~Vacation:Part 1~

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Y/n POV.

It was now the weekend, I didn't go to school today cause I wasn't in the mood. But the girls promised that we would go on a trip this weekend. One to take my mind of things.

I was super excited, we were going to a beach and The Boyz were coming with us. I didn't mind.

I haven't talked to Q either, this could be time for that. Time to just be with my friends, and live my life I'm living right now.

Without the struggle of Jinyoung. I mean the nerve of that guy. Who does he think he is to break my heart and break me as a person. Them come back and ask for forgiveness as if it never happened.

Are you serious!?!?

"UGH!" I said attaching my head trying to take my mind away from those thoughts.

"It's time to forget about him" I said putting my hands up.

"FIGHTING!!!" I said skipping to my closet to pack all my things.

For the beach I packed normal things, shorts, crop tops, bathing suits, sandals, sunscreen.
Along with my makeup bag and the girls said to pack a super fancy outfit so I did.

After packing everything up I got dressed and ready myself. The girls would be here soon and I wanted to be ready.

I changed and did my hair, along with my makeup.

*The outfit*

I headed downstairs with my suitcase and saw Sangyeon bringing his stuff too

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I headed downstairs with my suitcase and saw Sangyeon bringing his stuff too.

He was gonna come in our car cause the Boyz already headed there.

After a couple minutes of gathering extra snacks and drinks, we heard a car horn beep and I looked out the window to see the girls absolutely screaming from the car.

I grabbed all my things and headed to the car with Sangyeon. We both got on, me purposely making Sangyeon go first so he would sit next to Jisoo. We had our friend Bobby drive us, and I sat up in the front with him.

"You guys ready!!!!" Jennie said screaming.

"LETS GOOOOO" Rosé yelled as Bobby started driving .

We were blasting music and dancing. I was smiling the whole time. Not thinking of...you know who.

Just enjoying time with my favorite people.

While we were driving I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Sangyeon sleeping.

Jisoo was frozen, I turned back and tapped the girls to show them.

"Awww you guys are so cute" Rosé said. As we all started mocking her.

"Shhh don't wake him up" Jisoo said putting her finger to her mouth.

"He won't wake up, he sleeps like a rock" I said.

The Boyz: Q/Ji Changmin (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن