Mind Games

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Ah...there we are another chapter and just in time before Christmas...which reminds me I do need to watch Die Hard again and again...

There is something deliciously decadent and festive about it...

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Ho Ho Ho...



Susanna's eyes slowly fluttered open to find herself bound to a chair, hands tied, placed in her lap. Her legs however were free of restraints as were her mouth.

She took a moment to absorb her surroundings, noticing she were indeed back in her office, the lights had deliberately been dimmed.

As she adjusted to the intimate level of light encompassing her, a shadow stepped forward.


He stood casually one hand in his pocket, arrogant, a watchful gaze, his silence akin to that of a predator about to pounce up on it's prey.

"It appears you fainted"

She couldn't help but admire his nerve.

"Does your medical expertise extend to kidnap too"? She laughed bitterly.

Within seconds Hans was knelt before her, his handsome features etched with a simmering anger. She met his gaze in fiery challenge.

"It's unfortunate you have wound up here, suffice to say I shall not be responsible for my actions if you continue your line of questioning" he threatened softly.

His amber depths held hers, a knowing smirk crossed his beautiful lips.

"You don't scare me" she choked out in a half whisper.

"Are you sure about that"?

Hans leant in to claim her lips in a fiery exchange. His tongue harsh and demanding against her own, as he sought to posess her in a kiss that sent her to the stars and back, the response he could illicit from her startled and excited her.

He broke the kiss his breathing harsh and ragged. He found himself tightening in the confines of his suit and cursed himself for not maintaining his usual modicum of self control.

He so badly wanted to wrench that dress off her. Lose himself in this woman completely and make her forget all but him.

Still...he enjoyed seeing her squirm beneath his touch, they had barely begun.

His elegant fingers danced across her bare thighs with a feather light touch, trailing ever so slightly higher.  She shifted in her seat, feeling that seep of searing heat engulf her lower groin.

"Hans" she warned softly.

Was this part of his plan to seduce her into coercion in exchange for a sequence of numbers that would inevitably cost her life? She had to regain control. She felt like a shameless hussy. Silently begging for his touch yet every nerve ending screamed run.

He slowed his exploration of her smooth tanned thighs resting his hands either side of them massaging them ever so softly.

"Tell me you don't want this, tell me this is just a figment of our imagination" he spoke deliberately, succinctly as if to convince himself not just her.

The fact her hands were bound, frustrated her further, some deep need burned within her to explore him in kind.

His heady masculine scent combined with that sinful accent did nothing to assuage her pulse down below. He was quite aware of his effect on her, his lips twitched in mild amusement. He had her right where she needed to be. In his grasp.

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