'You think I fancy Luke?'

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Zoes POV

"Is anyone else really tired? We've been walking for hours" I complained. We started to walk at 1:30pm and its now 7:15pm.

"Is anyone else really tired of hearing Zoe's voice?" Ashton laughed.

"Is anyone else tired of Ashton all together?" I snapped.

"Is anyone else-" He went to fight back.

"Is anyone else wanting them to shut up arguing as much as I am?" Ellie groaned and everyone agreed "But yeah...I'm pretty tired" She added.

We continued to walk until we saw an old B&B. I suggested we go check it out because it looked pretty dead and when we checked it out it was. No surprise though. The bed was in the middle of the dining room along with a sofa.

"Lovely" I rolled my eyes and Ashton groaned.

"Let's just have a little rest" Calum said.

I walked over to the bed that had no sheets so I just cuddled into myself that was until Michael came and held onto me. He covered me in his jacket then kissed my forehead.

"Zoe wake up" I felt someone shake me "We gotta get going" It was Michael.

"What's happened?" I mumbled.

"Ben contacted us and Daren's men are on their way to search for us...We need to get travelling" He added.

"Oh" Was all I managed to say but I got up and slowly dragged myself to meet everyone.

"I'm so hungry" Ellie complained.

"Same" Luke agreed.

"We'll have something to eat when we get to the safe house" Michael said and we continued to walk.

I'm so confused on what's actually going on. I didn't expect this to happen. Having to runaway. 

My mind keeps wondering to what my mum is probably thinking right now. I haven't left anything for them so they know i'm just going away for a few days.

It is just a few days right?

"Guys, how long do you think this will last for? Like...How long till we go home?" I asked.

"Oh here it comes...Miss.Asks-A-lot " Ashton rolled his eyes and I completely snapped.

"Alright! I'm so fucking tired of your shit!" I yelled pushing him to a wall with the gun resting under his chin "All you do is put me fucking down and i'm tired of it!" I yelled.

"Zoe,stop" Michael tried to pull me off.

"No Mike!" I yelled.

Ashton has honestly gone pale. 

"Scared Ashton?" I mocked and he didn't do or say anything.

"Just stop fucking picking on me and Ellie!" I said and let him go.

I shoved the gun back in my pocket then continued to walk. Ashton was so shocked at my outburst it was hilarious.

Everyone else found it funny but tried to hide their laughter with little grins.

"So you and Michael? Are you guys a thing?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah...We've been dating for awhile now" I smiled.

"Has it been easy...?" She asked and seem sort of scared of what my reaction may be.

"It's been okay...We've argued like most couples do and broke up before but got back together. I guess we just love each other a lot" I smiled.

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