The Fieldtrip

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Hey guys, so tomorrow I'm off to a soccer tournament, so wish me luck! And I may or may not have wifi, so don't be offended if I reply to your comments on Monday when I get back, because even if I do have wifi, I can't guarantee I'll have the time to check my account. So goodbye until Monday!

And thank you for all of the amazing comments you fits give me, even if it's as simple as "update soon!" It makes my day. Thank you for being awesome!

The next morning came waaaaaaaaaaay too quickly, and I found myself waking up, pulling on my uniform, and snagging an apple before running into Father's study and giving him a quick hug.

The ride to school was short, and Kiara and I were in our first class long before I wanted to be. School had never interested me, not the classes I was forced to take on Dantooine, and the classes here on Coruscant had a wider variety, but had no more interest what so ever.

However, I was in for a treat, as the first thing Mrs Higgs did was announce that our class, along with out buddies, were going on a fieldtrip to the Imperial Palace.......... My house. Fun.

However, America and Mara didn't know my secret, so I had to keep a straight face all throughout lunch. But the two girls knew something was up. Kiara didn't help prove my point, as she kept giggling whole Mara and America pried.

"Okay." I muttered  caving in. "Promise you won't say a thing?" After the two girls swore, I opened my mouth. "My Dad is Darth Vader."

America gasped, her eyes wide in shock. "Really?" She hissed under her breath. "Holy bantha fodder, Lani."

"Its true." Kiara said, her blue eyes wide with excitement. "My father drives us to school everyday, straight from the Imperial Palace."

America shook her head, her eyes gleaming. "Guess you'd better clean your room them, incase someone comes snooping around." We all laughed at that, letting our laughter occupy us until the bell rang, signaling the end of or lunch break.

I raced up the steps to the Imperial Palace. "Hi Cody!" I called, greeting the clone that stood guard outside. He returned the greeting, and I ran inside, eager to tell my father the news.

I burst into his study, a large grin on my face. "Guess what, Dad?" The sith looked at me blankly. "My class is coming to tour the Imperial Palace as a fieldtrip!" However, my father didn't share my enthusiasm.

"Why are you excepted to tour your own living quarters?" He asked, clearly confused. I grinned, my excitement unscathed.

"Because. My friends haven't seen it yet."

He nodded slightly, still not fully understanding my logic, but deemed it wisest not to argue with me. "When is your fieldtrip?" He asked.

"Day after tomorrow." I replied. Then I gasped. "I need to go clean my room!"

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