Phone Calls & Texts

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(Previous chapter got deleted idk why but in that chapter. Lexi kissed michael bc he was being nice & zoe saw & got rlly drunk to a point she was forgetting everything & blacked out so michael took her home. At the begining the were playing xbox and it was ashtons idea to go to the party. soooooo sorry its mucked up! STUPID WATTPAD!!)

Zoe's POV

The next morning I woke up with a throbbing head and a sick feeling in my stomach.

Being hungover and having an exam isn't exactly good but at least I don't have to go in until 2:30pm so I can have a little rest.

I smelt cooking coming from the kitchen so I went and saw Michael frying some bacon.

"Morning" I said and wrapped my arms around him then kissed his cheek. I felt him jolt and stiffen at my touch which seemed weird.

"Morning" He mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked and held onto my head "Fuck sake. What the hell happened last night?" I said nearly being sick.

"Don't you remember anything?" He asked and I shook my head "Well you got really drunk...That's it" He said but seemed nervous.

"What happened to your nose?" I asked and walked closer.

"Oh...Luke hit me as a joke" He said with a shake in his voice.

"Well that was stupid" I laughed and kissed him.

He rushed into making the kiss more intimate, it was almost as if his life depended on it.

"Woah...Why so rushed?" I laughed.

"Well...We never know when the last kiss would be" He sighed.

"Hopefully not to soon..." I dragged out and re connected our lips.

I felt tears roll down my face but they weren't mine.

I pushed Michael off of me and looked at him.

He was full on crying and covering his face about it.

He walked away but I pulled him back.

"Why are you crying?" I said and wiped his tears that were still falling.

"I don't ever want to lose you" He said then lent his head on my shoulder.

"Don't be silly! Your never going to lose me" I promised.

"Never?" He said.

"Never" I said again.

Michaels POV

I don't know if its good she doesn't remember or bad.

I mean its good because I can pretend that nothing happened but its also bad because i'm lying to her and she will find out eventually which will make it 2x as bad because she will say I should of told her sooner.

I can't believe i'm crying over a girl.

I never cry...Never.

But she isn't just a normal girl she's something more special. 

I've never had these feelings towards a girl.

Whenever i'm around her I feel like a different person. She's doing things to me and I have no idea what but she's changing me.

I haven't done a job in a while.

Ashton is always texting me but soon as I say i'm with Zoe he gets all moody about it.

He's already said he doesn't like her. He's just pretending but he said its getting hard because she's a 'bitch'.

"Can we just stay here today?" I asked while hugging her as she sat on the kitchen counter.

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