Chapter 17: Cafeteria

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You breathe deeply, calming your tears, and make your way to the hanger's control station. You pull up the work chart and look for Mahri. She's close by, and you nearly run to get to her stall. When you see her, your pace quickens, and you rush into her arms. Without hesitation, she wraps her arms around you and hugs you tightly, with deep affection. You hold the tears in, unsure that there's any left. And when you finally break the hug, you keep your hands on her shoulders.

"What happened?" Thankfully, she doesn't ask if you're okay. The floodgates would have opened for sure. Then she gasps. "Oh, your face! What happened."

When you don't respond, can't make the words come out of your mouth. Her eyes dart around.

"Was it that Knight of Ren?" she asks with an angry look. One you don't like.

"Yeah, kind of." Your voice is hard in response.

She takes a breath and examines your eyes, your expression. Her anger turns to outright concern.

"Okay I'll finish up here, give me five minutes, and we'll go get Denny, and then I'll cook you dinner in your quarters."


You receive a message on your datapad from Hux as you wait, announcing the departure of the Command Shuttle for at least four days. Your heart thumps, wondering if the Night Buzzard is leaving too. You turn to look, though you would not be able to see from your vantage point. That must be why all the Knights were there. Ready to ship off to another assassination mission. Tears begin to well in your eyes again and you slump down onto a metal crate.

Mahri finds you this way, trying to hold yourself together with your arms, hand stinging as it digs into your side. She places an arm around your shoulder and helps hoist you up. You grab your datapad and walk with her down the corridors.

"Don't worry," her voice is serious, but you hear the playfulness behind them, "I swear on the stars that I won't ever say 'I told you so.'"

You laugh, her words shattering your control. The tears start to flow in earnest again, but you continue to chuckle.

"What would I do without you, Mahri." Your voice thick.

"Oh, you don't need me. You just want me around because I'm such an amazing person! A perfect specimen, really."

You both laugh and your posture rises a little. By the time you pick up Deneb, you've almost shoved your feelings deep inside. Almost. Deneb rushes at you and clings on as you pick him up, almost as if he knows exactly how you're feeling. The sound of him saying 'Mommy' swells your heart. When he spots Mahri, he nearly jumps out of your arms to get to her. You let him go and he gives her a quick hug before requesting to walk.

The three of you stroll through the corridors, listening to Deneb talk about his day at school, half his words incomprehensible in his speedy toddler talk. When you reach your quarters, Mahri heads straight to the kitchen, and you sit on the sofa with Deneb, helping him play the only game on your datapad. One that Mahri programmed and installed herself.

She waits until after you put Deneb to bed to broach the subject. You took your time rocking him, singing softly, and cuddled him close to your chest long after he fell asleep. When you return to the living area, Mahri has chucked her shoes off and is lounging on the sofa. When you approach her, she grabs your hand and pulls you down to sit next to her. You wince, she grabbed your bandaged hand.

She gasps your name, "what the fuck did he do to you?!"

You try to keep the humor out of your voice, but everything that has happened has been so ridiculous. "That's actually more of a sexual injury. And my cheek."

Dark Knights: Knights of Ren XReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora