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WARNING: Some language- "BRANDON, are you really that obsessed with Ravenclaw you got a flag?" Rosie questioned

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WARNING: Some language
"BRANDON, are you really that obsessed with Ravenclaw you got a flag?" Rosie questioned.
"I didn't get it. Dad sent it." Brandon replied.
Rosie just rolled her eyes at her brother.
"Brandon I think you're a git." Ellie spoke.
Brandon just rolled his eyes at her.
"Thank you Ellie." Brandon replied, sarcastically.
Ellie just went back to reading her book, while her siblings struggled to put up the flag.
Just then Jane walked in the common room, looking flustered.
"What's wrong with you?" Brandon questioned.
He was currently trying to put up the flag but he almost fell off the stool.
Then he gained his balance back.
"Saved it." Brandon muttered.
Jane just rolled her eyes at him.
"I hate Snape." Jane shot, taking a seat next to Ellie.
"What did he do?" Ellie asked.
"Nothing, I just hate him." Jane exclaimed.
Ellie laughed.
"Brandon to the left!" Rosie yelled.
Just then Brandon collapsed and fell from stool onto the ground.
"Fuck!" Brandon muttered.
"Language." Rosie shot.
"Oh zip it." Brandon spat.
Rosie just rolled her eyes at him. And she held out a hand to help him out.
"You know Brandon you probably wouldn't have fallen if you just hung the flag up somewhere else." Ellie spoke.
"Well I thought about that, but wouldn't it be so much cooler if we hung it up in the common room." Brandon exclaimed.
Ellie just nodded at him.
"Very creative Brandon." Ellie spoke.
Brandon just smiled while Rosie tried to help him put up the flag.
Ellie and Jane just laughed at the two.
"Your siblings confuse me." Jane admitted.
"They confuse me too." Ellie replied.
Ellie and Jane then started talking about how annoying Professor Quirrell was.
"What's wrong with Quirrell?" Rosie asked, watching Brandon carefully so he wouldn't fall.
"Well I personally don't like him. Ellie just finds him weird." Jane exclaimed.
"I'm right though." Ellie replied.
"How do you know that?" Jane queried.
"It's not because I know it. It's because I can sense it." Ellie spoke.
"That's odd." Rosie replied.
"I'm done!" Brandon cheered.
"Congrats." Ellie replied sarcastically.
"Shut up." Brandon replied.
Ellie just laughed.
Just then Padma Patil walked into the common room and stared at them.
"Hey Padma. Did you notice anything?" Brandon asked.
Padma looked around and then she saw the flag.
"Cool flag." Padma spoke, and she went up to the girls dormitories.
"Why aren't boys allowed to go into the girls dormitories but girls are allowed in the boys?" Jane asked.
"That's exactly what I ask Hankel." Brandon stated, and he plopped down onto a couch.
"Well the founders trusted the girls to be more proper. Which is why if a boy tries to go up it turns into slides." Ellie explained.
"It's still weird." Brandon shot.
"Oh just shut up." Rosie spat.
"Make me." Brandon teased.
"Where's my wand?" Rosie questioned.
Just then Ellie and Jane started laughing at the two siblings fighting.
"I feel so bad that Chase has to miss this." Jane spoke.
"Me too." Ellie laughed.
Her and Jane looked at each other and smiled.
"They are so childish." Ellie said.
"They really are." Jane replied.
FRED was bored out of his mind in the Gryffindor common room on the cold February morning.
Lee and George we're currently fighting with Ron about how Ron had eaten all of the snacks they bought at hogmeades.
"I'm sorry I was hungry!" Ron shot.
Lee and George just rolled their eyes at the boy.
Fred was busy studying for a Defense Against the Dark Arts quiz.
Fred hated Quirrell.
He always thought that he was a coward.
"Stupid werewolves." Fred muttered.
George then looked at his brother.
"What's wrong mate?" George queried.
"I'm studying for the stupid quiz for DADA." Fred groaned.
"Good luck with that." Lee replied, then started fighting with Ron again.
"Wait. Ellie read about that she helped me with it yesterday while I was in the library. Ask her." George suggested.
"Um ok." Fred replied.
Fred quickly left the common room.
The only problem was he didn't know where'd she be.
So he went with his first option.
The library.
Then he rushed there quickly.
To see the cute tiny first year.
He was correct. Then he walked to the table.
"Hey." Fred said.
"Hi. Can I help you?" Ellie asked.
"Yes actually, George told me that you know about werewolves or something." Fred spoke, sitting next to her.
"Oh yeah. What do you need help with?" Ellie questioned.
Fred thought for a moment.
"I don't get what the difference is between a werewolf and an animagus is." Fred exclaimed.
"Oh well it's simple. An animagus can choose what they want to be, a werewolf has no choice." Ellie explained.
Fred quickly wrote it down in a piece of parchment.
"Thanks." Fred spoke.
"No problem." Ellie replied, going back to her book.
"You read so much." Fred shot.
"I've noticed." Ellie replied.
Fred just smiled.
