Faline glances at Scott who walks out of the room before she begins to change.

They begin walking through the Preserve after Faline had tried to narrow down Malia's location but couldn't.

"You know if my dad's right, there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet," Stiles says.

"I know," Scott says.

"It was eight years ago," Faline says. "They'd probably be long gone or in half somewhere"

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that"

"Yeah me either," Scott says. "Especially since I can't even control my own transformation anymore"

Stiles grabs onto Faline and Scott as howling sounds in the distance causing Scott to drop his phone and it falls down into a puddle.

"Sorry buddy," Stiles says. "I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal"

"You didn't need to say little" Faline says. "Tiny is a synonym for little"

Scott jumps down, offering his hand to Faline who turns to watch Stiles skid down the slope.

"It still works," Scott says.

"Let me see the flashlight," Stiles says. "I think we found it"

"Why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" Scott asks.

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out," Stiles says before crouching down. "Look at this"

The side of the car was covered with claw marks.

"See those?" Stiles asks as Scott traces his fingers over them.

"Animal claws would be closer together," Faline says. "A lot closer"

"Then it was a werewolf," Scott says.

"So my dad was right," Stiles says, shining the light into the car.

"What is that?" Scott asks and Stiles reaches in.

"BOO!" Faline shouts causing the two boys to jump but they all scream when the baby talks.

"I'm hungry"

Faline jumps into Scott's arms, bridal style as Stiles falls to the ground.

"I think I just had a minor heart attack," Stiles says.

"Hey, Stiles," Scott says, gently placing Faline on the ground. "Please tell me you see that"

"oh my god, we're gonna die," Faline says.

"We see it," Stiles says. "SCOTT WAIT"

"Well, he's gone," Faline says.

"We have to go after him," Stiles says.

"Really?" Faline asks as Stiles begins to run. "I guess so"

Faline breaks into a run, weaving through the trees alongside her boyfriend. They both scream along with Scott as they crash into one another.

"I think I found something," Stiles says.

"So did I," Scott says.

"You're both idiots," Faline says standing at the entrance. "Malia'll never come back now, you two are all over her home leaving your scent"

"If she's not going to come back here, where's she gonna go?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know," Scott says.

"Can you track her now? You think you got her scent?" Stiles asks.

"Maybe," Scott says.

"Why can't we just let her be?" Faline asks. "If she wanted to be a human, she would be"

"I'm better as a full wolf," Scott says. "And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back"

"The door's still open," Stiles says.

"If I can't get to Derek, we're gonna have to find someone else to help," Scott says. "This is a crime scene right? I think it might be a little out of my boss' league"

"And more in my dad's, " Stiles says.

Faline turns.

"Give me a second" Faline says, breaking into a run.

"Okay?" Stiles looks at his girlfriend's retreating figure.

Faline stands in a clearing in the woods, on the outskirts is the coyote.

"Malia, right?" Faline asks, sitting on the ground. "Here"

Faline wiggles her fingers and a veal steak appears on the ground. Malia hesitantly pads forward.

"I'm not going to turn you back," Faline says. "If you're happy as a coyote, you shouldn't have to change"

Malia's tail wags as she sits next to Faline, happily eating the steak as the girl looks at the sky.

"Is it hard?" Faline asks. "Knowing you could have had a normal life?"

Malia raises her front paws slightly.

"Is that a shrug?"

Malia nods.


"Go" Faline whispers and Malia takes off.

"Go" Faline whispers and Malia takes off

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