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(Rlly long sorry)

Zoes POV

It was last lesson at school and neither Michael or Luke had shown up. They hadn't messaged at all so I was worried if something had happened last night and they had no way of contacting me. I debated going round to his but he has already said if I ever wonder his area by myself he'll go mental because apparently its 'rough and dangerous'. The area may seem disgusting but i've only ever seen a few strange things happen and he was fine when I ran out of his house that day but then again I haven't told him that someone did try to grab me but I ran away from them before they could get a stronger grip.

I finally got home and yet again I was home alone. I may as well just have this place as my very own house because my brother is always at a friends house and my mum is always with her new boyfriend so I don't really see much of my family until its dinner which seems to have a mixed schedule now. Normally dinner is around 6ish but lately its whenever. I may just cook my own dinner and eat in my room while reading a book or maybe my mum will actually come home and cook a proper meal.

I put a pasta pot in the microwave and waited for it to cook. 

When it was finally ready I took it upstairs and went on my laptop. I began to scroll through numerous tumblr posts and reblog a few.

I looked at the clock and somehow I managed to spend from 3:30 pm when I got home from school until 6:30pm on tumblr.

Jesus how the hell did I do that.

I normally spend a two hours maximum on the website never this long.

I shrugged and continued to scroll while swinging my feet in the air.

"Fucking hell!" I yelled and threw a book at a black figure that had just ran through the room.

"Jesus, it's me...Michael" He rushed.

"Fuck! Why didn't you text or knock!" I yelled.

"No time" He said and rummaged through my wardrobe.

"What's happened?" I asked as he pulled down my suitcase.

"We need to get out of here" He rushed and stuffed lots of my clothes in the case.

He ran to my draws and pulled out other necessary things.

"What? Why?" I asked quite shocked that he has just ran in and packed my things.

He didn't answer my question he just looked at my photos and pulled a few off then stuffed them in the bag.

He finished off by putting my favourite books in my bag then ran down the stairs with my things.

"Michael!" I yelled as he reached the door "Where are we going?" I asked as he stopped and looked at me.

"You want to be with me right?" He asked in quite a possessive tone may I add.

"Of course" I breathed out.

"And you love me?" He added in the same tone.

"Of course I do. Why are you asking these?" I asked.

"Then runaway with me" He said ignoring my question.

"To where?" I asked. Maybe its just the other side of London.

"Australia" He said.

"What? Completely out of London? Completely out of England!" I exclaimed.

"I'm doing this for us!" He yelled back.

"Why? What's happening?" I asked and placed my back against the door so he couldn't run out even though he tried.

"Daren's after us..." He trailed off then there was a knock at the door.

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