"Don't you ever get bored of it?" Fred asked.
"Not really." Ellie replied.
Fred just smiled at her.
"See you around Elle." Fred stated.
"Bye." Ellie replied.
Fred just left the library and headed back to the common room.
He smiled when he thought of Ellie for a second.
Just then he bumped into someone.
"Ow." The other person groaned.
"Sorry mate." Fred apologized.
Fred looked up and saw it was Brandon and rolled his eyes.
"I take it back." Fred stated.
"Pleasure to see you too Fred." Brandon said, sarcastically.
Fred just rolled his eyes.
"Wait I have to tell you something." Brandon shot.
Fred just groaned.
"Ugh what do you want from my life!" Fred shot.
Brandon just rolled his eyes at the boy.
"Thanks for telling Ellie about Jake. Rosie seems happy." Brandon spoke.
"Oh um. No problem." Fred spoke.
"That doesn't mean we're friends." Brandon shot.
"Good." Fred shot.
Brandon just stared at him for a moment.
"Good." Brandon shot.
The two boys walked opposite directions and separated ways.
For a second Fred was ok with having a quiz, he still hated it. But what could go wrong.
"UGH everything went wrong!" Chase shot.
"What do you mean?" Jane asked.
Chase was currently ranting to the girls about how he had failed at trying to play quidditch.
"Cedric was teaching me, but then I fell off my broom!" Chase exclaimed.
"I'm sure it'll be fine." Ellie exclaimed.
"Maybe I'll do quidditch next year I could be a chaser." Jane exclaimed.
"That would be nice." Ellie exclaimed.
"What about you Ellie, are you going to try for quidditch?" Chase asked.
"No." Ellie revealed.
Chase gasped.
"Why not?" Chase asked.
"I don't get the hype about it." Ellie exclaimed.
Jane and Chase just rolled their eyes at her.
Just then Cedric entered the library.
"Hey guys." Cedric greeted.
"Hi Cedric!" Chase greeted.
"You won't believe what I just found out." Cedric exclaimed.
"What?" Jane questioned.
"Rosie Smith is dating Jake Baker."
Cedric whispered, so only they could hear.
Chase's face frowned for a bit. Considering he still had a huge crush on Rosie.
"I know." Ellie said.
"How?" Cedric asked.
"She's my sister." Ellie replied.
"Oh yeah." Cedric spoke.
Jane just rolled her eyes at Cedric.
"No wonder you aren't in Ravenclaw." Jane spoke.
"Oh shut it!" Cedric laughed.
Just then Cedric noticed Chase looked sad.
He whispered something into Chase's ear. Chase had definitely whispered something back. But Ellie couldn't hear it.
"Ugh. Where is my quill!" Jane exclaimed.
Just then Chase found it and gave it to her.
"Here." Chase spoke.
"Thanks." Jane replied.
Cedric smiled at the two, he whispered something into Chase's ear, Chase just gave him a tiny glare.
"Ok, me and Chase are going to go back to Hufflepuff common room." Cedric spoke.
"Got it." Jane replied.
"See you guys later." Ellie shot.
"Wow you guys are so sad to see us leave." Cedric spoke, sarcastically with a smirk.
"Oh shut it." Ellie said.
Cedric just smiled while Chase said goodbye to the girls and left.
"Ellie." Jane said.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
"How do you think Chase feels?" Jane asked.
Ellie thought for a moment. She didn't know.
And the thought of her not knowing killed her.
"Is it bad that I don't know?" Ellie queried.
"No." Jane simply replied.
"I'm sure he'll be ok." Ellie spoke.
"Me too." Jane replied, and she put her stuff in her bag.
"Let's go." Jane stated.
Ellie looked around the library for a second.
She felt chills, and she didn't know why.
CHILLS, they ran down Fred's spine when he was in the corridor.
"What's wrong Fred?" George questioned.
"I don't know. I'm not getting a good feeling." Fred exclaimed.
"It could be because you're just nervous for the quiz." George spoke.
"It's not that. Trust me." Fred replied. He paused for a moment and sighed.
"I don't know, It's just I feel like there's so many things that feel off at Hogwarts." Fred explained.
"Like?" George questioned.
"Everything Georgie." Fred spoke.
George just gave him a look and smiled. Considering that Fred was right.
Just then Neville Longbottom started running and stopped out of breath.
"Are you ok Neville?" George asked.
George and Fred quickly walked up to Neville.
"You look like hell." Fred said.
George nudged him.
"What happened?"  George asked.
Neville looked up shyly.
"Y- You guys are going to make fun of me." Neville stuttered.
"No we won't." Fred spoke.
Neville sighed.
"Draco Malfoy was making fun of me, so I ran as fast as I could." Neville exclaimed.
"Well then I think me and Georgie here should think of pranks to do on that Malfoy twat." Fred spoke.
"I absolutely agree Freddie." George replied.
"Thank you." Neville thanked. Just like that Neville left.
"Ready to think of ways to show that piece of shit to never mess with the Gryffindor's?" Fred asked.
"Ready." George smirked.
