[forty four.]

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"PRETTY sure that's not what a friend would say if he didn't like you

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"PRETTY sure that's not what a friend would say if he didn't like you." Daphne spoke, as she set her bag down.
"I'm pretty sure he was just being nice. Now would you let it go the Yule Ball was a while ago." Ellie exclaimed and sat down in her seat.
"Whatever, do you have the arithmancy answers?" Daphne asked.
Ellie rolled her eyes and handed Daphne her paper.
"This is why I love you." Daphne said with a smiled on her face and Ellie laughed.
"Shut up." Ellie shot.
Daphne just gave her a small grin.
"So, do want to know what me and Blaise did to Malfoy at the Yule ball?" Daphne asked.
"Sure." Ellie replied, then started writing down her  transfiguration notes.
"Well we poured some punch on him. Then he got a howler saying that someone was secretly in love with him." Daphne exclaimed.
"How did that go?" Ellie asked.
"Awful me and Blaise now have detention." Daphne admitted. Then looked over at Ellie. "Maybe someone else will be in detention."
"If you're suggesting that I get detention I will hurt you." Ellie spoke.
"Please!" Daphne begged.
"No." Ellie shot.
"Ellie Smith!" McGonagall shot.
Ellie looked up and gave her a smile. McGonagall's face softened a bit.
"Quiet." She mouthed and Ellie nodded with a smile.
"You're so lucky you're McGonnagall's favorite Ravenclaw." Daphne muttered.
"SO you were jealous?" Lee queried.
"I wasn't jealous. It was just weird picturing George and Elle dating." Fred spoke.
"Jealous." Lee muttered.
"Was not!" Fred shot.
"Okay fine. Where's George he's been in the bathroom for ten minutes?" Lee queried.
"He's probably sleeping." Fred told him.
"Why?" Lee asked.
"No idea." Fred replied.
"10 points from Gryffindor for speaking!" Snape shot.
Fred looked at Snape for a moment.
"Why?" Fred asked.
"Don't be disruptive Mr.Weasley." Snape spoke.
"Well too late." Fred spoke.
"What is that supposed to—."
Fireworks exploded and Fred had a grin on his face. George walked in shortly after and then Snape took a deep breath.
"You two have detention!" Snape yelled.
The boys chuckled and walked back towards their seats.
"Do you think your mum is going to send you an owl?" Lee asked the twins.
"I don't know and don't care." Fred admitted.
"Fred!" George shot.
"What? I know she apologized but what mum said hurt okay, and the fact that she took away our products we worked hard on. It sucks." Fred explained.
"Are you saying you don't love your mum?" Lee queried.
"No! I'm just annoyed and disappointed." said Fred. Then he started doing something he never thought he would do.
His assignment for Snape.
"ELLIE please I'm begging for you to get detention! I'll even do the arithmancy for once! Please Ellie I'll do anything!" Daphne exclaimed my
"Anything?" Ellie queried.
"Yes!" responded Daphne.
"How about you let me not get detention." Ellie suggested.
"Ellie please!" Daphne begged.
"Daphne, I haven't had detention since second year when I said something about Lockhart. And I plan on never getting it again." Ellie explained.
"Fine. Do you know anyone else who has detention?" Daphne asked.
"Weasley twins." Cedric spoke as he walked up to them.
"How do you know?" Ellie asked.
"They set off fireworks in Snape's class today. I'm not going to lie, I wish I was there." Cedric informed the two.
"Typical." Ellie spoke.
"Hey guys." Chase greeted as he walked up. Then he looked at Daphne and gave her what Ellie thought was a glare. She really couldn't tell. He looked too friendly. "Daphne."
"Chase." Daphne spoke. "You look like an idiot." She added.
"Is my mean face not mean enough?" He asked.
"Sweetie you don't have a mean face." Cedric told him.
"Aw man! I could've sworn I nailed it." Chase admitted.
Daphne then faced Ellie.
"Have you ever met an intimidating Hufflepuff?" Daphne queried.
"No. I've met a weird Hufflepuff." Ellie admitted.
"Hey!" Chase spoke.
"Not you." Ellie replied.
"Oh. Then who?" Chase asked.
"Zacharias Smith." Ellie advised.
"You don't like him? He's cool." Chase exclaimed.
"Yeah but one time I could've sworn he sniffed my hair." Ellie admitted.
