Chapter 3: Kuruk

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Kuruk POV

"What the fuck, man?! I asked you to help me sense what she was feeling, not Force fuck her! How did you even do that from so far away?"

Kuruk is struggling to keep his voice low. They are still right outside her quarters.

Ushar chuckles darkly. "I've been exercising my mind ever since that shit show on Crait. And I didn't Force fuck her, I just helped her along a little." He turns and begins walking casually down the corridor. Kuruk catches up to him, growling under his breath.

"Well? Did she think about me?" he asks impatiently.

"Yes. Definitely. Couldn't you feel it? Her lust was so powerful. You could have walked in on her, and she'd spread her legs obediently for you." Ushar laughs openly at the hungry look on Kuruk's face.

"Of course, I could feel it. I'm just not very good at reading actual thoughts yet. You always do the slow mental torture."

"Oh, I can teach you to torture her if you want me to." Ushar cocks one of his brows and gives his brother a playful look.

"Enough. We have to get back to our quarters. I don't want to be seen around here."

"Stalker," Ushar mutters as they pick up their pace.

The quarters are lively when they arrive. The dining table is littered with Sabacc cards and alcohol bottles. The energy in the room is high and expectant. Ap'lek is lounging on the couch with a drink, while Cardo is in the kitchen making one. Vicrul and Trudgen are standing on either side of the table, arguing loudly over the rules of the card game. When the two newcomers enter, Vicrul lunges at Trudgen, knocking the table over- glasses, bottles, and cards flying everywhere. They throw kicks and punches at each other, yelling about rules and cheaters.

"Enough," Ap'lek says calmly, "knock it off."

Trudgen quickly disentangles himself from Vicrul and notices Kuruk standing at the entrance. His small eyes gauge Kuruk's mood before engaging in his antics.

"I heard you met our lady friend tonight, Kuruk. You gonna bring her back here to share?" His thick beard twitches, and his eyes mischievous.

Ap'lek rolls his eyes at his eager brothers. "He doesn't have to share if he doesn't want to. And none of you would be so disrespectful of your brother to steal from him."

Cardo takes two glasses over to the entrance and motions for Kuruk and Ushar to relax. Ushar claps a hand on Kuruk's shoulder and speaks with enthusiasm.

"I got your back, brother." Turning to the rest of the room, he adds, "You fuckfaces know nothing about women you haven't paid for."

Vicrul scoffs. "I can please women better than the five of you combined."

Protests break out among the group as they settle in the living area.

"She's hot, that engineer." He glances at Cardo. " And her energy is so strange, did you guys notice that? Like she has a barrier hiding her emotions, then they jet out suddenly, only to be put right back behind the wall." Ap'lek speaks thoughtfully.

"I still can't believe she wasn't terrified to approach me in the cafeteria. I was alone and didn't have my helmet or rifle, but that doesn't usually matter. She just walked right up to me. It felt like she was lonely or maybe concerned. She's hard to read like you said."

Ushar cracks his knuckles. "Give me a go with her, I'll open her like a book."

Kuruk groans with regret of speaking about her in the first place. She seems good. Too nice to let her anywhere near these assholes.

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