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"YES I win!" Brandon cheered

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"YES I win!" Brandon cheered.
"Oh shut it." Jane shot.
Ellie was currently watching Jane and Brandon play wizards chess.
Brandon had won.
Jane however won 5 times.
"Jane's still better than you." Rosie spoke.
"Is not!" Brandon spat.
"Is too." Rosie shot.
Just then Rosie slapped him. And they started fighting.
"Can we get back to the game?" Jane queried.
Brandon rolled his eyes and then started playing with the young Ravenclaw.
Ellie was observing everything that the three were doing.
And in that second Rosie sat next to her.
"What are you doing?" Rosie asked, looking at Ellie's notes.
"Studying for exams." Ellie exclaimed.
"Ellie the exams are a month away. I think you'll be fine." Rosie replied.
"But Hermione Granger started months ago!" Ellie protested.
Rosie just rolled her eyes at Ellie.
"Look, you need to do something. You rarely do anything here." Rosie spoke.
"Thanks for noticing." Ellie replied, sarcastically.
"You're welcome." Rosie spoke.
"I won!" Jane yelled.
"That is so not fair." Brandon protested.
"Brandon stop being salty." Ellie spoke.
Brandon just huffed.
"Ellie can I ask you something?" Rosie questioned.
"Sure." Ellie replied.
"How is Chase doing? You know." Rosie paused. "Jake thing?" Rosie asked.
"He's doing ok." Ellie paused for a moment and smiled.
"Good." Rosie spoke.
Then the two girls started laughing at the other two fighting over wizards chess.
"Dude just admit i'm better than you!" Jane shot, Brandon just gave her a death glare and huffed.
"Never!" Brandon replied, Jane just rolled her eyes at him.
Ellie however laughed at the two.
CURRENTLY annoyed by Oliver Wood Fred sat down watching Wood teach Harry some pointers.
"Thinking about who likes Ellie? Aren't you?" George questioned, he sat next to Fred and sighed. "Come on Freddie just admit you like her." George begged.
"I like her." Fred paused. He took a deep breath in.
"I just don't know how." Fred spoke.
"Are there any feelings?" George questioned.
Fred thought for a moment.
"No." Fred admitted.
"Well then you have your answer. You don't like her." George spoke.
"What do you mean she's my friend?" Fred shot.
George just laughed.
"No. I meant you don't have feelings for her. Don't be stupid Freddie." George exclaimed. He then noticed Fred looked a bit less tense, but there was something still there. "Let me guess, you want to know who likes her?" George questioned.
"Yes." Fred replied.
"Well the only way we will know is by time." George spoke.
How Fred hates thinking about time.
He just wanted to know now. At this very moment. Was that so hard to ask?
Sadly it was for poor Fred.
"We could ask Jake?" Fred suggested.
"We can't bother him again Freddie." George exclaimed.
Fred just thought to himself.
He didn't have feelings for Ellie. Then why did he feel like he betrayed her when he said that in his head. Fred had to push the thought at the back of his head. They're only friends. And that's what they are at the moment.
Deep down Fred Weasley knew he didn't like her at the moment, considering he knew that he was going to like Ellie. In the future. But it would take a lot of time. Which is what Fred hates.
"Twins! Practice now!" Oliver shouted.
The twins just groaned and went to start practice.
And that was the best practice Fred had done in a while.
ELLIE was currently sitting in the library with Chase and Cedric. Jane was with Rosie helping her pick out outfits because Rosie would be going on a date with Jake. The only reason Ellie said no was because she wanted Rosie and Jane to spend some alone time together.
"How about chaser?" Cedric questioned, trying to convince Chase for next year.
"No." Chase paused for a moment. Then he thought of the perfect one. "How about a keeper?" Chase asked.
"Yes! How could I not think of that before!" Cedric stated.
"Are you guys done talking about quidditch now?" Ellie questioned.
"No." The two said simultaneously.
Ellie just rolled her eyes at the two boys. When she noticed Daphne Greengrass sitting by herself.
Cedric looked back to what she was looking at.
"Who's that?" Cedric questioned.
"Daphne Greengrass. She's in my year." Ellie spoke. Cedric and Chase just looked at her.
