The Risks We Take

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I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas wherever you are in the world. Thanks to all for your votes and taking the time to read, it means more than you will ever know.



"So no one has heard anything from Susanna"? Holly let out an exasperated sigh as she looked towards her staff for answers.

Many had been frightened into submission and simply didn't want to talk. Hans' team of henchmen were watching the group with keen precision, anticipating any sudden movements.

Her co-worker Rachel was heavily pregnant and currently perched on the marble floor in the waterfall room. Hardly comfortable.
She needed to be moved to somewhere more appropiate. Perhaps her office? Her colleagues had already started to complain about the lack of toilet facilities. Hardly dignifying in the current circumstances.

Where had that damned man disappeared off to? Clearly not one to get his hands dirty. He had his team of obedient lackeys to take care of that. She needed to find him. And fast!

The party had ended nearly 2 hours ago. Her boss now lay dead. It felt like the worst kind of nightmare. Except it were real. Her heart hammered behind her chest in the realisation of how dangerous and fraught the situation were. Who was to say she wouldn't be next? Technically she was second in command to her late boss and whatever information they were after from him, still eluded them.

She ran a nervous hand across her forehead. Where the hell was John? He hadn't made any contact. Not a word from him since he had supposedly touched down at LAX. She desperately wanted to believe the scenario that her husband had returned to their family home and that he were safe with the children.

She glanced at Ellis, stood beside her, who had started to undo his tie.

"What do you think"? Ellis asked scanning the terrorists who were deep in a heated conversation.

"Something's wrong" she murmured.


Holly paused.


It suddenly dawned on her that he may have been here the whole time. Something just didn't sit right. The terrorists stood across from her looked nervous. He had to be involved somehow. She knew that he would be driving these people crazy. John wasn't your typical breed of police officer. He was always one step ahead of the game.

"John? Aw, Christ, he can fuck this whole thing up! What does he think he's doing"?

"His job" she answered with conviction.

"Bullshit! His job's three thousand miles away. Without him, we still have a chance we might be able to get outta here"

"Tell that to Takagi" she stated matter of factly.


"You do realise you are breaking and entering"!!? Susanna questioned as they were both stood outside the office of Holly Gennero.

Hans casually pulled out a pick from his suit jacket, jimmying the lock with a swift execution. Smiling to himself he gazed up at her with satisfaction.

"Unbelievable" she muttered. This man really had no shame.

"There is no time like the present Susanna," he pouted devilishly as he ushered her into the office.

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