Wicked Game

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Hello!!!! It's been a bloody while hasn't it? What an utterly crazy time we are living in, wherever you are around the world, keep yourself safe, thanks for being so patient with this fic, life had naturally taken over, lots going on! Needless to say! I have something for you...



''You promised no-one would get hurt, first Takagi now Ellis? If it gets out, I am assisting you, with your mob style shenanigans, neither of us are getting out of here'' she warned him softly.

Hans fixed Susanna with a cool assessing gaze, a devilish smirk forming across those clear cut lips. He brushed a loose tendril of hair away from her mascara sodden eyes, her pain tugged something inside him.

She had risked it all for him, he could never repay her unwavering loyalty. Hans knew he affected her in ways he never imagined so, she beguiled him, understood his mind, his passion, no other woman had gotten under his skin so seamlessy.
And so, the day he presented her with his carefully crafted plan, she knew exactly what needed to be done, here they were.

''Don't be so self righteous, your role-play was extremely commendable this evening, I would venture as far to say, you enjoy very much assisting certain wants, needs'' he purred hovering his lips ever so gently across hers. 

It was all part of their wicked game.

Pretending not to know the other, Susanna needed to maintain the act just enough so no one could ever suspect, she wasn't completely heartless she made sure her colleagues were kept in one space.

John McClane however would slowly start to put two and two together if they didn't act fast. Being alone with Hans throughout the takeover had been extremely risky. Unlucky for Ellis, he was too close to discovering that she and Hans were a little more than strangers, he had however walked into the lions den without really considering who he were up against.

She knew Takagi would never have co-operated with Hans, and whilst he was brave, it was to his detriment, he had placed his trust in Susanna, she was the only one in Nakatomi, beside himself who had access to the code.

Hans being Hans, felt differently on matters.

Collateral damage.

Susanna was hypnotised, he took her breath away, the man was absolutely stunning, dangerous, unpredictable, he was everything she so desired, to hell with societal expectations.

"I shall you take you to the vault" she breathed, heart flipping in her stomach as he pulled her in for a harsh demanding kiss, that sent her to heaven and back.

"Now" he demanded softly.


Hans and Susanna soon arrived at the vault, standing just before him, she tapped digits into the keypad, quickly glancing behind her as Hans nodded in encouragement for her to proceed.

As the large steel door began to swing open, Hans stood face filled with a knowing grin, as the sight of expensive paintings and stacks of printed bonds lined the inside of the vault. It was like glancing into Aladdins Cave, it was their's for the taking.

"How much are we going for"? Susanna enquired taking his hand as she followed him into the vault, she flicked a switch as the door closed shut behind them.

He turned to face her. A wry smile crossing his lips.

"All of it" he murmured, his eyes glittering in amusement, Susanna couldn't help but admire his enthusiasm, he was one sexy bastard.

Hans breached the space between them.

That frisson of heat pooled low in her belly.

He was addictive.

"Does that include me"? Susanna teased biting her lip as she allowed his hands to glide across her hips.

"All of you, you crazy girl" he whispered backing her into the steel wall.

Hans Gruber the only man who could send her wild with abandon, as she shamelessly gave into his exploration, she loved every bit of it, his breathing, how he moaned as she took him into her hands, marvelling at his masculinity. He was perfection.

Within minutes clothes were shed, hands feverishly searching, tongues colliding, bodies rocking, Hans expertly drove Susanna into completion, fucked her into an eternal bliss, cries of rapture as they fed greedily off one another, ascending into something far greater than themselves...


"You crazy bastard" Susanna laughed as they lay entwined on the floor, fingers dancing across his chest, her luscious hair draped across him, Hans breathed in the scent of her, feeling incredibly blessed to have found such a beautiful creature.

Hans paused as if to consider her rather forward statement.

"Crazy for you being in on the plan? Or am I crazy...for shamelessly screwing you right here on the floor of this vault"? He retorted dangerously low, as that last line sent pangs of heat to her centre.

Susanna focused on Hans, her gaze serious.

"We have everything we want, we can leave right now, I can get us out of here"

"Impossible, Theo has sealed the building from the inside, the only way we are getting out is if we get out on that roof"

Susanna glanced around them. The paintings, the bonds, endless stacks, just a few of those bonds would set them both up for life.

Hans wanted the entire 640 million. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Are you proposing a James Bond style escape? Or pulling a Houdini? Where will all of this go"? Susanna asked, their eyes locking with intensity.

"We fly out of here, we have a small matter of Rambo to deal with, no one else need get hurt, Theo is the only one I can trust, he is coming with us"

"And our ride out of here is coming from where? The building is surrounded with the police, SWAT teams, bomb disposal..."

"That's the whole point, they will be so busy trying to figure out how to get in, what they don't realise is by the time they have figured it all out, you and me will be sitting on-a-beach, having earned our share, relax I have it all under control" Hans pressed a finger to her lips.


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