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I lifted my head to find Mr. Xaviers scrutinizing me with such a serious look as if he was going to kill me with his stares any moment. I turned my head sideways hoping to find a small corner in the big hall room where no eyes would be staring at me. No use.

On my right, there was Brian, watching me with a look full of despise. On my left, Uncle Nick remained with an expression full of mixed emotions- partially feeling defeated at the news of the property going away out of his hands which should have been theoretically his now and partially relieved by the fact that his name was not there on the paper. Uncle Josh was sitting right beside him. He was shocked, to say the least.

The room seemed to spin and fall apart. My whole world had fallen apart actually. I wished so badly that I could just sink into the floor and disappear, just to be spared from everyone's hatred in the room.

"What is that supposed to mean Miss Valdez?" Mr. Xaviers questioned, interrupting the dreadful silence at last.

Only to fill it with something more dreadful.

"I don-" my voice was shaking, "I really don......don't know."

"Well, think about it then," he said solemnly.

"You do not think that I killed my own father!" I yelped. "I didn't even know about such a will until a while back."

I gasped for air. My breaths were coming out short and fast. My lungs could implode in my chest at any moment.

"Well, who knows."

Mr. Detective's eyes flicked through the room once more.

"You all believe that I didn't do it, right?" my voice broke at the end. I frantically turned my head in all directions, my ears yearning to hear at least one voice in my support.


He turned his head away.

"Aunt Kylie?"

She looked down, not making any eye contact with me.

I expected the same from my uncles, if not worse, so I did not even turn towards them. I could not take in any more of the hatred written over my own family's faces for me.

A lone tear fell from my eyes, and I dropped the file on the floor. I wanted to cry badly. Cry my heart out. Not being able to control myself, I jerked towards the gigantic glorious gateway of the hall room and darted out towards the hallway while covering my face with my hands in the attempt of hiding my tears.

I shut the door with a loud thud when I reached my room. I stood with my back slammed against the door as my lungs worked harder to inhale more oxygen. I howled in agony while kneeling down slowly, my arms clung tightly to my knees as if attempting to hug my own self. Now that I had no one left to give me a hug.

I kept weeping until I lost the energy to do it anymore, my heart becoming weary of pumping blood to my body at that much of a fast rate.

Soft delicate fur rubbed against my hands, and I lifted my head to see Bruno springing by my side and barking restlessly. Was he barking all this time? Why didn't I notice it? Was I losing my senses?

Right then, someone started banging ceaselessly at my door. I rose up and wiped my tears before opening the door. Almost instantly, Hannah and Hazel hopped towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Sissy, why are you crying? Don't cry please," they said in unison.

I loved the twins.

Aunt Nora arrived at their heels as the twins separated.

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