Inappropriate Behaviour

Start from the beginning

"Harry Ellis, if I catch you inappropriately bothering Susanna or any other female member of staff again; I shall see that Takagi finds out exactly the sort of person you are!" Holly told him with authority.

Ellis shrugged raising his hands in defeat.

"Whatever you say Gennero"

"Just ignore him, one day he'll meet his match and I'm pretty sure when he does, he won't have much to say" Holly told Susanna pointedly.

From a distance Ellis appeared to be tending to his extra curricular urges sniffing the back of his hand drawing in the substance he had no qualms in using in front of staff. He shook himself out and carried on schmoozing with a group of colleagues.

"Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please"? All eyes flashed to the head of Nakatomi Joseph Takagi. He clinked a champagne glass to command their attention.

The excited chatter lowered a few decibels.

"As ever this financial term has been record breaking, without you all, Nakatomi wouldn't be where we are today. I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your continued commitment, and efforts. Your performance will be reflected in an annual Christmas bonus for each of you-

Whoops and cheers erupted colleagues excited at the announcement.

Susanna smiled at Holly.
It had been an incredible year.

Takagi continued.

"Enjoy the booze, canapes, and the music but most of all Merry Christmas, thank you"

And just like that the music flowed again through the speakers. The atmosphere back.

"Holly I can't seem to find my clutch, I'm sure I had it when I left my office, I'm just going to freshen up, I'll be back"

"Sure" she replied sipping her champagne.

Susanna left the party scene straight for the elevator. She caught the eye of Ellis stood against the marble pillar. Leering.

"You don't have to look so scared, we could just keep it between us one on one" he enticed.

"In your dreams Ellis" her eyes rolling heavenward.

Before he could reply, Ellis had already moved onto his next conquest, Susanna watched them both disappear into a vacant office. He was the definition of repugnant. 

The elevator door opened with a swish.

Before Susanna could even blink she collided with a pair of intense amber eyes. And straight into the form of the man before her. Taken aback by this unexpected guest, he reached out as if to steady her. His handsome features studying the vision of beauty before him.

His eyes danced across her elegant slender form. Her black dress slit to the thigh. A confused yet dazed expression across her lips.

Oh he had a definite problem here.

"Good evening" he smiled

"Hello" she breathed feeling as if the wind had been sucked out of her. This man was positively gorgeous. Breathtakingly so. Full lips. A stylishly groomed man who clearly took care of himself. His scent leapt at her a dangerous mix of woody masculinity and a hint of citrus causing her insides to melt. Even his facial hair was razor sharp and groomed to perfection. Precise.

She stepped into the elevator facing him. The doors closed with a swish.

"You seem to be in a rush" he told her slowly deliberately. His eyes a glittering mixture of flirtatious intention yet somehow dangerous...

His accent. Was it British or was there a hint of something else?

Her eyes searched his. Confused. Where had he come from? She certainly hadn't seen him about the place. Most definitely not.

He was dressed to the nines. Slick suit. Dark black. Red tie. Polished shoes. An expensive watch adorned his wrist as though it were an extension of him.

Susanna was staring and she couldn't help it.

She leant back against the cold elevator steel. His presence so exhilarating she could barely breathe. She extended her arms across the steel railing behind. Feeling the champagne bubbles taking their effect.

"I need the next floor if you don't mind". She jabbed the button next to her a tight smile leaving her.

What was he doing here in the first place?

"Very well" he told her calmly.

Perhaps he was a guest of Mr Takagi.

She needed to get out of the elevator fast. It seemed an age before the doors opened.

"Tis the season for good cheer, enjoy your evening" he intoned smoothly hands reaching into the pockets of his sleek suit.

Susanna bid her thanks sashaying quickly down the office corridor. Feeling his eyes on her, she picked up the pace.

Just like that. The elevator doors swished closed. The spell was broken.

What the hell was that about? She didn't even know his name.

Yet her body responded to him as though...

Stepping into her office she closed the door behind her and locked it. Her clutch had neatly been placed on her desk. What the hell? I definitely had it when I left so why is it here?

Weird. Have I drank too much champagne?

She took off her heels and sank into her office chair.

The party could wait. The night was young.

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