Chapter 8: Mission

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The Command Shuttle lands lightly, and the Knights around you begin to stir. They reach for their helmets and weapons as they gather at the entrance of the seating area. Before Kuruk stands up, he gazes fiercely into your eyes. He leans forward for a quick, hard kiss, making your heart flutter, then pulls his helmet on before you could recover.

"Stay here, Songbird. And if you're in danger, think about us as hard as you can. We will try to keep tabs on you. I'm sure it won't take us long." His serious voice is muffled by his mask, and he turns to follow the other Knights out. At the doorway, he glances over his shoulder at you and adds, "And don't leave the ship, whatever happens. You won't like what you see."

Slow hours pass in the ship with Deneb. All is quiet, though you can't help but listen intently for any sign of danger or the crew's return to the Command Shuttle. You search storage cabinets and find a few small blankets that you wrap Deneb and yourself in, and he falls asleep cuddled in your lap. You run through your datapad for a while but start to doze off in your chair.

You're brought abruptly back to consciousness by the tingle at the base of your skull. You try to think that you're safe to put Kuruk's mind at ease. When the tingle leaves you, you continue to think about Kuruk. You find it difficult to reconcile his soft, caring behaviors and expressions with his dark, violent tendencies. He's likely out there right now, murdering several people and enjoying himself thoroughly. The other Knights have similar soft moments, but not as strong as Kuruk. Why is he different from them?

In so many ways, they act as a single entity- feeding off each other and responding unconsciously. It's no wonder they like to share their women. The thought brings you back to your night with them, putting warm butterflies in your stomach. You're thankful that Trudgen, the seemingly scariest of the Knights, had not participated. But, Cardo, the most civilized, may have been a welcome addition. You couldn't deny the pleasure of seeing Ushar and Vicrul so affected by your body and arousal. The thought of having another night like that excites you, but the idea of the entire Knighthood being present pulls at your nerves. Why would I even like this to begin with? What's wrong with me?

Your thoughts wander, and you find yourself thinking of the Supreme Leader. The rumors are definitely true; there's no denying his stunning features. You think about his helmet and intimidating modulated voice. He could easily lull his enemies into underestimating him using his looks if he wanted to. Instead, he uses straight forward scare tactics and brute force. Come to think of it, the Knights could apply the same strategies. They are all physically attractive.

You wonder if the other Knights had rough childhoods, like Kuruk. How else would they be persuaded by a dark Force user to learn to enjoy torture and murder? Difficult early years is certainly something you have in common, but in no way can you relate to their way of life. You overcame your rough upbringing, supporting yourself early on, learning mechanics, finding a stable job. It's just not the job you wanted. It brings your mind to your fantasy life, living on a lush, green planet, working on shuttles, ships, and land vehicles for people who you can call friends, watching your son play outside with his own friends.

Your mind falls into a stupor at a memory of the night you escaped Central City and left Uyter. After the terrifying moment when the older man examined your naked body and confirmed you hadn't been sexually abused recently, you were given a worn, tattered smock of a dress then shoved into a small room. The light was dim, but the sight before your eyes accosted your senses. It was full of young girls dressed just like you- at least 20 young women were crammed into the room. Some of them looked just as terrified as you felt, while others looked sad and dejected. A few looked angry and aggressive. None of them were talking, and no one even looked at you when you entered.

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