"She's a Slytherin." Cedric spoke.
"Problem?" Ellie asked.
Cedric stared at her blankly.
"N-none." Cedric stuttered.
"She's in our classes right?" Chase questioned.
"Yeah." Ellie replied, finishing her transfiguration work. "And i'm done!" Ellie exclaimed, putting her stuff in her bag.
"It still amazes me how quick you can do your homework." Cedric stated.
"Well you do an awful lot of talking, and very little concentrating." Ellie explained.
"Very funny." Cedric spoke, sarcastically then ruffled her hair.
Ellie glared at him.
"I think i'm going to sit with Daphne." Ellie spoke.
"Ok bye Ellie." Cedric spoke.
"See you later Ellie." Chase added.
"Bye." Ellie said.
Ellie then walked up to Daphne's table.
"This seat taken?" Ellie asked.
Daphne looked up and smiled at her.
"Not at all, take a seat." Daphne instructed. Ellie smiled at her and sat down.
Daphne had a huge grin on her face and it led to Ellie getting confused.
"What?" Ellie queried.
"Nothing, it's just I know someone who likes you." Daphne exclaimed.
Draco wasn't lying.
"Draco was telling the truth!" Ellie exclaimed shocked.
"Surprisingly." Daphne replied.
"Well who is it?" Ellie asked.
"I'm not telling you." Daphne exclaimed, with a laugh. "Do you fancy anyone Ellie?" Daphne asked.
"Me. No why?" Ellie asked.
"Really? The only reason the guy who likes you didn't say anything was because." Daphne paused for a second. "Draco was telling everyone you're dating the one Weasley twin." Daphne spoke.
Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"Since when do people think Draco is telling the truth?" Ellie queried.
Daphne then laughed for a moment.
"You're right! How could we be so stupid?" Daphne laughed.
Ellie just chuckled.
"So you don't fancy anyone?" Daphne asked.
"I don't fancy anyone." Ellie assured.
Daphne just looked at her closely.
"What?" Ellie asked.
"I was trying to see if you were lying." Daphne spoke. Ellie looked at her like she was insane. "Well sometimes when people lie they crinkle their nose, or their pupils become big or small." Daphne explained.
"Well that is very." Ellie paused for a moment to think of what to say. "Nice of you I guess." Ellie spoke. Daphne just laughed at her.
"Well it looks like you're telling the truth." Daphne sighed.
"So will you tell me who likes me?" Ellie questioned.
"Never." Daphne laughed.
NEVER in a million years did Fred Weasley think that he was going to be so attached to a girl younger than him. But he was. It wasn't like an older brother or younger sister. He just didn't know why he was so attached. What got him even more confused was why he didn't care that he was so attached.
So to get his mind off of the girl he decided to start studying for exams. So Fred got to it and started to grab his books to study. He sat in the Gryffindor common room for hours. Annoyed because George was complaining that they could be doing pranks.
Fred just rolled his eyes and started studying his brain out.
"Fred! It's 7:45! Stop studying!" George complained.
"Shush!" Fred shot. George just huffed at his brother.
"I hate you." George muttered.
"Love you too." Fred spoke. George just glared at him.
Fred however continued to read the books for exams.
Just then Percy walked in. He looked at George and George just shrugged.
"How is it possible that you out of all people are studying?" Percy questioned.
Fred looked up at him and glared.
"I study." Fred spat.
"Yeah, ten minutes before the exams." George shot.
Fred just glared at him.
"Well you two should probably head down to dinner. It's starting soon and even though I love to see you study you should still eat." Percy spoke.
Fred just rolled his eyes at Percy and Fred grabbed a book.
"You're going to study at dinner!" George shouted. Which caused many people to give George weird looks.
"Yeah." Fred shrugged.
"Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" George asked.
Percy just eyed Fred and gave an impressed look.
George just stood there in shock.
"Um let's just go to dinner then." George spoke. Still eyeing Fred as if he's lost his mind.
Fred and George started walking to the great hall while Fred still had his nose in a book.
"Fred be careful you're going to bump into something." George warned.
"Shut up." Fred muttered. Then at that second he bumped into a wall. "Ow." Fred groaned. George just laughed.
