Chapter 12: Open House

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Ryu put on his hood ready to go to school when he noticed Kira at the door.

Ryu: Morning sis.

Kira: Hey Ryu. Ready for school?

Ryu: Uh huh. But one question.

Kira: Shoot.

Tiamat: Why do you have the Kuoh uniform on?

She spun around with a smile.

Kira: That's because I'm gonna be a student there starting today!

Ryu: The fu-How?

Kira: I asked Rias. I actually always wanted to go to school.

Ryu: Ok well what's everyone's reaction going to be when they see that a girl with the same last name as me get's here when they all believed I have no parents?

Akane: Oh I took care of that already.

Ryu: Ok I'm not even gonna ask how and just go.

He turned around to the door and was about to walk away when he realized both Darak and Akane where in more formal attire. Akane wearing a red dress while Darak had a tailored black suit.

Ryu: Are you two planning on going out today?

Darak: Oh no, you must not know. Today is open house for your school.


He dashed to the living room grabbing a guitar, a microphone, and and stereo speakers.

Akane: Oh you're planning to sing?! That's wonderful!

Darak: I didn't realize that you were a singer Ryu.

Ryu: No time to talk gotta get these to school fast!!

He got everything besides the guitar, which he put in a case and wrapped around him, into a massive suitcase before running out the door.

Kira: Maybe I shoulda said something.


Ryu finished up setting everything and made it into class before the bell.

Ryu: Phew, safe.

He faceplate'd on his desk slightly tiered from the effort he put in.

Issei: Damn, what's got you so tired?

Ryu: I might be a jackass, but I'm punctual.

Asia: I didn't think you cared about being late to class.

Motohama: No Ryu's never been late to class once.

Matsuda: Word up. He made a 1000 dollar bet on if he could be on time for class every day. Minus sick days at least.

Ryu: And that was with you two.

Matsuda: Fuck bro! You really gonna do us dirty!!

Motohama: Please have mercy!

Ryu: Not a damn chance.

Motohama: By the way, you had black hair before didn't you?

Ryu completely forgot that his hair had been changed to the brightest red imaginable.

Ryu: Uhhhh, before my hair was dyed and I changed it back... Oh hey look Akeno naked.

Perverted Trio: WHERE?!!!

Teacher: Alright class settle down. Today we have a brand new student joining us.

Kira came up and wrote her name on the board.

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