Imperial Interference

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"Lani, there you are," Leia scolded the second I entered the control room. "I trust you didn't give anyone a hard time on your way down?" 

My eyebrows shot straight up. "What do you mean?" I snapped, snatching the nearest chair and throwing myself onto it. I began to fidget with the radio knobs as Leia continued to glare heatedly at me. I ignored her, pressing buttons until the radio caught onto the peculiar signal. 

"Come on, Lani, don't pretend that you don't hate it here, we all know you do." I continued to pay no mind to the princess as I closed my eyes, listening to the strange static. "It's not a secret. You'd much rather be off this planet out swindling or something."

"Swindling?" I snorted. "I think you're confusing me with Han, Princess. "I don't need to swindle anything. Before I made the decision to go with Obi-Wan on this blasted adventure I had everything I ever wanted. And then we got stuck on the Death Star and made the unfortunate decision to rescue you." Leia looked slightly taken aback by my harsh words, but It served her right for accusing me of swindling. "Now, Princess, are you going to let me do the job you called me here to do, or not? It really is unsightly for a Princess such as yourself to make fun of a kid like me."

Leia huffed. I knew she hadn't meant a single word she had said -- she was right, in a way, I hated Hoth, and I hated living the life of a rebel. The life of a fugitive. Ignoring the small prick in my heart as I kept the grudge against Leia, I zoned in on the signal, forgetting my problems. If this was the scattered signal of an Imperial Aircraft, we were in a much worse situation.

After listening to the signal for a few minutes, I placed my finger on the cause of the signal. "It's not weak because it's scattered," I told the technician. "It's weak because it's a small object, some sort of droid, perhaps. Imperial without a doubt. It's using a simple Imperial code usually used for scanning droids that are sent out to do readings of the surroundings. Someone ought to get on this little guy right away and blow him to smithereens." The Technician nodded, visibly gathering his thoughts. "One shot to the head ought to do it," I told him quickly as I stood to go. "You can't miss. Hit it twice and the Empire might be able to analyze where the source of the explosion came from, or who shot it. That could put all of us in danger."

The man nodded his head rapidly, pulling a radio from his belt and making the call. I stood up and made to leave. "Does Her Royal Highness need anything else from me before I go? How about to make fun of me some more?" Leia rolled her eyes, cornering me against a wall. 

"If you go running your smart mouth, as the head of this base I'll be forced to punish you." Leia's words came out harsh, much stronger and vehemently than I knew she meant, but it stung none the less.  "You may think I'm being insensitive, Lani, but as a leader, I am charged with the protection of the well-being of everyone on this base. That is something that cannot be compromised. Not now not ever." 

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