Chapter 54 - We are crazy

Start from the beginning

- Perfectly! - Defne was delighted.

An employee of the atelier brought Defne orange juice, she thanked her and took a sip. And then she put the glass aside.

A beautiful princess came out from behind the screen into the hall. She was wearing a snow-white dress of incredible beauty. Her bodice remained simple and even modest, but the flying, the layered skirt was embroidered with crystal beads that sparkled and shimmered in the rays of the sun peeping through the window. Defne looked at Baisal. He starred at his daughter, and his eyes shone with love and pride.

- My soul, you are beautiful! He said.

- Really, daddy?!

The princess blossomed into a smile and spun in place.

Defne looked at her and was a little jealous. How good it is to grow up an adored daddy's daughter and to know about it. To marry a loved one without lying and secrets in your baggage. Enjoy the preparation for the wedding and the boundless care of men dear to your heart. She once was deprived of such joy.

"But all this will definitely be for Emine!" - whispered an inner voice, and Defne weightlessly touched her stomach.

Ozcan Baisal brought his daughter to her and introduced them to each other:

The girls exchanged polite phrases, and Defne carefully examined the dress.

"You were right, Mr. Baisal," she said, turning to the man, "when you said that this dress is beautiful, and the decorations for it should also be perfect. Flawlessly graceful and delicate. Those that do not weigh down the image, but only emphasize the refinement of the dress and the beauty of the bride. Mrs. Jansu, - Defne looked at the girl, - and what would you like? How do you see jewelry in your dreams?

"It should be a necklace, earrings, and a bracelet," the bride answered confidently. - Stones be diamonds and nothing else. No pearls, no rubies or sapphires, nothing. The frame from white gold, but it shouldn't be visible. I want you to give the impression that the jewelry consists of only diamonds.

- An interesting idea, - Defne said, but in her mind, she was surprised. It looks like the young princess has a queen character. She took a tablet out of her purse and, opening the sketches on it, handed it to the girl. - Look, do you like any of this?

Jansu sat down on the sofa and patted the seat next to her with her palm.

- Have a seat. You are pregnant. You don't have to stand in one place for a long time.

Intrigued by this unusual girl, Defne sat down on the sofa next to her. She was already looking closely at the sketches.

- Here! - pointed to one of them. "That's exactly what I was talking about. Just make the frame even more invisible. Diamonds should shine on the skin, not metal.

"Okay," Defne agreed. - I will take this drawing as a basis and talk to the jeweler about how to more accurately translate your idea into reality.

"Tell him that this work is a challenge to all jewelers in the world," the girl smiled boldly. - If he copes, he is guaranteed world fame. I'll take care of that.

- I will, - promised the amazed and fascinated by the young queen Defne.

She smiled at her and she responded with a sincere smile.

- Thank you, Mrs. Defne, - said Ozcan Baisal. - I will be waiting for your call.

- I will try to finish the work as quickly as possible, - hiding the tablet in her purse, Defne promised and stood up.

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