Chapter 13: THE MEME IS REAL!!

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Ryu: So let me get this straight, I'm leaving you're peerage?

Rias: Yes.

Ryu: And the context for that is?

Issei: Yeah, I'm pretty confused myself.

Sirzechs: Well Ryu, you handled many situations by yourself with so much ease it was ridiculous. Both the fights with Riser AND Kokabiel. I thought it was time you became a High Class Devil with you're own peerage.

Ryu: So I'm moving up in the world Huh?

Kira: That's a good thing. You can finally join the club.

Ryu: Cool. Alright the. Same way as becoming on of her Evil Pieces?

Sirzechs: That it is.

Ryu fell back and let himself float in the air. Sirzechs reached into Ryu before the evil Rook Piece was taken out. He pulled out a Red King Piece with black markings on it confusing Rias.

Rias: Brother, what's with that chess piece?

Sirzechs: This one is special. It's able to contain an infinite amount of power. It's the only piece capable of holding all of Ryu's enormous power without any instabilities.

He placed it on Ryu's chest as it sunk in making him glow. He sat back up with flames coming off of him.

Ryu: That felt different.

Tiamat: Yes it was an odd sensation.

Sirzechs: Well, you are now a King.

Grayfia walked over and gave Ryu a full set of chess pieces.

Grayfia: With these you can reincarnate anyone into you're peerage.

Ryu: Ohhhhh I'm gonna have some ideas.

Sirzechs: Anyway with that, I think I'll take my leave.

Sirzechs teleported with Grayfia.

Ryu: So anyway what else were we about to do?

Kira: Free some Bishop piece of yours?

Rias: Right.

They all walked into another room with many locks. Road was about to step unlock it but Ryu went in front of her.

Ryu: Ah ah, you know the rules.

Rias: Ryu seriously you shouldn't.

Ryu: HIIIYA!!!!!

He kicked the door down shattering the locks blowing the door of the hinges as he tended to do.

???: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

They wears rather rather girly scream.

Issei: What the hell was that?

Rias: Ryu! Look what you did!

Ryu: What did I-

He looked in the center of the room and saw a coffin with a rose on it. Seeing this Kira's, Issei's, and his minds jumped to several places.

Kira: N-No. It's just some coincidence.

Rias: Hello. I'm glad to see you're looking well.

???: I don't understand what's going on!!

Ryu: Ok let me be a bit more careful now.

Tiamat: Ryu don't go in there, I have a feeling you won't like what you see.

He reached towards the box and opened to top to reveal a small blonde with pink eyes wearing a girls Kuoh Uniform.

Ryu: ...Something is definitely off here.

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