The Death Star

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The fighters were away in no time, their jets looking like ants compared to the battle station that awaited them. As for me,  I waited at the Rebel base, there was no need for me to draw attention to the fleet of fighters heading their way. Besides, as long as I was on the base, Vader wouldn't blow it up. There was no way. I was his daughter. He didn't have the courage to authorize the press of that button. He would want me safe first. 

I stood next to Leia, watching on the holoscreen as our ships neared the Death Star. The radios crackled as they relayed messages to each other. Chewing anxiously on my lip, I watched as the station grew closer and closer. We were coming into their range. The worst thing was that there was nothing I could do about it but sit on my butt and wait for my father to come and blow us all up. That was frustrating in the least.

 Frowning, I watched silently as one by one, our ships fell prey to enemy fire. Their lights winked out, and we kissed them goodbye. I could tell every loss was a nail in Leia's coffin -- she was terse and tense, watching the screen intently as if magically, the ships would reappear and the Death Star would be in smithereens. It was unrealistic, granted, but the idea was pleasing nonetheless. Coming back to my senses, I bit back such childish nonsense. Those men were dead. Killed. Gone. Forever. The Empire has signed their execution since the moment they had joined the rebellion, and they knew it. But dying for something you believed in was worth it, and that was a risk I was willing to take.

As the Death Star drew closer, his presence in my mind became clearer. Prominent. I didn't think about it though, and spared no thoughts for my father. Cautiously, I locked my mind away, not granting him access to my hopes and fears. Those he didn't need to see. I could almost see him groaning as his mind probing can't back without result. So be would try harder, naturally. I readied myself. 

"I know you're there," he said, infecting my head with his mechanical voice. I shut my eyes. I didn't want to hear it. Nothing he could say would change my desiring to betray him for the rebellion. Nothing would out could ever amount to the havoc the Empire has caused. The terror. The destruction. The casualties. 

"You know what I am about to do." I again, refused to acknowledge his presence in my mind. He wouldn't control me. I wasn't his puppet, not anymore. "We're nearly in range, Lani." The use of my name sent shivers down my spine. "I've ordered them to fire when ready," he continued softly. "With you on or off. We can't afford favoritism. This is your last warning." 

I nearly broke into a fit of giggles. "I'd like to see you bring yourself to blow me up," I shot back, knowing of his cowardice. The holoscreen beeped -- two minutes until we were in range. 

"I guess I'll just have to prove that to you myself "

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