Ritchie Moore

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 Zoe's POV

"Zoe wake up!" I heard as I was getting shook. But I couldn't even open my eyes.

"Zoe! Michael! Get up!" Was yelled then I opened my eyes and saw my mum.

I was still in the living room but Michaels arms were wrapped around me.

"Your dad is going to be home any minute!" She said and I tried to wake Michael up but he's too deep of a sleeper.

"Michael! Get up!" I said and pulled him. He mumbled some shit "Seriously get up!" I said and managed to pull him off the sofa.

"Fucking hel--Erm...Hi Mrs.Sugg" He corrected himself.

"You need to go! Her dad will be home any minute and I really don't want a repeat of the other night!" She said and he collected all his things.

"Maybe next time we meet we can actually talk without me having to rush" Michael breathed out then I heard the door open.

"Shit!" I swore knowing it was my dad.

"Use the garden door!" My mum whisper yelled and I pushed him towards the door.

We got to the door and I unlocked it quickly just incase he came into the kitchen first. I walked outside so I could say a proper goodbye.

"I'll see you tonight?" I said and he brushed a bit of hair out of my face.

"Tomorrow...I have worked to do tonight" He said and I sighed.

"And by work i'm guessing you don't mean coursework?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh baby girl you know me too well" He smirked and kissed me but after a few seconds I pushed him off.,when I did he looked sad and shocked.

"Go! I can hear him coming!" I whispered and he ran out of the gate.

I waited until he was gone until I walked into the kitchen. Thankfully he left quickly because it was freezing and I was only in a vest top and leggings. I must of took my hoodie off.

I walked into the kitchen and my dad was making some coffee.

"What was you doing outside?" He asked and my mum walked in.

"I was feeling ill. I had a temperature so I stood outside to cool off" I lied. All i've been doing is lying to him. The only thing I haven't lied about is Michael and I being in love.

"Well you may as well go back to bed then. As you can tell there was a huge snow storm last night so all schools are closed but everyone is working to clear it so you'll be back tomorrow" He said. Seriously dad. I honestly don't give a shit.

"Cool" I said and pulled out a bottle of water.

"Have you had any hassle from Michael at all?" He said and I rolled my eyes since I wasn't facing him.

"No....He's left me alone. I told him I didn't want to see him after what he done" I lied still not making face to face contact.

"Is that true?" He said and I was slowly losing my temper.

"It is. She's told me everything and Joe has said that he's left her alone" My mum said and I turned around.

"What's that bruise on your face?" He asked and got up to take a closer look. I honestly forgot it was there. 

"I walked into a wall...The path was a little icy and I slipped.....You know me...I'm clumsy" I faked a laugh so it was more believable.

"Right..." He dragged out.

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