"I don't blame him. Your hair smells really good." Cedric exclaimed.
Ellie gave him a look.
"From what I've heard from Cho that is." He spoke as he tried to brush it off.
Ellie just gave him a look.
Then Marcus Turner the Ravenclaw Prefect walked over to Ellie.
"Ellie! Just who I was looking for!" He admitted.
"Why what happened? Did Peeves scare the portrait again?" Ellie asked.
"No, actually I was about to give McGonnagall a list of students who should be Prefects. Every year we put together a list. And I was wondering if you would like to be one." Marcus explained.
"Is that allowed?" Ellie asked.
"No, but Professor McGonnagall insists." Marcus informed her.
"Oh well I would love to however I feel like it should go to someone who deserves it more." Ellie admitted.
"Really? You were the best option." said Marcus.
"I think Padma Patil should be Prefect. She would be much better than me and I think being Prefect would give me a lot of extra stress." Ellie explained.
"Okay well thank you for your time Ellie. See you in the common room later." He advised, then started to run away.
The three quickly looked at Ellie.
"Oh on the new start of term all the Ravenclaws gather and talk about stuff." Ellie informed them.
"You just let go the offer of being a Prefect!" Chase shot.
"Yeah so." Ellie spoke.
"Ellie sweetie I love you but are you sure you made the right choice?" Cedric queried.
"Yes, I don't need to be a Prefect." Ellie explained.
"You're insane." Chase spoke.
"For once I agree with him." said Daphne.
"I just think that I would have way too much responsibility that I don't want to stress over." Ellie told them.
"I still think you're insane." Chase muttered.
"Thank you Chase." Ellie spoke sarcastically.
Chase just gave her a small smile.
"So, did you end up telling Harry about the egg?" Ellie queried.
"Oh yeah! I told him around the end of the Yule ball. He sort of seemed annoyed by me." Cedric admitted.
"That's weird." Ellie lied. Considering she knew Harry was probably jealous of Cedric because he went to the ball with Cho. And is now dating Cho.
"It's fine. I just don't want him to hate me. It'd be awful if someone hated me." Cedric exclaimed.
"Shut up Pretty-boy." Daphne shot.
"Daphne I enjoy your humor a lot." Cedric spoke with a smile, and Daphne groaned.
"NOW I am very disappointed in the five of you." Flitwick admitted as he sat down on his chair. "For detention just grab a piece of parchment and write down I won't do anything bad about fifty times. And absolutely no magic." Flitwick explained, then opened up his copy of the Daily Prophet.
Fred looked at George for a moment.
"Do you have an extra quill?" Fred asked. George gave a nod and then handed the quill to Fred.
Fred looked around and saw the other people
who were in detention. Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, and Anthony Goldstein.
Fred sighed and started writing his lines down.
Halfway through he turned around and looked at Daphne Greengrass who kept on poking Blaise Zabini.
"Stop poking me!" Blaise shot.
"Never." Daphne spoke.
Fred then looked towards Anthony Goldstein who was writing quickly.
He then looked at George. Things had been tense between the two since the Yule ball. Which Fred thought sucked. He looked over at Flitwick and saw that he had fallen asleep, he then turned his gaze to the clock. Detention would be over in 20 minutes.
He just had to wait.
ELLIE was on her way to the owlery. She had written a letter to send to Remus Lupin. Ellie was feeling confused about something so she thought she'd ask Lupin for advice.
As she walked in she saw the one and only Harry Potter.
Harry turned around and looked at her and his eyes widened.
"Oh hi Ellie." He spoke quickly.
"Hi Harry." Ellie replied, then walked up to Clara. She had asked Brandon to borrow her. He had refused at first but then Ellie gave him her grapes. "Am I intruding anything?" She asked Harry.
"No, I'm just visiting Hedwig." Harry told her.
She nodded then pet Clara as she tied the letter to Clara's leg.
Clara brushed her head against Ellie's hand and flew off.
"Was that a letter to Remus Lupin? Harry asked.
Ellie turned to face him and Harry blushed with embarrassment. "Sorry! I- I shouldn't have asked." Harry stuttered.
"No it's fine and yeah I ran into him and he told me to send him an owl every once in a while." Ellie told Harry.
Harry nodded and gave her a smile. Ellie then looked at Harry.
"I'm sorry about Cho." Ellie spoke.
Harry looked at her.
