Now or Never, Forever

569 22 4

"Keep moving, we are almost there" Hans gritted as he ushered Susanna up the stairs, through the door out onto the roof.

Heart racing, she felt the cool night air whip across her face, she turned to face Hans, his almond eyes softening into hers.

"You are exquisite, do you know that"? He breathed capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

He was an addiction, she melted into his kiss, could any of this be real?

The roaring sound of a helicopter appeared to be edging closer.
Breaking the spell, both turned to glance up at the aircraft as it slowly ascended onto the heli-pad, the whir of the blades roared into the velvet night sky.

Theo were at the control, a smile dancing devilishly across his features as he successfully landed.

Hans strode over checking his watch with finesse.

"Impeccable timing Theo, I knew I could rely on you"

"Just doing my job" he nodded.

Susanna stood next to Hans awaiting instruction.

''Not yet'' he mouthed, casting his eyes to the rucksack on her arm. Theo stepped out of the helicopter.

''Are we good to go''? he enquired rubbing his hands together in glee.

''Just a few loose ends to tie- Hans confirmed arching a well groomed brow.

We have acquired the bearer bonds as originally intended, however we have reason to believe a valuable heirloom of the late Joseph Takagi has been left in the vault''

He couldn't be serious?

''The code please Susanna''

Susanna repeated the code to Theo, she knew damned well this were risky. Flying an unchartered aircraft in the dead of the night- did nothing to ease the anxiety of the enormity of this heist.

But to turn back now? After everything? It was madness.

Leaving the roof was one thing- being chased and possibly shot down by fighter aircraft was not the ideal scenario she had in mind.

Theo resumed last minute safety checks of the aircraft.

''I will escort Theo to the vault'' Hans began

''Hans this is crazy you promised we would leave together'' she pleaded softly.

''Relax my love, this is a matter of inconvenient timing that's all"

''Theo is our ticket out of here, forget the heirloom we have everything we need''

''Fifteen minutes and not one moment after that okay''? Hans whispered steadying her in his embrace.
He looked down into her eyes caressing her face softly. 

How could she say no?


''Then it is done- Theo we have work to do''

And with that both men disappeared through the roof exit back into Nakatomi.


John still hadn't been able to get a positive I.D on the terrorist in charge of the hostile takeover. Glancing down at his arm he crossed off the latest scumbag he had dealt with, Karl.

He knew he wouldn't have been able to take down the rest of the group single-handedly, therefore decided on taking cover and considering his next move.

His estranged wife were amongst the clutches of madmen. He knew with her wit and strong willed nature she would be able to keep an element of calm. This was meant to be a simple evening, back home to his family for christmas.  Right now it felt more like hell on earth.

Reaching for his fire arm he dodged and weaved between desks, beneath the dimmed lights.


Susanna paced back and forth as the wind whipped around her furiously on the high rise building, stomach churning at the thought of Hans running into trouble.

She climbed into the helicopter positioning herself in the pilot seat. She didn't have a clue how to fly the damn thing but had brushed up on how to start the ignition which would take between 2-5 minutes.

Now or Never she thought starting the engine.


Hans and Theo strode towards the vault undetected.

Theo deftly punched the code, steel doors opening as he stepped inside eyes immediately scouring for the prized Takagi heirloom.

"Where did you say it was"? Theo asked scanning through useless documents, flinging them over his shoulders humming to himself as he continued his quest.

Hans stood calmly a snake like glint appearing in his eyes, he slowly removed his shot gun, barely concealing it at his side.

"I'm sure it was to the left, on the middle shelf" Hans continued silently approaching with the grace of a panther.

"Ah I think I've got it"  Theo punched the air enthusiastically opening the silver jewellery box before him.

His eyes furrowed in confusion.

Scrunched up newspaper?

There was a stillness in the air.

Before he could even react, Hans grappled Theo from behind in a reverse neck choke, Theo fought and fought as he could feel the oxygen slowly dissipating from his lungs.

''You have been most helpful, however your journey ends here Theo, sleep well''

As Theo fell to the floor, Hans crouched down to check his pulse, out like a light.

Theo certainly had his uses in the operation, however he could not be implicity trusted, he was the only one of his henchmen who had the wit and means to potentially sabotage their leave.

Hans swiftly located the Takagi jewellrey worth a few million, placing it into the breast pocket of his Cerruti suit, exiting the vault he punched in the code closing it behind him.


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