Chapter 37: Home

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Final Chapter

Heart pounding violently, your sore feet pound down the ramp of the Night Buzzard. You hear Kylo shout behind you, but your eyes focus on your surroundings, trying to locate your son. You can't see anything outside the light spilling from the Buzzard. The air is thick and warm, sticking in your tired lungs. Just as you set a foot down in the soft grass, voices catch your attention. You turn toward the sound, and sprint, just as you hear heavy feet stomping down the ramp.

Your mind does a quick body assessment, desperate for the energy to get out of this situation. You don't have much in your reserves. Your hip throbs with pain, feet sore and blistered. Your newly mended shoulder aches and your heart has been near collapse for hours. You're grateful to still feel Trudgen's knife against your leg, not that it would do you much good in a fight with the Supreme Leader. With a surprise, you notice your left hand continues to grip a small wooden rod, the ornate carving worn with age. A small smile almost makes it to your lips. Vicrul's totem. A token of the family he once had. Young and irresponsible though he was, he must have been happy. You try to picture any of these wild, ruthless, broken men as boys.

You'll do anything to save Deneb from their fate. No one deserves what life handed them. Not even Kylo Ren. This stupid fucking galaxy. As much as you want to stay to give them a little glimmer of happiness, of hope, Deneb is woven much deeper into your heart. The baby given to you by a monster that you murdered, saving you every day from the oppressive and dull life that is the First Order. That image of a cold young man in a black uniform, dead in the eyes, pushes its way to the front of your mind. Now it's your turn to save him. To give him everything you wish you had when you were girl. A mother who cares more for her child than for herself, no matter how much it costs her.

You scoff at yourself. These stupid men have too much power over my heart. It was wrong to be with them in the first place, and now it's going to kill me to leave them.

You come around the backside of your ship, where the ramp is down, light illuminating a group of black clad men with frightening masks. One of them holds a large bundle in his arms. You skid to a stop in front of them as their heads whip toward you, their hands tightening around their intimidating weapons. The light behind them casts long shadows of demons stretching out from their feet. Your panicked gaze passes over each dark figure.

"Please!" You aren't really sure what you're begging for. For them to stand aside and let you go? To help protect you from the even darker shadow that stalks you through the night? Or to force you to stay...

"STOP." Kylo's murderous, thunderous, modulated voice comes from the shadows.

You spin on your heels to face the tall, black shadow, his chest heaving with fury. The red ribbons of lava on his helmet sparkle in the light. Your feet carry you backward with small, shuffled movements. Your back hits a warm, solid figure, making you jump out of your boots and squeak out a frightened yelp. An arm wraps around your chest before you can get away. It holds you in a vice grip, making it even harder to breathe, though you recognize the more elevated musky scent of expensive cologne. Cold metal grazes your ear, leaving goosebumps along your skin.

"We are the Knights of Ren. Not the Knights of Songbird."

Trudgen's cold, muffled voice rips your heart out of your chest and throws it across the clearing. Your eyes remain dry, but you couldn't swallow the lump in your throat even if you tried. You keep your posture tall, though with great effort. The hole in your gut has grown to the size of all seven men that now stand around you. Not one of them, even Kuruk, is on your side now. It's a heavy blow.

You've grown so close to them these last months, warming your heart with their small moments of vulnerability. And warming your body with their rough, but worshipful touch. You always knew they would choose their service to the Ren over you- you just never thought you would have to force them to make that decision. Their rejection pushes your mind into hyper speed. You can't think of a way out...will your instincts be enough? Have you finally pushed Kylo Ren too far? Rejected him too many times?

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