"Oh does Cedric know about that? Because if he does please tell him I'm sorry!" Harry rambled.
"Cedric doesn't know. However I do know he'd feel sorry." Ellie admitted.
Harry just gave her a smile.
"Thank you but don't pity me." Harry told her.
"Harry if I wanted to pity you I would mention something else." said Ellie.
Harry just gave her another smile.
"You're very nice." He admitted.
"Thank you?" Ellie replied confused.
Then she left.
"ANTHONY this isn't how detention works!" Flitwick shot.
"You told me to write the lines and I finished." Anthony replied.
"Look if I let you go early then I would have to let everyone else leave early." Flitwick explained.
"But Ravenclaw is having a house discussion!" Anthony shot.
"I'm sure they won't start without you. Oh and maybe next time you won't talk about Snape in front of him!" Flitwick shot.
"But you hate Snape." Anthony whispered.
"Quiet Anthony." Flitwick muttered.
"Hah I knew Flitwick hated him! George you owe me two sickles!" Fred shot.
"Mr. Weasley!" Flitwick shot.
"Can you guys just shut up I'm trying to nap over here!" Daphne shouted.
"Ms. Greengrass did you even finish writing down your lines?" Flitwick queried.
"Yeah Ms. Greengrass." Blaise teased and Daphne glared at him.
"As a matter a fact I did. Everyone did!" Daphne exclaimed.
"Well maybe you and Mr. Zabini should've thought before you pranked Mr. Malfoy." Flitwick told her.
"But you were laughing at that." Anthony spoke.
"Quiet Anthony!" Flitwick shot. "I hate covering detention." Flitwick muttered.
"Well you could let us leave early." George suggested.
"We wouldn't tell a soul." Fred added.
"Promise!" The twins spoke in unison.
"No." Flitwick shot.
"Wait! Draco Malfoy should be in here too!" Daphne shot.
"What do you mean?" Flitwick asked.
"He pushed this muggle born first year down the stairs." Blaise advised.
"Well apparently it was marked as an accident." Flitwick told them.
"But Snape saw it— Oh Snape saw it." Anthony spoke.
"I think Snape is a bloody arse." Fred muttered.
"Mr. Weasley! One point from Gryffindor." Flitwick shot.
"But you just chuckled." Anthony advised.
"Quiet Anthony!" Flitwick shot.
"JANE we can't start without Anthony." Marcus explained.
"Why not? It's his fault he got detention." Jane replied.
"Just be quiet and sit next to Micheal." Marcus spoke.
"I'm not sitting next to him." Jane shot.
"Fine then sit next to Lisa. I genuinely don't care." Marcus explained.
Jane just scoffed and whispered something into Lisa Turpin's ear which caused Lisa to giggle.
"It took twenty minutes but we got Brandon." Roger Davis explained.
"Where was he?" Rosie asked.
"He was sleeping." Roger replied then sat down in between Rosie and Cho.
"Hey! I just finished a 12 inch essay for Snape." Brandon shot, and sat down next to Luna who was sitting towards the left of Ellie. Micheal Corner was sitting to her right.
"This is taking very long." Micheal whispered.
Ellie and Micheal had recently become peers. However they only talked if they happened to be in the same place at the same time.
"Tell me about it." Ellie replied.
Just then Anthony rushed in and Marcus looked at him.
"Detention never finishes this early." Marcus spoke.
"I know but apparently Snape told Flitwick there was an emergency something to do with ingredients missing for a potion." Anthony explained.
"Whatever just squeeze in between Luna and Ellie." Marcus explained.
Anthony nodded and sat next to Ellie.
"Hello Anthony you look like you're out of breath." Luna exclaimed.
Anthony gave her a smile.
"Hello Luna, and I look like I'm out of breath because I am. I mean I ran here." Anthony replied.
"He's hyper." Ellie whispered to Micheal, and Micheal nodded.
"Oh Ellie your boyfriend was in detention." Anthony exclaimed.
"I don't have a boyfriend." Ellie spoke.
"Oh! Sorry I thought you were dating the one Weasley twin." Anthony explained.
"That's fine Anthony." Ellie replied, then turned her attention towards Marcus.
"So, doesn't anyone have anything interesting they'd like to share?" Marcus asked.
"Yeah, I think these meetings are stupid." Brandon explained, then looked around. "Also why don't we have first and second years here ever?" Brandon asked.
