Chapter 7: Competent Engineer

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You make it back to your quarters with enough time to have a caf with Mahri and lightly tread around the night's events. She can tell you're keeping something from her, but you can barely believe it happened, let alone talk about it casually. Your body is still sore, and your mind is distracted. You both get ready for work and walk Deneb to school together before separating in the hanger. Your datapad begins beeping rapidly in your hands, so you rush off toward your statin. When you reach the command shuttle, you find the area swarming with personnel.

You hurry forward, keeping your eye out for General Hux. He spots you first and rushes toward you with an angry expression, like a tea kettle about to whistle.

"Engineer. Finally." His tone is clipped and hard. "There's an issue with the hyper-drive on the Command Shuttle, and it needs to leave immediately. You'll have to board the ship and accompany them to Kessel while you fix it."

You blink and stammer, "Sir, of course. Will we be back today, though? My son-"

He rolls his eyes, and his face pinches. "Likely not. You have five minutes to retrieve him from childcare and board this ship. Dismissed." He turns and quickly stalks away.

Heart hammering and breathing quickened, you rush away through the hanger and corridors beyond. Your mind is reeling at the notion of taking Deneb on a mission. What if something bad happens?! Unfortunately, Hux did not give you an option- such is the nature of the First Order. You skid to a stop at the door of the school facility and rush in. Your voice is frantic as you approach the woman in charge and try to explain the situation.

Understanding your urgency, she runs to the storage cabinet and packs a bag with toys, snacks, and powdered milk. You thank her hurriedly and scoop Deneb up in your arms. She slings the bag over your shoulder, and you rush back toward the hanger, heart beating furiously.

"Hey, buddy, you get to come with Mommy on a trip. It'll be fun, I promise!" you try to keep your voice reassuring for him.

When you reach the hanger, his eyes grow wide as he takes in the huge area. "Big." He says in an awed voice. Then he sits quietly on your hip, and you rush up the ramp, past a small group of stormtroopers. You put Deneb down in the co-pilot chair once you enter the cockpit. Rummaging through the bag, you find a small book and a ration of munch mix. You shove them in his arms, and say firmly into his wide eyes, "Denny, sit here and don't get up. If you need something, get my attention before getting out of this seat. Do you understand?"

His expression is confident as he nods, "Sit, and don't get up."

You turn toward the control panel and connect your datapad to assess the damage to the hyper-drive. Just then, you hear a pair of heavy boots stomp into the cockpit.

"Engineer," you spin around and come face to chest with a tall, black wall. The Supreme Leader stands close to you with his feet planted apart. His modulated voice continues, "Can we take off with the hyper-drive in repair?"

Your breathing is shallow, and you glance at Deneb. He's looking up at the Supreme Leader's helmet with fear evident on his face. Thankfully, he does not say a word or cry, only cowers away from the man in front of him.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. The shuttle can enter light speed, but I'll have to stay at the control panel and manipulate a few things. It should be safe, though."

Suddenly, he looks down and sees Deneb staring at him. His voice turns hard. "Get this thing out of here. Now."

You panic. You don't know how to respond. At his words, Deneb looks at you, and his lips turn down into a frown. As you bend down to scoop him up before he starts crying, you feel a point of tingle at the base of your skull.

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