No Father of Mine

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I followed the droids blindly to the hangar, my mind reaching out, trying to place where they could possibly be. The hangar was empty, and the emotions kept coming through, faster and stronger than ever.

Panic. Anger. Scared. Hysteria. Worry.

It troubled me, and I bit my lip, squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to better place them. Then it hit me.

"The comm link!" I shouted, pushing past R2. "Use the comm link!"

"Oh, of course! Master Luke, are you there?"

The four of them were in a garbage chute. I couldn't help but laugh while R2 shut it down. The thought of Luke, Chewy, Han the pretty boy, and a princess in a mountain of garbage was hilarious. At the moment.

It was without too much ado that the four arrived at the hangar, rushing to the ship. I froze. I could hear the sizzle of ignited blades, the crash as they met. Obi-Wan and my father stood, facing off. Luke had seen them too.

"Ben!" He cried.

"No!" I screamed, rushing towards the pair. If I could only distract my father...

The red blade arced through the air, cutting through the brown cloak as Obi-Wan breathed his last.

I screamed. Chaos erupted. Clones shot at the ship, at us. I was screaming, Luke was frozen. All I could see was the Dark figure advancing towards me, his arms out.

I jumped to my feet, running towards the ship. Glancing behind me, I could see my father steadily advancing. I was off balance and thoroughly spooked. Shots whizzed around me. Taking a deep breath, I prepared to make my loyalties known.

I fell to a knee, grasping my shoulder in agony. I didn't make a sound, years streaming down my face as I felt my father's heart break.

"Cease fire!" He yelled, worry laced in his mechanical voice.

But he was too late. He would never reach me, never have me. I scrambled to my feet, summoning Obi-Wan's fallen lightsaber to my hand, dropping the blade my father had gifted to me.

I didn't have to look back. He had frozen, dumbfounded by my actions. I had rejected him. Rejected the Sith.

As the old Jedi's lightsaber made contact with my palm, I took off, sprinting for the Millennium Falcon, diving onto the platform just as Han lifted it up to the sky.

Sorry it's so short, but I want the next one to be destroying the death star and the final one to be where they recieved the medals.

A New Hope is almost finished!

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