Chapter 2: Harmless

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You hear the cantina before rounding the corner to the open doors. It's full and loud tonight. As you enter the dimly lit space, the smell of alcohol and sweat hits you in the face. The loud music comes from a DJ droid in the back and there are at least two dozen people on the crowded dance floor. You weave through the crowds, shouldering and elbowing your way through the mass of off-duty storm troopers. Some scowl at you as you pass, then lighten up when they notice you're a woman.

You make your way to the bar to find a small opening for the bartender's attention. As you turn around holding your brew to scan the room, a familiar face catches your attention.

Daggar, a small and wiry TIE fighter engineer, opens his mouth in surprise at the sight of you. he weaves through the crowd quickly.

"Oh my stars, I can't believe you're here tonight! I haven't seen you at the cantina since you transferred to the Command Shuttle!" Daggar yells over the music as he yanks your hand toward him and his friends. You smile and wave in greeting.

You can't seem to feign enthusiasm tonight and regret seeps into your mind as you gauge the lively, boisterous group of young engineers. You can never find anything in common with your peers outside of work. They're optimistic about their lives and fates. They don't fully understand the oppressive nature of the First Order- they are happy just to make a living. Your mood continues to fall when you notice Daggar is still holding your hand. He's never asked you on a date out right, but he always seems to put some kind of claim on you around his friends.

You rip your hand out of his and take a big swig of brew. Daggar looks at the motion and identifies the rejection but does not seem to be phased by it. His arrogance annoys you to no end.

"I have to go, Daggar, it's getting late. I'll see you around the hanger."

You turn toward the exit without waiting for a response. 10 minutes is enough to get your fill of the cantina for another few months. As you near the door, a familiar voice somewhere behind you catches your attention. Your body freezes when you identify it- Kuruk, the Knight of Ren. His sentence is cut off by a man with a voice like gravel.

"We're supposed to take whatever the galaxy has to offer. Just do it!"

Another voice, firm and deep, interjects, "Just feel into her. If she doesn't want to, it means the galaxy isn't giving her to you."

Your guts plummet. They must be talking about you. What does he mean, 'feel into her'? You consider letting your feet carry you out of the cantina. But your experience has told you to confront creepy men if you don't believe they'll murder you on the spot. These men terrify you, but it's unlikely they'll hurt you here...unless you anger them.

Mind set, heart beating fast, you spin and look for the source of the voices. If your adrenaline wasn't pounding in your ears, you'd laugh. Four huge men are crammed into a small booth in the front corner with several glasses littering the table. Their armor is gone, but each is still in all black clothing. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, they're black clothes blending into each other, they look like a four headed creature. All of them stare at you with piercing gazes as you approach Kuruk on the end, gathering as much confidence as you can muster.

"Hey. Kuruk, right?"


"You look surprised that I remember your name....from two hours ago."

His face relaxes some as he says, "Actually, I'm surprised that you have the confidence to approach us. Most don't."

You swell at his subtle praise, even though you really are terrified by the Knights. They seem slightly less scary without their helmets and weapons- but terrifying all the same.

Dark Knights: Knights of Ren XReaderWhere stories live. Discover now