"MY Father will hear about this!" Draco Malfoy yelled.
Ellie and Jane we're currently laughing their heads off. The Weasley twins had decided to use a spell to make Draco float up the ceiling of the great hall.
"This is golden." Brandon laughed.
Ellie just laughed.
"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall yelled.
"Look what they did!" Draco shouted, while pointing to the twins.
"Our mistake Professor." George said.
"We were going to use it on Ron." Fred added.
"Honest." They said in unison.
"Whatever, 5 points from Gryffindor." McGonagall spoke.
"Professor!" Draco shot.
McGonagall stared at how high Draco was.
"Now will you please bring Mr.Malfoy down!" McGonagall demanded.
"Whatever you say Miss." Fred said.
McGonagall just glared at him.
Just then people started to head back to there seats.
"Oh um Ms.Smith, may I please talk to you?" Professor McGonagall asked.
Fred looked back at Ellie for a moment.
"Sure." Ellie replied.
"Ok dear I have a favor to ask you." McGonagall spoke.
"Watch out Draco!" George yelled.
"Yeah you may loose an arm!" Fred shouted.
"Mr.Weasley!" McGonagall yelled.
"Sorry." Fred muttered.
Just then Draco landed in both of the twins arms.
"Ugh wait until my father hears about this!" Draco spat.
"Sorry about them dear." McGonagall spoke.
Ellie just gave her a smile.
"Now could you please give this letter to Professor Snape for me?" McGonagall questioned.
"Sure." Ellie replied.
"Thank you dear." McGonagall thanked, with a smile on her face.
Ellie then started to walk to Snape's room.
Then while she was in the dungeon she heard a noise.
"What are you doing here?" Pansy Parkinson spat.
"I have to give this to Snape." Ellie spoke.
"Nerd." Pansy muttered.
"Oh stop it Pansy." A blonde Slytherin girl spoke.
Ellie hadn't recognized her.
"Sod off!" Pansy scoffed and walked to her common room.
The password was Pureblood.
"I'm sorry about her." The girl exclaimed.
"It's ok, Ellie Smith." Ellie introduced.
"Daphne Greengrass." Daphne spike.
Then she held out a hand.
"Your family is a part of the Sacred 28." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah, unfortunately." Daphne replied.
"I mean at least you have something kind of cool about your last name. Mine is Smith." Ellie replied.
Which caused Daphne to laugh.
"I'll see you around?" Daphne asked.
"I'll see you around." Ellie said.
The two girls smiled at each other and then walked different paths.
Which led Ellie to Snape's office.
Ellie knocked on the door quietly.
She didn't hear a response so she walked in and looked around.
"Hello." Snape spoke.
Which caused Ellie to jump. Snape just rolled her eyes at her.
"May I help you?" Snape asked, his lips curled.
"Oh um, McGonagall asked me to give this to you." Ellie replied.
She then gave Snape the letter and Snape snatched it quickly.
"Thank you. Now you can leave Ms.Smith." Snape shot.
Ellie just nodded and quickly walked out of the room.
And she headed to the great hall.
When she got in she sat next to Brandon who was currently fighting with Rosie. Which left no shocker to Ellie.
Ellie ate her dinner and noticed some people from Slytherin stare at her weirdly.
Just then she saw Draco Malfoy sneer at her.
Which is not a good thing.
Just then an owl landed in front of her.
"A bit late for mail isn't it." Brandon spoke.
Ellie rolled her eyes and grabbed the letter and opened it.
Did you know that someone has a crush on you? Hint: It's not one of the stupid Weasley twins.
Ellie looked up and glared at him.
Draco just smirked and went back to talking to his friends.
What did the note mean? Surely it was false. Was it?
Ellie quickly crumbled up the note and put it in her bag.
"What did that say?" Brandon questioned.
"Nothing important." Ellie said.
It wasn't that important.
FRED was talking with George about the stunt they pulled on Draco and how it was hilarious.
Just then they heard someone whisper Fred and George.
The twins looked back and saw it was Draco.
"What do you want Malfoy?" Fred asked, with a glare.
"Did you know someone has a crush on your girlfriend?" Draco queried.
"What girlfriend?" Fred asked.
George just face palmed himself.
"The Smith." Draco shot.
"She's not my girlfriend." Fred spoke.
"Yeah yeah, and I'm not in Slytherin." Draco sassed.
Fred just huffed.
"Who?" George asked.
"Someone in Slytherin. And you know what they say apparently Slytherins and Ravenclaws make a great match. Just ask Jake Baker." Draco sneered.
Fred gave Draco a glare.
Then he felt that feeling again.
"Is it you?" Fred asked.
"No. I'd never like a filthy half-blood, are you insane!" Draco spat.
"She's not filthy." Fred shot.
"You're very nice defending your girlfriend." Draco teased.
Fred just glared at him and went back to his dinner.
He wanted to beat up Malfoy.
Just as much as he wanted to beat up who liked Ellie.
He didn't know why. He just did.
But deep down he knew it was because of Jealousy.
He just didn't know yet.

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