Chapter 11: Kuruk

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Kuruk POV

Kuruk holds his Songbird's hand tightly, desperately, as they engage in a casual meal with the rest of the Knights in an empty cafeteria. A change has come over him since this lesson in Master Ren's quarters. He felt jealous, at first, exposing her to the other Knights- and still does...a little. He had wanted to keep her for himself. As she was being touched and fucked by Master and Ap'lek, it was his name she kept calling for. There's no doubt she thoroughly enjoyed her time once she let go, but always wanted him more.

She can belong to the Knights if that's what she chooses. Kuruk tries not to hold a singular claim over her. They would all fight to the death to protect her. And no doubt, in time, they would all feel her orgasm around their cocks. There's just something about her voice. It triggers something strange in the Knights' minds. But she and Kuruk belonged to each other, he had decided that he needed her just as much as she needed him- possibly more. He wants to be the man that she needs- that her son needs. But he knows he can't, and it makes his cold heart twist painfully.

The knights receive a message and must leave on a mission to retrieve an artifact in a nearby system. Kuruk feels an unfamiliar sensation as he kisses her goodbye. He's responsible for her safety now and leaving her feels wrong. She returns the kiss with force, and while she doesn't say "be careful", she holds a concerned look on her face. The other Knights go ahead of Kuruk while he speaks a few words of comfort to his Songbird.

Kuruk can hear the Knights speaking as he enters the Night Buzzard.

"It was a strange sensation, being inside her. I mean, physically, she's tight and eager and responsive, but it was like she opened her mind and forced me to look into her. It's difficult to explain, something I've never experienced-" Ap'lek is speaking with Vicrul when he enters.

Ap'lek looks up at Kuruk, waiting for his jealous retort. When it doesn't come, Vicrul speaks up.

"I'll have to make sure I'm there next time. I can't believe she let you fuck her! And Master Ren! She seemed so partial to you, Kuruk."

Without responding, Kuruk heads toward the cockpit. Behind him, he hears Ap'lek. "She certainly took master's lesson well. You could sense the change in her pretty powerfully. It's red and aggressive. I'm sure she'll be opening herself more, given time. And Master was very eager to finally get his hands on her."

That last statement bothers Kuruk. If Songbird shows any kind of preference for Master Ren, he won't hesitate to claim her all to himself. He sits in the pilot chair and sets the controls. He calls over his shoulder, "Take off in 2 minutes," and then returns to the control panel. A few minutes later, they're at hyper-speed and Kuruk relaxes in his chair, his mind on Songbird.

"We need to talk about her." Cardo strides into the cockpit and sits down in the co-pilot chair.

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, nothing, yet. But Kuruk, we've never had a woman like her before. There's no way this will end well. For anyone."

"We've shared women before, briefly." Kuruk shrugs.

"Yes, we've shared. Short-term. And none of them were special. They also didn't show an obvious preference for any of us other the others. They were always equally terrified of everyone. The girl is falling in love with you- surely you can see that."

"She knows she can't fall in love with me. Besides, we don't even know each other. You're mistaken, Cardo." Kuruk looks down sadly. "She knows I'll never be able to give her any kind of stability. She won't work for the First Order forever, she'll escape the Finalizer. And the six of us will go back to the way things were before."

Dark Knights: Knights of Ren XReaderWhere stories live. Discover now