~Mistake Pt.2~

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Y/n's Pov.

I sat on my bed thinking, my knees were to my chest and my face rested upon them.

I don't know what I'm gonna do to fix things with Q. I keep playing the scene in my head, the look of betrayal on his face.

I still couldn't completely understand what he was feeling. I just don't understand why he got so angry.

I lay down in my bed to go to sleep. But I just couldn't. I laid there looking up at my ceiling with an empty mind. I know that behind the emptiness was my own misery. I might've just lost the only person that made me feel something I thought I'd never feel again.

*next day*
I was awoken by Sangyeon telling me to get up. After he left I dragged myself out of bed, quickly throwing on a sweater and sweatpants. While throwing my hair into a low ponytail.

I had no strength to make myself look presentable. When I went downstairs I had no desire to eat either.

I got a text from Jennie telling me that she was here and I left and got into the car with the girls.

"How are you feeling Y/n?" Rosé asked concerned.

I stayed silent looking out of the window.

"You gotta talk to us Y/n, we're worried" Jisoo said with a sad tone.

I sighed, "I'm fine" I breathed out in a whisper.

They all sighed as we pulled into school. I got out and walked away leaving them all behind.

I only went to Art class today, I couldn't bring myself to go to any other classes.

During lunch I went to the field, I didn't feel like eating.

I watched as birds flew by and as the wind blew leaves off the trees. I took a deep breath in as a tear fell down my cheek.


I turned around to see Jinyoung looking down at me. I rolled my eyes and faced forward.

"I'm not in the mood Jinyoung" i said playing with the grass.

"I-I know but I need to talk with you" he says sitting down besides me.

"What could you possibly want, haven't you hurt me enough?!" I said trying to raise my voice, but too tired to do so.


"You've taken so much away from me Jinyoung, and now you've taken even more" I sighed looking at him with teary eyes.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I know that won't fix anything but I really am. I know I've made mistakes in the past that hurt you. I know that coming back made things worse. But you have to know, I never thought IU was gonna ruin things for you like that. She told me she was just gonna help me get you back to me" he explained

"Why do you even want me back Jinyoung...?"
I asked.

"Though my actions didn't show it, you were the best thing that's ever happened to me. Every time you smiled it made me believe that the world was on my side. Every time I was around you, I felt as if nothing would ever hurt me. Yeah I took you for granted, and I'm sorry. But now I have to let someone else feel those things. Because I'm not worthy to feel those things. I'm not worthy enough to feel the things you make someone feel".

"What?" I said confused.

"I've messed up, i'm going to have to live the rest of my life knowing that I did. But I'm not going to try and stop you from being happy. Honestly now that's all I want for you is to be happy. You make everyone else feel safe, loved, and happy. Now you deserve to feel that." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

Usually my heart fluttered just by him touching me. But it didn't this time, this time I didn't have those feelings for him.

" i'm letting you go Y/n. As selfish as that sounds, I won't try to interfere with your life anymore. The time of you and I is over, and it's now a memory that I'll cherish". He said not breaking eye contact with me.

My breathed hitched, as I looked back in disbelief.
" You've got to fight for this one Y/n. You mean so much to him, I can see it in his eyes. You know after the day at the café and you left, Q came back and threatened me. He told me what you meant to him. And I know you feel the same way about him. So fight for this one Y/n, you have to".

"Though you hurt me Jinyoung, I was glad you came back. Seeing you again finally got me over you. So...thank you I guess" I said giving him a half smile.

He nodded at me and he pulled me into a hug. As I was embraced his arms, a waterfall of our memories flooded my mind. But that's all they are now, simple sweet yet sad memories.

I hugged him tighter knowing this was the last hug we'd ever share.


I pulled away from Jinyoung to see Q standing behind us, his eyes full of betrayal again.

"Q it's not what you think" I said standing up and walking towards him.

"You know I came out here because they told me that you weren't going to eat, and I thought we could talk things out. I was worried about you, but I see you're doing just fine" he says backing away from me.

"Just listen to her dude" Jinyoung says trying to help.

"Oh shut up, you know you really must be something. After all the stuff you've done to her, she still chooses you...You know you too deserve each other" Q said starting to raise his voice.

"You can't be serious Q, Jinyoung has nothing to do with us. It's not like that" I said concerned, starting to cry.

"and now your standing up for him, your unbelievable. Unbelievable..." Q says walking away.

I start crying more and Jinyoung holds me close.

"No matter what I do I can't win, he just won't even let me talk" I said between sobs.

"He's being immature right now Y/n, he'll get over it soon and you guys will fix it. Believe me" he said stroking my head.

I had Jinyoung take me home and I went directly to my room. I put my stuff down and laid in my bed. There I stayed.

Minutes went by...
Then hours...
Next thing I knew it was the next day, I didn't go to school today. I didn't have the will.

I stayed in my bed crying and sleeping, since those were the only things I could do.

Another day went by, I kept my door locked cause I did want to talk to anyone.

There was countless times of people trying to get in and talk to me. I know I shouldn't shut them out but I couldn't face anyone right now.

Two days have passed since the second blow up with Q, I haven't left my bed, haven't showered, haven't even aten.

I felt weak...
But mostly lost.

*knock* *knock*
"Y/n please open up, you can't stay in there forever. It's not healthy!" Sangyeon shouted in the other side of the door while repeatedly knocking.
" come on, I'm worried about you Y/n..."
I stayed silent as tears ran down my face, I felt horrible for making him so worried. He's one of the last people I ever want to disappoint.

"Y/n someone's here to see you" he said.

A little part of me hoped that it was Q, that he was giving it another chance to talk it out. But I knew it wasn't. Every time I had a visitor I hoped the same thing but it was never him.

"Sweetie please open up" I heard a voice say softly from behind the door. My eyes grew wide as more tears streamed down my face. A burst of energy came in me as I jumped out of bed and raced to the door.

I quickly unlocked it and swung the door open to reveal the sweetest smile anyone could ask for. I jumped in there arms sobbing.


Sorry for the late update! Final up next dudes!!!!!

Word count: 1409

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