Inappropriate Behaviour

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It is the season for good tidings. It would be rude not to take full advantage of that...

I present to you Chapter 2...

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Susanna stepped out of the elevator alongside Mr Takagi as he led her to where all the staff were gathered, engrossed in chit-chat, sharing a joke and making the most of the free flowing booze that had everyone in good spirits. She caught the eye of Holly Gennero and the team motioning for her to come over. Susanna joined the group.

"You look wonderful" Holly smiled embracing her in a hug.

"Touche, no sign of John?" Susanna asked? As they began to circulate around fellow associates.

Holly was going through a tough time with her estranged husband John McClane.

Tonight she would try to make things right. If he showed up.

"Fashionably late as he is always is" Holly downed her champagne with gusto replacing it with another as a waiter appeared.

"He's probably stuck in traffic" Susanna told her giving her hand an affectionate squeeze.

"Hmmm I'm not so sure" she sighed.

Out of nowhere Harry Ellis (simply known as Ellis) the office sleaze appeared right behind Susanna eyeing her outfit in his coke induced haze. She could smell the whisky on his breath. Instinctively side stepping his advances.

"Suzi I would love to unwrap you babe, however it appears you have already made a start" he intoned sleazily eyeing her bare shoulders.

He then took it upon himself to break into the most ridiculous over the top laugh.

Ellis scanned the small group as if to ascertain a reaction. No one batted an eyelid.

"You never give up do you?" she sighed eye rolling her disgust at him.

"I've seen the way you look at me, come on why don't we take this somewhere more private"? He whispered into her ear.


Holly piped up.

"Still haven't learnt your lesson from last year? Didn't Cathy Mason report you to HR for inappropriate behaviour"?

"Just leave it Holly" Susanna told her gently.

To onlookers it may have seemed like an ordinary work social gathering however the tension soon became apparent.

Ellis flashed a set of pearly white teeth innocently.

Some of the female members of the group turned their attention away from him carrying on with the festivities.
Others were intrigued to watch the drama unfold whispering amongst themselves.

"Oh that's the narrative she would want you to believe, besides I'm sure Cathy neglected to tell you she was negotiating a certain part of my anat-"

Susanna arched a brow sipping her champagne.


Holly stepped forward to face Ellis, a protective arm shielding Susanna behind her.

He smirked glancing at the two women. Fire and feistiness. He was thriving on the current attention garnered towards him. In his mind he was conjuring up a plethora of scenarios. Who would he take first? He sniffed. The substance fuelling his wayward thoughts.

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