"Well Brandon if you ever cared to listen to these meetings. I explained that they still aren't mature enough." Marcus told him.
Brandon just rolled his eyes.
Marcus then looked and saw Jane Hankel with her hand up.
"Yes Jane?" He asked.
"I agree with Brandon these meetings are stupid. It was better when you didn't do these. I think almost everyone else can agree that it was better last year when we didn't do these." Jane explained.
"I actually like these." Ellie spoke up, and eyes turned to her which she regretted saying.
"Of course she does." Jane muttered.
"Be quiet Jane." Cho Chang spoke.
"I actually agree with Ellie. It's a great way to bond with people." Anthony exclaimed.
"Well that's because you two don't have many friends." Brandon teased.
"Shut up Brandon." Ellie shot.
Brandon laughed and Marcus rolled his eyes.
"Does anyone else have any more positive comments?" Marcus queried.
"I think that these meetings are lovely Marcus and that they should continue." Luna spoke.
"Of course Loony thinks that." Jane whispered.
Then Ellie stood up.
"Don't call her that!" Ellie shot.
"Ellie it's fine I'm used to it." Luna spoke.
"No you shouldn't be used to it!" Ellie exclaimed.
Marcus wanted to stop this but he was intrigued just like the other Ravenclaws.
"Well maybe there's a reason she is. It's because it's the truth." Jane spoke.
"Enough Jane." Micheal spoke.
"Oh!" Jane shot.
Ellie turned and saw Luna looking down and saw Anthony and Brandon patting Luna's back.
Cho then walked over and grabbed Luna's hand and they walked to the dorms.
"What is your problem?" Ellie asked.
"Ellie." Marcus spoke softly
Ellie shot him a glare and Marcus shrieked.
"Excuse me. I'm sorry I don't want some crazy girl in the same room as me." Jane exclaimed.
"Okay don't call Luna crazy you don't even know her." Ellie shot.
"You're right I don't know her. But I do know you and frankly all I can say about you is that you're selfish and you only care about yourself." Jane shot.
"Hey! Don't talk about my sister that way!" Brandon shot.
"Or what you're going to tell Lee." Jane spoke.
Brandon glared at her and Anthony dragged him to sit down.
"You know what Jane, there's no point arguing with you because you're the definition of a child. In fact I think the first years are more mature than you." Ellie spoke, then she turned to Brandon. "You okay?" She asked.
Brandon nodded.
"Go to Luna." He whispered.
Ellie nodded then walked passed Jane.
"Jerk." Jane muttered.
"Bite me." Ellie shot, and headed up to the dorms.
She opened the door that said.
Ellie walked in and saw Cho and Rosie comforting Luna.
"Ellie." Luna spoke with a huge smile on her face.
"Hi Luna are you okay?" Ellie asked.
"I'm okay. Yes it was very mean but it's fine." Luna explained.
"Okay Luna." Ellie spoke, then sat next to her.
"She shockingly didn't cry." Cho whispered.
Ellie just gave her a small smile.
"ELLE." Fred called out as he walked towards her.
She turned around and gave him a smile.
"Hey." She spoke.
"Hi." He said.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Could you do me a favor?" He queried.
"It depends." Ellie admitted. "Will I end up getting detention?" She queried.
"Only if you don't do it properly." Fred explained.
"No thank you." said Ellie.
"Okay fine do you have anyone in mind?" Fred asked.
Ellie thought for a moment.
"Chase needs more friends that are boys so maybe he'll do it. But only with Cedric." Ellie informed him.
"That's actually perfect. George and I needed two other people anyway." Fred advised.
Ellie just nodded and Fred smiled at her.
"What?" She asked.
He wanted to tell her that he thought she still looked beautiful but he didn't.
"Nothing I just thought of that one time when you were in first year and I used to call you pigtails." He lied, but he was thinking of that the other day.
"Oh yeah, I still hate that." Ellie admitted.
Fred just gave her another smile. He didn't know why but whenever he was with her he never stopped. And he felt like it was the same with her. At least he thought.
"Well I should get going. Bye Elle." Fred spoke.
"Bye Freddie." said Ellie.
He looked at her and it felt like she was going to say something but instead she just gave him a small smile and waved.
And he did the same.
Even though he wished something else happened as he walked away.
But he didn't know what. Another thing he didn't know was that Ellie was feeling the same way.

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