(thirty six.)

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TW: Eating Disorder-ELLIE was sitting in the corridors reading when she felt someone sit next to her

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TW: Eating Disorder
ELLIE was sitting in the corridors reading when she felt someone sit next to her.
She looked next to her and saw Fred Weasley.
"Hi." She spoke softly.
"Hey." He said, then grabbed something from his bag.
"Here. Your book." He advised, then handed it back to her.
"Thanks." She said with a smile, and she quickly put her book in her bag.
Fred just smiled at her.
"Sorry I always bother you when you're reading." Fred told her.
Ellie just smiled at him.
"Did you like the book?" Ellie asked.
"Surprisingly I did." Fred admitted.
"Wow. Fred Weasley actually enjoyed reading." Ellie said.
Fred just smiled at her.
"Elle." He spoke.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
"I don't know if I should be the one to tell you this." Fred admitted.
"Tell me what?" Ellie asked.
"Never mind I shouldn't. It's not my place to say." Fred exclaimed. Ellie nodded.
"You're a good friend Fred." Ellie said.
Fred smiled at her.
"You're a good friend too Ellie." Fred assured her.
Ellie smiled at him for a moment.
She felt this weird feeling but then shrugged it off.
"I should get going. I have to meet Cedric, bye Freddie." Ellie exclaimed.
"Bye Elle." Fred said, with a smile.
She smiled at him and walked away.
() () ()
"CEDRIC can you stop." Ellie shot.
"Sorry it's just not everyday when you give me a compliment." Cedric smirked.
"I said that you're stupid and pretty." Ellie spoke.
"I know! And I love being called pretty!" Cedric shot.
Ellie just chuckled and started doodling on her parchment. Cedric poked Ellie and she gave him a glare.
"What?" She shot.
"Your brother is coming up to us." Cedric informed her.
Ellie looked over and saw Brandon rush over to the table.
"Ellie!" Brandon shot.
"Hi." said Ellie.
"I told Lee I liked him!" Brandon exclaimed, his eyes widened when he noticed Cedric. Brandon gulped and Cedric just smiled.
"That's awesome!" Cedric assured.
Ellie just looked at Brandon.
"What did he say?" Ellie queried.
"I don't know." Brandon admitted. Cedric was just looking at the entire conversation intrigued.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Ellie asked.
"Well I told him but in a letter. Then I threw it at him and ran away — And I'm also positive I forgot to sign it!" Brandon told her.
Ellie stared at him.
"What do you mean you forgot to sign it?" Ellie asked.
"Well Ellie I think he meant he forgot to sign his letter." said Cedric. Looking quite proud of himself. Ellie rolled her eyes at him and Brandon just groaned as he sat down next to Cedric.
"It's okay buddy." Cedric advised, and then pat him on the back. While Ellie opened her book.
"Why is life so cruel!" Brandon shouted.
"Calm down Brandon." Ellie said, turning a page of her book.
"Feelings are cruel." Brandon muttered and he slid down the library chair.
Cedric just gave Brandon a sympathetic look. "Everything will be okay in the end Brandon you just have to believe in love." Cedric said.
Brandon smiled at him and Ellie just scoffed and closed her book.
"Love really?" Ellie queried.
"Believe it or not Ellie love is a great feeling." said Cedric.
"It also wastes a lot of time. For example Cedric whenever you have a crush you always zone out and think about them way too much." Ellie explained.
"So?" Cedric asked her.
"So! Chase told me that sometimes you write your crush's name on your homework." Ellie said.
Brandon looked up and stared at Cedric giving him a look.
Cedric's eyes widened and he blushed with embarrassment.
"Well I'm sorry I try to make homework less boring!" Cedric shot.
"Well I do know one thing." said Ellie.
"What?" Cedric asked.
"You guys are awful in the love department." Ellie explained.
"Hey!" Cedric shot.
"She's not wrong." Brandon spoke.
"I hate how she's always right." Cedric muttered.
"You and me both brother." Brandon spoke.
() () ()
"LEE could you stop pacing you're overreacting." Fred exclaimed.
"Overreacting! Fred, someone actually likes me!" Lee shot with a smile. And started pacing across the common room. "I wonder why they didn't sign the letter?" Lee admitted.
Fred took the letter from Lee's hands and looked at it.
"I think I know someone with this handwriting." Fred admitted.
"Who?" Lee asked.
"I don't remember, I just recognized the handwriting. Besides, don't you like anyone?" Fred asked.
"What." Lee spoke.
"Come on Lee it's a bit obvious, I mean I've seen you look over at the Ravenclaw table." Fred explained. Then he looked over at Lee. "Do you like anyone?" Fred asked him.
Lee quickly sighed. "I do but I doubt they like me back." He admitted.
Fred just stared at him.
"I'm sure they do." Fred advised.
"Well I don't Fred! In fact I'm not even sure they like boys!" Lee shot.
"Lee." Fred spoke softly, then looked around to make sure no one was around to listen. "Is it a boy?" Fred asked.
Lee nodded slowly.
