'Run bitch run!'

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Michael's POV

"Maybe we should just give up now? Their probably miles away by now" Calum complained "And i'm so tired" He yawned.

"Let's just find a place to sleep for the night then we'll continue tomorrow" Luke suggested.

"Where though? The map isn't useful anymore!" Ashton snapped.

"What about that shed over there?" I pointed to a big enough shed that was covered by tree's

"We'll have to be careful...We don't know who may be in there" Luke said and we walked over.

I was so worried if they were okay. How are they meant to survive while we're in a situation like this? No food, no contact to home and possible death? I'm surprised she had the confidence to go away by herself. Normally she's clinging onto me because she's scared.

We finally got there and it was already open. So we walked in and looked around if there was anyone here.

"Ellie?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

"Guys?" She dried her tears. I noticed she was by herself. Where the fuck has Zoe gone know?

"Where's Zoe?" I asked and she took a breath.

"She went out the other day to get us food and then left again because some men followed her here...She hasn't came back...She told me to stay put...I'm scared" She cried.

I looked at all the boys and I bit my lip.

"Do you know anything else?" I asked.

"She came back with a horse...Follow the tracks?" She said.

"Fuck sake" Ashton muttered "Let's get going then" He sighed.

"Fine! I didn't want to sleep at all" Calum complained then followed us.

We saw all the tracks that were heading all the way down the street so obviously we followed them and we was thankful that there wasn't anyone in our way so it was just a simple route to where we hope she is. I regret letting her walk off so much because god knows what is happening to her. She could be dead,in danger or somewhere safe and just too scared to come out of where she was staying. 

I was far ahead of everyone else so I could see what was happening before they could and there wasn't anything. No one in our way. No danger. Nothing. Which is suspicious because every other place we've been there has been something in our way but right here there is nothing.

But then we saw bodies..Dead ones. Which made my heart race that she may be one of them bodies but then I noticed the horse trails continued until we reach a hill and when we looked down the horse was there laying on the floor lifeless.

"Where the fuck are you?" I whispered as I started to run.

We got to a house and there was men sitting outside it. They were laughing and they had guns. So in hope that I may find out some information I walked over to them.

"Have you seen a girl?" I asked and they laughed.

"I've seen many girls" He laughed.

"She's, got brown and blonde hair, she's quite short and she has bright blue eyes" I needed to give them as much information as possible if I had to find her.

"Oh her..." He laughed "I know who your talking about" He smirked and just so he knew we weren't messing around I put a knife straight threw his leg and watched him scream in pain.

"Is she alive?" I said threw my teeth and he didn't so I twisted the knife.

"Yeah...She's Paul's newest pet" He choked out.

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