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"June's here," Kelvin highlighted with a broad smile smearing across his previously dull face.

This was the only time he called Jonas as 'June' apart from the time he was drunk.

"Amy!" Jonas called out.

I couldn't be any happier seeing him back. Nevertheless, my reflex action turned out something different than what I wanted to do at the nick of that moment.

"Jonas Amberson!" I boomed, grabbing the collar of his polo shirt.

"How dare you leave us!" I thundered.

"Time please Amy!" he whimpered.

"Leave him Amy," Kelvin came in his support.

He pulled me away from Jonas, making sure that I can't hit him, although I wouldn't do that for real anyway.

"Knew you would be back anytime soon man," Kelvin said, placing a hand on June's shoulder.

"Took you long enough to start missing us though," he smiled weakly.

"I've been regretting ever since the moment I left," Jonas replied honestly.

The brothers shared a reunion hug, completely ignoring the fact that I was still there.

"Oh wow, you two forgot me already after finding each other," I complained, crossing my arms.

"Who stopped you from joining?" Jonas shrugged.

I squeezed myself in as if I was gatecrashing into a party, but who cares. You don't need an invitation to join a party that's your own.

"How's your injury?" I inquired, examining his finely dressed bullet wound.

"Mom's work, of course," Jonas grinned.

"Oh and guess what, I think I'm ready to take in bullets from now on."

"Buddies gonna take in bullets together from now on, eh?" Kelvin joked.

"Of course not," I warned after parting. "Too much of both of your bravery."

To my exasperation, they seemed to take that as a compliment.

"Did you meet mom yesterday?" I asked Jonas.

"Yea, I went to Amberson House from here. Let's not mention how mom gave me hell for leaving you alone."

"At least she was calm since Xav Bro was with you," he added with a heave.

"Serves you right," I chuckled.

"How did you get here?" Kelvin asked.

"This," Jonas mentioned with a little enthusiasm, taking out something that appeared like a remote control device from his pocket.

"What's that?" I inquired.

"Just-" Jonas started again, but I decided to finish the sentence for him.

"Detective things, yes I know."

I was fed up of hearing that same line almost infinite times by now.

"It's a tracker that shows the location of this bike. I keep it in a secret corner of my Bureau desk," Kelvin explained.

"Xav Bro made it," Jonas highlighted proudly as if he was praising himself.

"So you travelled all the way back from Venice to the Bureau before getting here," I commented, thanking God in my mind for blessing me with such a best friend.

He decided to come back to us even though he knew that his father...

"Yep, that's why it took long enough. I have been travelling the whole night though," Jonas sighed.

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