"Who?" Fred asked.
"You promise you won't say anything?" Lee asked.
Fred nodded.
"I won't." Fred assured him.
Lee sighed for a moment.
"Brandon Smith." Lee mumbled.
"I didn't hear what you said, it was just mumbles." Fred stated.
"Brandon Smith." He spoke a bit louder.
"Brandon Smith?" Fred asked. Lee nodded. "Okay well, are you going to tell him?" Fred asked.
"No!" Lee shot. Then glared at Fred. "I can't. Okay." Lee spoke.
Fred smiled at him.
"Okay." Fred replied.
"Fine maybe I'll do it." Lee said. Fred grinned widely.
Then George walked into the common room and looked at them.
"What were you two talking about?" George queried.
"Nothing!" Lee and Fred shot.
George just chuckled at the two.
"Okay. Well you won't believe what I just saw!" George exclaimed.
Lee looked at George for a second.
"Actually I have something to tell you first." Lee admitted.
"Oh okay. What is it?" George asked.
Lee looked over at Fred and Fred nodded.
"I have a crush on Brandon Smith." Lee told George.
"Cool." George spoke. "Now where was I? Oh yeah! Anyways I saw Jane Hankel and the Micheal boy kissing!" George told the two.
"Wait. You don't care?" Lee asked.
"That you have normal human feelings? It's normal." George exclaimed.
Lee just smiled at him.
"Okay then." Lee spoke.
"I can't believe they're dating." George spoke.
"I can't believe she didn't tell Elle." Fred admitted.
Lee looked over at him.
"She doesn't know?" George asked.
Fred shook his head.
"I overheard her telling Micheal to not tell Ellie, Chase, or Cedric." Fred advised.
"That's stupid. Is she jealous or something?" George asked.
"Of course she is! I mean they don't talk to her as much as they talk to Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass, or Blaise Zabini." Lee explained.
"Oh stop it! Besides Jane is the one who hasn't been talking to them as much." Fred muttered.
"I agree with Fred." George spoke.
"Of course you do." Lee muttered.
() () ()
"REMIND me again why you asked me to help you with your O.W.L.s?" Ellie asked Brandon.
"Well because I'm positive Lee Jordan is also going to be studying and I don't want to make a fool out of myself." Brandon explained.
Ellie just stared at him.
"Why can't you just study by yourself? I have to study too." Ellie advised.
"Well how about we study together?" Brandon suggested.
"But you read out loud." Ellie complained.
"Shut up." Brandon muttered.
Ellie looked over and saw Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins.
Ellie smiled and poked Brandon.
"Hey, there's Lee." Ellie whispered.
Brandon looked at Lee for a second and sighed.
"Go talk to him!" Ellie shot.
"Why don't we just study." Brandon spoke.
"You're an idiot." Ellie shot.
"Thanks." Brandon said sarcastically.
Ellie just gave him a smile.
() () ()
"LEE here's your chance! Go talk to him." Fred exclaimed.
"No!" Lee shot, then looked over at Brandon who looked annoyed. "It looks like he doesn't even want to be here!" Lee said.
"I don't want to be here either but we have to study." George told Lee.
"Besides what are you so worried about?" Fred asked.
"Well there are many possibilities. One of them is that I fall and hurt myself. Another is if I trip and fall. A third one is that I just make a complete fool of myself. Oh! And he may just make some random excuse just to not talk to me!" Lee ranted.
Fred and George stared at Lee.
"I don't even think that you think that hard when you do your homework." Fred admitted.
"Yeah you're overthinking a lot buddy." George added.
Lee sighed and Fred stared at where Brandon was. He noticed Ellie for a second. Fred looked at George and they both grinned.
They waited until Brandon and Ellie started walking towards them.
Then The twins pushed Lee towards Brandon.
Brandon's eyes widened and then looked at Lee.
"Hey." Brandon greeted.
"H-Hey." Lee stuttered.
Ellie looked over at Fred and he just gave her a smile.
"Lee would like to tell you something." Fred spoke.
Lee looked at Fred and just gulped.
"Go on Lee." George added.
"I just wanted to say that um." Lee started. Brandon looked confused and Lee just widened his eyes. "I- I think that you. You should've seen Ravenclaw loose to Gryffindor." Lee sputtered out.
Fred and George face palmed themselves and Ellie chuckled.
"I was there. In fact I lost that game because I'm on the Ravenclaw team. I'm literally going to be captain soon." Brandon exclaimed.
"Oh um sorry." Lee muttered.
"Okay well I'm going to go. Bye Lee." Brandon said. Then he looked at the twins. "Weasley's." He shot.
"Smith." The twins said in unison.
Fred looked over Ellie.
"I think he forgot about you." Fred teased.
"He'll be back. Eventually." Ellie advised, then went to sit at a table.
Fred looked over and smiled at her until he heard George.
"Lee seriously! Bringing up how your crush lost a quidditch game is not a good way to ask them out." George shot.
"Would you be quiet!" Lee whispered.
"Why? He left." Fred stated.
"Yeah but his sister is right there!" Lee shot.
