The Things We Do

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As Karl and Franco dragged a lifeless Takagi out of the conference room. Hans stood up straightening his ruby red tie. Blood had started to seep into the expensive carpet.

He considered himself a reasonable man however under time constraints he wasn't in the mood for games. He needed that code and poor little Takagi, had put his pride before his inevitable fall. Admirable. Somewhat. Foolish all the same.

A wicked smile formed as Hans thought of one particular individual he hadn't quite become acquainted with.


He headed out of the room and into the corridor.

He clocked Theo on his haunches fiddling with the wiring, his job was to get each vault level open.

Theo raised his hand in a salute.

"Good work Theo" he commended side stepping the mass of cables over to the elevator.

He deftly summoned the elevator, humming an ode to joy as he waited patiently for the doors to open.

"do do do do do do do do"

His mystery guest were on the 10th floor if his memory served him correctly.
She wouldn't be foolish enough to try and get away. There was no escape.

The tension between them had been incredibly intense. That sizzling charge of energy that seemed to befell them both in such an enclosed space.

His modus operandi as far as women were concerned, were to charm, capture and release.

This one however. were a dark horse. There was a feminine energy and allure that could not be denied.

He cursed inwardly as he felt himself react almost immediately to the very thought of her.

He revelled in a challenge. And to the challenge he would rise.

The elevator arrived. Hans stepped in checking his watch. Right on schedule.


A short time later on the 30th floor...

"C'mon baby, come ta' papa, I'll kiss ya' f***in' Dalmatian!"

McClane jumped up and down pleading with the sirens ahead to continue their journey to Nakatomi. He ran parallel to the expansive office windows, his enthusiasm waning as the cars appeared to do a u turn. What the hell were they playing at?

"Dammit"! He cursed.

This was insane, not only had he been privy to a cold blooded assassination. His wife was still under the clutches of the crazed psychopaths.

He would be damned if any of those scumbags laid a finger on her.

There had to be another way.

"Think John Think"


Susanna opened her office door slightly ajar. The corridor appeared eerily empty. Dare she risk leaving the temporary safety of a locked office which could at any moment be plundered by mad men?

Or could she try to find her colleagues and get them to safety? John had already left to seek help. The likelihood of him making contact with any law enforcement or the emergency services were highly unlikely.

He had been gone nearly an hour. Perhaps he had run into some kind of trouble?

She wasn't prepared to hang around to suffer the consequences.

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