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"Xaviers-" the word came out through a strangled vocal cord as Mom dropped to the sofa.

Tears willing to flood froze in her eyes from the petrifying effect.

"Lucas he did not-" she struggled to utter the words.

"He did it-" Mr. Amberson said in a downhearted voice, empathy prevailing in his face.

"He was working with Joseph."

"Amy-" Jonas called in a broken tone.

It's cruel that a heart still keeps on beating even after it has been stabbed by a knife. The pain is just too much. My heart twinged to hear that the recording was fraud. It couldn't be real because Uncle Josh had asked Kelvin at the end about attacking me, but Kelvin never attacked-

Or wait, did he-?

I knew who could answer my question. I groped for my phone in my bag and instantaneously called Sierra.

"Amy sissy!" she spoke first after picking up the call.

I didn't know how to talk to her after what her father did. She probably didn't even have a clue about it.

"Sierra, will you help me?" I asked away directly.

"Me? How can I help?" she sounded shocked, at the same time worried.

"Just answer a question I'm going to ask, please."

"Yea, sure..."

"The night you were attacked in my room"- I paused for her to recall it –"did you see anything about the man who attacked you?"

"Not entirely," she replied after a minute of thought. "I did see a bit though, but I didn't tell anyone because mom-"

"What did you see?" I asked instantly, not bothering to hear about Aunt Lucy's over caring part.

"A tattoo on his wrist," she answered.

Little did she know that those few words plunged the knife deeper into my heart.

Everything ended with that. There was no way I could find another excuse to convince my treacherous heart.

Yet, I dared to ask, "What-tattoo?"

I think I knew the answer, but I just yearned for the slightest chance, the slightest chance that she would say something else.

"Something like flames," she answered. "I couldn't make it out properly since it was partly hidden by his sleeves."

I dropped the phone from my hand. A loud thud echoed as it hit the solid marble floor.

I wish I could describe how it feels when your heart rips apart into two in just a split second, but unfortunately, it's impossible. Some things just can't be expressed in words; you just know it when you feel it.

"Amy!" Jonas cried out. "Are you alright?"

How could I be?

"He"-I choked at the words-"tried to..."

I loved him so much. He was the first person I loved like this, without any bounds. I had loved the man who...

Did he ever love me? He never said he did. And this clearly proved that he didn't.

Jonas supported me by the arms, trying to calm me down. Mr. Amberson and mom were talking in hushed voices on the other side of the room. I could see mom weeping.

I couldn't relate to how all those fitted, or more like, I didn't want to. How could Kelvin be involved in this when he himself gave me Pappa's autopsy report-?

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