Foolish Intentions

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Hey all! Thanks for the love on my fic so far, I'm astounded at the reception Love Me Harder has received and of course every vote and follow is truly appreciated. As usual this fic has an M rating for the following shenanigans. Violence. Sexual Themes and Drug References.

All feedback appreciated!



Ellis puffed out his chest in vigour, surveying the terrorists who were still in deep conversation. Holly stood next to him just as determined as he was to end this serade.

He however wasn't willing to put her in harm's way. That much he knew.

"What's the grand plan Ellis? Do you really believe you can take these guys on"? She asked with a roll of her eyes. He didn't have the wit to swat a wasp with a rolled up newspaper. His faux macho energy was fuelled by the substance swirling around his system. He sniffed, exhaling with intent.

"Hey babe, I negotiate million dollar deals for breakfast. I think I can handle this Eurotrash"

"You are crazy, you'll get yourself killed!" she whispered grabbing a hold of his suited arm.

"Trust me hon, these guys are all talk, I think I can get them what they want" he pressed on flashing his white teeth with confidence.

"No! This is insanity, you need to stay here and focus, have you seen Rachel? She is pregnant for god sake anything you say will further endanger us all"! She gritted.

Ellis turned to face Holly, his face turning deadly serious. Wait. Was that actual humanity surfacing from the revered casanova? She almost saw a shred of decency for once.

"I got you, I'll be right back" he squeezed her hand gently and made off in the direction of Uli and Heinrich who immediately raised their guns with intent.

"Relax guys, sprechen sie talk"? He enquired, waving his arms animatedly in a protest of peace.

Uli and Heinrich exchanged words.

Wer ist dieser idiot?
Who is this idiot?

Ein idiot mit einem todesurteil
An idiot with a death sentence.

Both laughed and turned back to Ellis.

"I need to speak to your boss"

Ellis continued. He was sure they would fall for the bait.

"If you want to know who is fucking things up around here, I'm your man, what do you say fellas"?

Heinrich spoke.

"You have 5 minutes, don't try anything stupid" he warned. Forcing Ellis to stand before them, a gun pressed to the middle of his back.

"Easy guys Easy" Ellis laughed nervously.

"Start walking" Uli threatened.

Holly and her team looked on in horror and disbelief at the event unfolding. He had no idea what he was dealing with. Shaking her head. She sat down next to Rachel.

"It's gonna be okay" she soothed.


"We can't do this" Susanna protested feverishly unable to stop herself from kissing Hans with the same passion he afforded her.

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