"What do you mean Elle is sitting all the way at another table." Fred exclaimed.
"I'm not talking about Ellie. I'm talking about Rosie!" Lee spoke.
Fred turned around and saw Rosie Smith at another table talking to Jake Baker.
"Didn't they break up?" George queried.
"They did, but they sneak around a lot just to see each other." Lee advised.
"Why did they break up again?" Fred asked.
"Rosie Smith broke up with him because she felt like they weren't working. However they still see each other." Lee explained.
Fred and George both looked at him.
"How the heck do you know that?" George asked.
"Well I just listen around sometimes. And they usually hide near the quidditch field." Lee told them.
"Oh wow. Is there anything else?" George asked.
"Noisy." Fred muttered.
"Hey!" George shot.
Fred chuckled and looked over at Ellie.
"I'll be right back." Fred spoke.
"Where are you..." George started to ask but then looked over and saw Ellie. "Never mind." George muttered.
Fred walked over towards Ellie.
"Can I sit?" He asked.
Ellie nodded. Then Fred sat next to her.
"So what happened between Brandon and Lee was awkward." Fred stated.
"Yeah. What's up with him?" Ellie asked.
"No idea." Fred lied.
Ellie just gave him a look.
"Sure." She spoke, then skipped through pages in her book. "I have a question." Ellie advised.
"Ask ahead." said Fred.
"What was your boggart?" Ellie asked.
"Oh I don't remember. It also probably changed." He exclaimed. "Why are you asking?" Fred queried.
"Well for my exams we have to face a boggart and I have no idea what mine is." She told him.
"Oh well you'll just find out eventually." Fred told her.
"Yeah but I want to know now so I have an idea of what it's going to be." Ellie exclaimed.
"You are very stubborn." Fred spoke.
"I know." She replied.
Then Fred smiled. He looked over for a second and then saw Jane Hankel and Micheal Corner.
Then he covered Ellie's eyes.
"Hey! Fred, if your planning to make me stop studying this isn't going to work!" Ellie shot.
"I'm doing this for your own good!" Fred spoke.
"How is me studying affecting my own good?" Ellie queried.
Fred looked over and saw Micheal Corner and Jane still talking and holding hands. Fred sighed for a moment then removed his hands from her eyes.
Ellie quickly gave him a glare.
"What was that for?" Ellie shot.
"Nothing!" Fred replied.
Ellie looked over and saw Jane and Micheal. She sighed for a moment. Then quickly opened her book.
"How long have they been a thing?" Ellie queried, then started to read her book.
"About a few weeks." Fred told her.
"Okay. Do you have a quill?" She asked.
Fred just stared at her.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine." She replied.
Fred just put an arm on her shoulder.
She smiled at him for a moment. "Don't touch me." Ellie said.
Fred just gave her a smile.
"Okay." He replied.
Then he grabbed a quill from his bag.
"I think I borrowed this from you." He told her.
She smiled at him and then started writing things down on a piece of parchment.
"You should probably take a break from studying though Elle." Fred exclaimed.
"You should probably study." Ellie shot, and Fred smirked.
"You're hilarious." He spoke sarcastically.
"Shut up." She said.
() () ()
"WELL Ellie are you ready to try to conjure a patronus one last time?" Lupin asked her.
"What if I don't get it?" Ellie queried.
"You'll be fine. Trust me." He spoke softly.
Then she thought for a moment. She was thinking of a happy moment. Then she realized what her happy moment was. It was before she had her bad relationship with food. So she thought about that time period for a long moment. Then she looked at Lupin and he nodded.
"Expecto Patronum!" She casted, as she held a firm grip on her wand. Then a silver light flashed and instead of sparks an animal figure started to form. Then she saw it a wolf.
Lupin looked impressed. "Very interesting." He spoke with a smile. Ellie however had an even bigger smile on her face.
"Why is it a wolf?" She asked.
"I don't know. However you do seem a lot like me it makes sense that we have the same patronus." Lupin told her and Ellie smiled.
Then she thought for a moment. She wanted to be happy again. And to be happy she needed a healthy relationship with herself and food.
"Professor Lupin." Ellie spoke.
"Yes." He replied.
"Do you have chocolate? If that's okay with you." Ellie asked him and Lupin smiled at her.
"Of course Ellie." He replied giving her a bigger smile. Then gave her a piece. "You deserve it." Lupin assured.
"Thank you." She said softly.
Then Lupin looked at her for a moment.
"I've noticed you've been studying a lot and questioning your boggart." Lupin admitted.
"I just don't know what it's going to be." She told him.
Lupin nodded at her and then tried to change the subject.
"I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with Fred Weasley." Lupin told her.
"He's a good friend." Ellie told him. Lupin just gave her a smile.
"That's nice." Lupin said.
"Don't tell him I said that I don't want him to get cocky." Ellie spoke.
Lupin nodded at her.
"I won't. Well Ellie we should get going dinner is starting soon." Lupin told her.
Ellie grabbed her bag and they both left.
And she was definitely going to eat something.

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