite chapter." Ellie advised.
He rolled his eyes at her for a moment.
"You have a reading problem." He smirked.
"So I've been told." She replied, and smiled at him.
"Well what's the book about at least?" Fred asked.
Ellie's smile widened for a moment.
"Well it's about four sisters Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—." She started speaking.
Fred wasn't paying attention. He smiled as he noticed her eyes have a sparkle when she talked about the book.
"Fred!" Ellie shot.
He stared at her and gave her a smile.
"Yeah." He spoke.
"Pay attention." Ellie explained.
He rolled her eyes at her for a moment. He looked over at the uneaten pumpkin pasty.
"Are you going to eat that?" He asked.
She gave him a small nod.
Then he looked at her. He smiled at her again. She was wearing the necklace.
"What?" Ellie asked.
"You're wearing the necklace." He exclaimed.
"Yeah, I never take it off." She advised.
Then they both shared eye contact for a moment. Fred felt something but he didn't know what. However he sort of liked the feeling.
He didn't know if she felt the feeling too, but he sort of wanted her too.
Ellie sighed for a moment and broke looked at him for a second.
"I think I should get going. It's starting to get late." She exclaimed.
Fred just stared at her again.
"Oh okay, I'll bring you to the common room so you and your friends can leave." Fred told her.
"That's okay. Just tell them I left early." said Ellie, giving him a smile.
She started to leave but then she walked back towards him. Then she gave him the book.
"Here. Don't forget to read the book." Ellie told him.
He smiled at her and gave her the pumpkin pasty.
"Don't forget to eat that." Fred told her.
She smiled at him and then walked away.
Just then Fred jumped as he saw Albus Dumbledore.
"Oh hi." Fred spoke.
"Hello Fredrick are you having a splendid evening?" Dumbledore asked.
Fred gave him a questioning look.
"Yeah." Fred muttered.
Dumbledore smiled.
"Oh to be young and in love." Dumbledore muttered, and walked away.
"What!" Fred shot.
He just scoffed and walked back into his common room.
() () ()
"HEY Weasley where's Ellie?" Cedric asked as he walked over to Fred.
"Oh she told me to tell you she went back to her common room." Fred told him.
Cedric gave him a suspicious look.
"Can I talk to you in private?" Cedric asked.
"And waste my precious time talking to you. No thanks." Fred spoke.
Then he started to walk away but Cedric grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him.
"Okay fine I guess I'll talk to you." Fred scoffed and Cedric pushed him in the corner.
"I don't know what your deal is but if you hurt Ellie. I will not hesitate to hurt you." Cedric informed him.
Fred looked at him.
"I'd never want to hurt her. And if I ever do you can hurt me. However, if you ever are going to threaten me again don't push me." Fred told Cedric.
Cedric's eyes widened.
"You like her." Cedric said.
"What! No I don't!" Fred shot.
Cedric just smirked.
"Whatever you say Weasley." Cedric replied, then walked away.
Fred just stood there in shock.
"I don't like her." He muttered silently.
Then George walked up to him and handed Fred a cup of punch.
"What happened with Diggory?" George asked.
"Nothing, he was just asking something about a class." Fred lied.
George just shrugged.
"Oh Percy just tripped." George pointed out and laughed.
"Wow that's nice." Fred spoke.
George stared at Fred.
"What's up with you?" George asked.
"Nothing, I think I'm just going to call it a night." Fred exclaimed.
George gave him a look but shrugged it off.
As Fred got on his dorm he sighed and plopped on his bed.
Fred didn't like Ellie. He was sure that Cedric was just trying to get into his head.
However he didn't know what Dumbledore said. It was hard to hear what he had said.
Fred just groaned in frustration.
He knew he didn't like Ellie. But he didn't know what he was feeling.
Which confused him a lot. And one thing Fred always hated was not knowing something in the moment.

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