Author Update

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Hello my lovely readers!

It has taken alot longer than anticipated to get this fic finished! One day turns into another... days become weeks..weeks turn into months...I guess that is life...nothing ever seems to run in a straight line.

You have been so incredibly patient and for this I am grateful.

Life as you know... does get in the way.

Seeing as Xmas is fast approaching I thought it would be an ideal time to get the last of this fic written. I've read through each and every one of your comments and adore your input! Thanks to each of you who have voted more recently, or added to your reading lists!💕

Die Hard was a Christmas film and seeing as though I started this fic around the same time last year, it makes sense to bring it all together a year on around the same time lol...not intentional although makes sense in my mind.

I'll be back very soon

Thanks again wishing you all a safe, prosperous Christmas wherever you are in the world.


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