"Okay, well uhm. Y-you probably know that Taehyung kissed me right?" She started off with.

He hummed in acknowledgement.

"W-what about Jin Oppa?" She stuttered nervous as she squeezed her eyes hoping he wasn't going to judge her.

"Hana, don't worry I'm not going to judge you." He chuckled, "To make it easier, I know about Jin hyung and Jimin as well."

Namjoon didn't sound the least bit angry to her, she was surprised but not surprised at the same time that he knew.

"Oh uhm, does everyone know?" She asked, curious. She had never been in such a situation before.

"Yeah, we all know. It's hard to keep secrets between us since we're always together." He chuckled.

"I-isn't it bad though? That I've kissed three of them?" She worried, clutching onto her Koya plush tightly.

Namjoon smiled at her innocent voice, it only made him want to hold her tight and protect her even more.

"No Hana, it's not bad. We all love you." He spoke honestly.

"Huh? W-what do you mean by that?" Her eyes were wide, her breathing stopped.

"We love you as in, we all like you romantically Hana." He confirmed her thoughts.

No way

"Are you sure? I mean I— All of you?" she stumbled over her words, her mind was running a zillion miles per minute, she couldn't think. "I-is that why you asked that question? W-why me??"

"Hmm.. well, why not you Hana?" He chuckled again. His voice was beautiful to listen to, she loved the rumbles of his low chuckle.

"You showed to us what true and pure love feels like, things felt familiar and innocent. We can forget that we're these big international stars when we're with you Hana, you ground us, you make us feel like our normal selves again. We have been so used to being in our stage personas that sometimes we don't even know who's the real us anymore, but You make us remember our real selves."

"I-I don't understand, all of you have billions of adoring fans around the world, why like someone like me?" She was honestly worried. They knew she didn't have long to live yet they still developed feelings for her?

"Oppa, I don't think it's a good idea.. I-I'm not going to live for very much longer. It's a bad idea" She repeated, her chest tightened at the thought.

"Hana, please don't say that." his voice laced with concern. "All we want is to make you happy.. and we can't help what we feel for you." He smiled sadly into the call.

"Oppa I— I like all of you, I can't choose." She confessed " You've all showed me the wonders of life I missed out. My days started to fill with color again, and you all make me want to live! Each one of you make me feel things even I don't understand."

She clutched the phone to her ear, tears started to escape from her eyes. "Namjoon Oppa, I don't know what to do." Her voice softened towards the end.

"Well, to clear things up, we're all okay with liking you. And we're also okay if you decide to either choose one if not all of us. And of course, we would all understand in any outcome, even if you don't choose any of us at all." Namjoon continued to speak in a very soothing and clear voice. It was easy for her to calm down the more he spoke as her tears slowly stopped falling.

"Are you sure it's okay..?" She asked.

A smile made it to his lips. "Of course it's okay Hana. We will all love and support you no matter what you do. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry tonight." He sighed, running his hand through his hair as he leaned back. Hearing her cry was difficult.

"No, it's okay Joon Oppa. In fact thank you." A small smile slowly made it onto her face. " you helped me talk some things out that I needed to get out, thank you." She sniffed but kept her smile on her face.

"I'm glad Hana; I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you so late." He laughed. "I too am relieved to hear you say those words though, I'm sure the boys would be happy to hear that you like them too. Of course I won't tell them."

She could hear his smirking voice towards the end. "You better not." She pouted.

It was as if they were in the same room together, they could both imagine what each other's expressions were.

"Alright, let's try and get some sleep Hana. Next time I promise to check the time before I call you." They both chuckled. "And thank you, hearing your voice really helped me tonight. My head felt like mush from the amount of lyrics I've been writing and I was getting nowhere, since hearing your voice I feel like I can finally think clearly again."

"You should sleep now though, Joon. Then you'll have an even clearer mind tomorrow." She  giggled on the other end.

"Yeah you're right." He smiled widely, dimples on full display. "I'll go do that, goodnight Hana."

"Goodnight Joon Oppa." She smiled.

He cleared his throat before saying something and hanging up.

"But before I forget. Sweet dreams, sleep well, and —"

"I love you Hana."

A/N: All the Namjoon Fluff for everyone !

Sorry if this chapter was super simple, I felt like Hana needed someone to confide in and vise versa with Namjoon. They both needed those serious conversations to help each other think clearer ^^

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