Chapter 4: Desperate

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It's been two days since you felt the tingle at the base of your skull. And since you've seen Kuruk or any of the other Knights. The kiss, and events afterward, plague your thoughts, and you have analyzed it from just about every angle. And have rubbed your clit raw. You feel a twinge of nerves but plan to confront Kuruk and ask him outright. You're prepared for the embarrassment if it is all in your imagination. Still, you dislike the brain tingle enough to do something about it.

You put Deneb to bed early tonight and head to the gym wearing a sports bra and shorts with your datapad on monitor mode, your droid, T3-6, on standby. The gym is usually empty this late in the day, and you need to burn off some of your heightened energy. To your dismay, the gym isn't empty. You try your best to avoid being seen by Daggar on the treadmill but are unsuccessful. He calls out your name as soon as you enter, and you answer with a half-smile and a wave before turning toward a machine in an attempt to appease his enthusiasm without having to talk to him. Of course, he can't take a hint and beelines straight for you.

"Hey, Daggar. Sorry, it's been a while since I worked out, I really need to focus."

"Oh, yeah, I understand." His gaze travels all the way down your body with no shame. "I was just about to leave, anyway- going to the cantina if you want to join when you're done."

"No, thank you. I've got Deneb on the monitor tonight."

Daggar checks you out again before turning to leave. You can't hide your irritation at his blatant disrespect. With no other way to channel it, you work out hard. You spend a long time in the gym, even after exercising. You can't seem to shake the anger at Daggar and all the other men in your past just like him. Drenched with sweat, body aching, you stand up with a huff. Grabbing your datapad, you casually walk out of the gym.

Suddenly, you feel the point of tingle at the base of your skull again. It serves to anger you further, and you pick up your pace. Rounding a corner distractedly, you run straight into a tall black wall. You gasp and stumble back in surprise. You look up into the face of Kuruk. His dark blue eyes look concerned, and his face is slightly flushed. It starts your tired heart beating faster.

"What are you doing here?" you say abruptly.

"Well, I live here on the Finalizer..." he speaks with a coy tone that irritates you.

"Have you been following me?"

Kuruk looks at you knowingly. His gaze is deep and makes you remember that you aren't wearing a shirt. You respond by crossing your arms over your stomach.

"Not really." Still in the coy tone. You lose it.

"Yeah, it must be you. You're using your Force powers, or, whatever, to read my mind. You need to stop. It's rude."

He finally looks away, embarrassed at being called out, and takes a moment before responding and turning his gaze back toward you.

"It's not as invasive as it you make it sound. I just take a second or two gauge your emotions, but not the thoughts behind them. Plus, yours are really hard to read anyway. It isn't much different than analyzing your body language and tone of voice. I just don't have to be looking at you to know what you're feeling."

You aren't exactly sure how to respond. Your face grows hot at his confession. You weren't expecting a straight answer out of him and did not plan the next step. You look at your feet briefly then decide to start walking toward your quarters. He falls in step next to you, still gazing at you, but never traveling below your shoulders. You're thankful for his respect and are reminded of all of his actions that attracted you previously.

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