'I'm not her you know'

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Zoes POV

All the paths that Ben had circled off for us were blocked and even though we tried boasting each other up the things blocking them were too high for anyone to get up on. So all we could do is walk and hopefully find an alternative route.

"We best keep an eye out...Ashton and his crew will be passing soon...Daren will kill us if he finds out we've let them past" We heard a man say and we stopped.

"He's hiding he will never know" A different one said.

"He always finds out" Another said.

We all stood still looking at each other.

"Let's search the grounds" One said.

"Fuck" Ashton swore and pulled his gun out.

"Guys! Through here!" Ellie pointed to an alley way but it was too late the men had pointed us.

My gun was in my back pack and I had my hand over it just in case.

"Attack!" Ashton yelled and we shot numerous times and they shot back but we dodged them by hiding behind crashed cars.

My breathing was increasing to a point I was struggling.

"We'll get out of this" Michael said and rubbed his hand over mine that was laying in the gravel on the floor.

More guns shots went off then Ashton signalled us to move.

"We're gonna have to move fast...They might send more over" Ashton said and we ran through the alley way that I was boasted over so I could removed what was blocking the gate from opening.

We all ran through and looked for a place to cut through. Preferably inside.

"Hey, there's a train station there" Luke pointed out.

"May as well go look" I said and we all walked forward.

After what just happened we all kept our eyes open for unwanted visitors with our weapons is reach so we were safe enough.

Luke pushed the small motorbike that was blocking the door and we all walked through.

I have no idea why everything is blocked off. It's becoming very annoying that we have to push things out of the way and that I have to get boosted up to either clear a path or help everyone up. I'm weak as fuck and they seem to think I can pull people up.

"Let's cut through here...It seems safe" Calum said.

"It's also dark and stinks of dampness" I complained. I knew Ashton was fighting the urge to say something but stopped himself.

We continued to walk with just one flashlight that Ben had gave Calum to guide us through the place.

"Fuck" He swore.

"What's happened?" Ashton said and walked closer.

"It's flooded...Pretty deep" He dragged out "We're gonna have to swim to the other side" He said and looked around at everyone.

"I'm not getting in the water" I stepped back "God knows whats in it" I folded my arms.

"It's a flood not a river" He rolled his eyes.

"Guys...Just so it's out there....I can't swim" Ellie said and Calum groaned.

"We're gonna have to find something to get you both across then" Ashton said and looked around.

"There's a large plank of wood over there" Luke pointed out.

"I'll go get it...You guys swim over to the other side" Michael said.

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