"I told you." George said. Fred gave him a death stare, while George just helped him up.
"Come on we only have ten steps to walk. I think you can survive a few seconds." George stated. Fred looked at him and then folded the corner of the page and closed the book.
Then George and Fred entered the great hall and Fred quickly went to sit down and shove his nose in the book.
George walked up and sat next to his twin brother and rolled his eyes.
"What's his deal?" Angelina asked.
"I don't know. He's been studying all day, and it's boring!" George complained. He looked at his twin brother who still had his eyes glued to the book.
"I'd never thought I would live to see the day to see Fred Weasley studying for exams. I'm so proud." Lee spoke, wiping a fake tear. Fred just looked up and glared at him and got back to reading.
"You know Fred exams are a month away. Why are you studying?" Angelina asked.
"Maybe because he finally realized how important his education is." Percy shot.
"Don't be stupid Percy. It's obvious he's probably just bored." Oliver spoke. Percy glared at him.
"Seriously. Who would study for this long?" George questioned.
Then an idea struck George. He stood up on Gryffindor table.
"Attention everyone!" George shouted. George started getting many stares. One of them included Ellie Smith. He grabbed his water glass and poured it on Fred.
"That's not good." Oliver spoke.
"You think." Percy said.
Fred got up slowly and George gulped.
"Georgie." Fred said in a soft voice. George gulped a second time.
"Yes." George shrieked.
"I am going to kill you!" Fred shouted. Then he jumped on George.
"Get off of me!" George yelled.
"No!" Fred yelled.
"I hate you!" George shot.
"I hate you more!" Fred shot.
"But it was funny!" George protested.
"No it wasn't." Fred yelled.
Just then Percy grabbed the two boys by the ears.
"You both are an embarrassment to the family." Percy shot.
"No you are!" The twins protested.
Percy just scoffed and tugged on the twins ears.
"Ow. If you keep doing this my ear will fall off!" George complained.
"It's your fault for always starting it." Fred spat.
"Like I've said the past two times. I was only telling the truth." George exclaimed.
"You didn't even say anything this time!" Fred shot.
"Both of you enough! You two are heading straight to McGonagall's!" Percy shot.
"I'LL give that to them, the twins are idiots."Brandon laughed.
"Mostly George." Jane spoke.
"Why?" Brandon asked.
"I mean this time George started it." Jane explained.
"Fred was just trying to read in peace." Ellie added.
"Of course you're sticking up for your boyfriend." Brandon teased.
"He's not my boyfriend." Ellie muttered.
"Yeah, sure and I'm not in Ravenclaw." Rosie said sarcastically. Ellie just glared at her siblings.
"You have to admit it was funny." Jane said.
"Ok it was a little funny." Ellie admitted.
After a few moments the Weasley twins came back this time Fred wasn't soaking wet.
"I'm shocked they aren't killing each other." Jane admitted.
"Boys are weird they make up super fast." Ellie advised. Jane just looked at her and nodded.
"They really are." Jane spoke.
"Hey!" Brandon shot.
"Oh be quiet you act like a girl." Rosie shot.
"Rude." Brandon muttered.
Rosie rolled her eyes but then slid grapes towards Brandon.
"Yay!" Brandon cheered.
Ellie just laughed at her idiot brother.
For a few moments everything seemed nice and calm but Ellie didn't know why. The calmness lasted for a second when she felt chills down her spine.
Little did she know Fred Weasley also felt chills at the exact same time.
The only thing was they both decided to ignore it.
Ellie looked up at the staff table and saw Professor Qurriell stare straight at Harry Potter. Ellie stared at Qurriell for a few seconds, she then looked at Snape who was giving Qurriell a look.
A bad look.
Ellie then understood it. Qurriell was a bad man. Which is why Snape was rude only towards him not just because he wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts spot.
Snape then saw Ellie and gave her a glare. Ellie smiled quickly and then got back to her dinner.
"What's wrong?" Jane questioned.
"Nothing." She paused for a second. "Everything is completely fine." Ellie exclaimed, but then looked at the staff table.
This made her feel very tense and she felt chills again. Ellie then felt a sudden urge to know what was under Qurriell'a turban.

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